Episode 20

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Catra's reaction was instant panic and dread. She quickly ducked behind the nearest bush, her mind racing with confusion and worry. "Is he cheating on Adora?" she thought frantically, her breath quickening.

From her hidden spot behind the bush, Catra felt a surge of nervous energy. She tried to rationalize what she had seen, hoping she was mistaken. "Maybe I was just seeing things. Maybe that wasn't him," she thought, clutching her chest to steady her heartbeat.

Catra peeked through a small gap in the bush, her eyes wide with anxiety. They were closer than she had initially thought. She could clearly see Bow with the girl, who had her leg lifted romantically during the kiss. The sight confirmed her worst fears. "No, that's definitely him with some other girl," she realized, her stomach twisting.

She withdrew from the gap, sitting back on the ground with her arms wrapped around herself. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of uncertainty. "What do I do? It's none of my business but... Something feels off about this..." she pondered, her mind filled with conflicting emotions.

With a determined look, Catra grabbed her phone and opened the camera. She hesitated for a moment, her grip tightening on the device as she wrestled with the decision. "I guess there's no choice," she thought, steeling herself for what she had to do.

Carefully, she extended her arm through the bush, positioning her phone to capture clear photos of Bow and the girl kissing. She snapped several pictures, making sure they were unmistakable. Satisfied with the evidence, she pulled her arm back, her heart pounding.

Catra looked down at the photos on her phone, her face a mixture of worry and resolve. "That's enough photos. I should get out of here," she thought, glancing around to ensure she remained unnoticed.

Just then, she felt something wet on her hands. She looked down to find she was sitting in damp dirt, her clothes and hands now covered in grime. Feeling miserable and even more out of sorts, she thought, "What the hell..."

Her thoughts were interrupted by a random student calling out, "Eyyy..."

Catra turned to see the source of the sound. Still sitting in the dirt, with one palm on the ground and her other arm resting on her pulled-up knee, she looked up and recognized the guy from the library—the one she had bumped into and called out earlier. He was with a girl this time.

"You're that jerk from the library," the guy sneered, his hand in his pocket and his middle finger raised. His smirk was infuriating. The girl beside him, one hand around the strap of her purse and the other over her mouth, was laughing.

Catra felt a wave of awkwardness wash over her. The guy continued,

"Why don't you watch where you're going, you moron."

Their laughter rang out loudly as Catra scrambled to her feet, dirt clinging to her clothes. She rushed away, feeling humiliated and angry.

About five minutes later, she was walking down the street, still dirty from her earlier mishap. She passed a guy on the phone who gave her a puzzled look, thinking 'WTF.' Catra didn't bother to acknowledge him, her mind too preoccupied with the situation.

As she continued, she suddenly stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening as she noticed Bow's car parked nearby. She looked at it with growing anger, an idea forming in her mind. "I have an idea," she thought, a determined glint in her eye as she began to formulate a plan.

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