Episode 17

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The school canteen was alive with the soft hum of student chatter and the occasional clatter of trays and utensils. Some students were engrossed in animated conversations, while others sat in small groups, munching on snacks or meals. The diligent few were huddled over their laptops, typing away or poring over their books, a testament to the relentless demands of university life.

Catra was among the latter, her expression a mixture of concentration and frustration as she sat in front of her laptop. A cup of coffee and a sandwich lay next to her, untouched. Her brow furrowed in thought, she rested her chin on her hand, staring intently at the screen.

On the laptop, a document file displayed a half-written scene. Catra's fingers hovered over the keyboard as she read and reread the text, her dissatisfaction palpable. "No matter how many times I rewrite this scene, it still sounds like shit..." she mused silently, the frustration evident in her clenched jaw.

With a sigh, she resumed typing, her eyes narrowed in determination. "I should just move on in the story and come back to this part later," she reasoned, though the prospect of leaving the scene unfinished gnawed at her.

Distractedly, she grabbed the sandwich beside her, taking a tentative bite. The reaction was immediate and visceral. Her face contorted in disgust, and she nearly gagged. She hastily put the sandwich back down, turning away and covering her mouth with her free hand, her entire body trembling with revulsion. "Oh my god, that's vile! How old is this damn sandwich?!" she thought, her mind recoiling at the taste.

Desperate to wash away the offensive flavor, Catra seized her coffee and took a large gulp, the bitter liquid a welcome relief. "What a waste of money," she lamented, glancing at the offending sandwich with a mix of regret and anger.

"Hey!" Adora's cheerful voice cut through the din of the canteen, startling Catra. Adora seemed to appear out of nowhere, standing beside Catra's table with her trademark bright smile.

"Can I sit with you?" Adora asked, leaning closer, her enthusiasm unflagging.

Catra looked up, her face a mask of neutrality, the coffee cup still close to her lips.

"Sure. I guess..." she replied, her tone devoid of the excitement Adora exuded.

As Adora took a seat, Catra's eyes flicked past her to see Bow approaching as well. He was about to sit down, his expression serious as he looked at Catra. He held his sunglasses and phone in one hand, his other hand twirling his keys around his index finger with a practiced ease.

Catra's mood darkened at the sight of Bow. "Why is he here?" she wondered, her internal voice tinged with annoyance. She felt a pang of discomfort, an unwelcome third wheel to the conversation she hadn't fully agreed to have.

Adora, seemingly oblivious to Catra's inner turmoil, continued to smile, her presence a stark contrast to the storm brewing in Catra's mind. The canteen buzzed around them, but for Catra, the noise faded into the background, replaced by the tension of this unexpected encounter.

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