Episode 18

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Adora plopped down beside Catra with her characteristic enthusiasm, lunch box in hand, her face lit up with a delighted smile. Catra's expression remained neutral, her gaze fixed on Adora as she settled in.

"Thanks!" Adora chirped, her voice cheerful as she started to unpack her lunch.

Catra's attention shifted to Bow, who had taken the seat across from them. He sat with one leg crossed over the other, setting his sunglasses and car keys on the table with a nonchalant air. His focus was on his phone, fingers tapping away, his face a blank canvas. Catra's thoughts churned with irritation. "What is with this guy?" she wondered, unable to comprehend his constant presence.

Adora's movements drew Catra's attention back as she opened her lunch box. The enticing aroma of freshly prepared pasta wafted out, instantly catching Catra's nose. Adora clapped her hands together in delight, her eyes sparkling as she gazed at the contents.

"Yummm! It smells so good!" Adora exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

The sight of the delicious-looking pasta, adorned with various toppings, made Catra's stomach gurgle loudly. She flushed, embarrassed by the sound, and quickly raised her hands as if to stifle it. Her expression turned dark and awkward, a stark contrast to Adora's bright demeanor.

Adora, seemingly oblivious to Catra's discomfort, picked up a forkful of pasta and held it out to her.

"Would you like some, Catra? I made it last night!" she offered, her smile wide and sincere, her other hand positioned under the fork to catch any stray noodles.

Catra immediately turned her head away, feeling awkward and stubborn.

"No," she muttered, her voice clipped.

Adora's smile faltered slightly, but she maintained her cheerfulness.

"Oh," she replied softly.

From across the table, Bow lowered his phone, waving with his free hand, a grin spreading across his face.

"I'll try some," he said.

He leaned forward, opening his mouth expectantly. Adora leaned in as well, feeding him the pasta with a beaming smile. Catra watched the exchange, feeling an uncomfortable pang of something she couldn't quite identify.

Still leaning in, Bow glanced at Catra with a sudden, sharp glare that left her puzzled and slightly off-balance. Why did he look at her like that?

"It tastes amazing, Adora!" Bow declared, his praise heartfelt.

"Thanks!" Adora responded, her smile returning in full force.

With a piece of pasta still on her fork, Adora took a bite of her own food, then leaned closer to Catra to peek at her laptop screen. Their arms touched, sending a small jolt through Catra who glanced sideways at Adora, her face still impassive.

"What are you working on? An assignment?" Adora asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

"Just... a story," Catra replied, her tone subdued.

Adora looked at Catra with a mouthful of food, managing a closed-mouth smile.

"Whoaaa, you write stories? That's so cool! Is that what you're studying?" she asked, her excitement palpable.

Catra kept her gaze on Adora, her expression unchanging.


Adora's enthusiasm was undiminished. She raised her hand high, holding the fork with her other hand. Her smile was almost blinding in its brightness.

"That's awesome! Maybe one day we will see your stories in bookstores," she exclaimed, pointing to herself with a smirk. "I'm studying illustration!"

Adora then placed a hand on her chin, her eyes closing as she pondered. She still held the fork in front of her, her demeanor thoughtful yet still brimming with energy.

"It's really fun. It's harder than I thought, but I like it," she admitted, a hint of vulnerability in her voice.

"Adora," Bow called out, his tone firm.

Both Adora and Catra turned to look at him, Adora pausing with food close to her mouth. Bow leaned in, setting his phone on the table and placing one palm flat on the surface. In his other hand, he held a handkerchief.

He leaned even closer, gently wiping away a stray bit of food from Adora's mouth with the handkerchief. Adora closed one eye in response, accepting the attention without protest.

Catra's stoic facade cracked for a moment, a flicker of something—surprise, irritation, or perhaps something more complicated—crossing her features as she watched Bow's tender gesture. The dynamic between Adora and Bow was becoming clearer, and it left Catra with a mix of emotions she couldn't easily parse.

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