Episode 5

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Catra pushed open the door to Adora's apartment, her posture confident yet nonchalant, one hand buried deep in her pocket. The air was filled with the subtle scent of home: a mix of vanilla and old books. The room was warmly lit, shadows dancing on the walls from the soft glow of string lights that framed the window.

As the door clicked shut behind her, Adora turned, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Catra coming inside. A slow, playful smile spread across her face as she took in Catra's appearance.

"You look so fancy— I like your suit."

Catra's gaze shifted, catching a colorful cat poster plastered next to the door. The exaggerated, cartoonish eyes of the cat stared back, seemingly amused at the situation. Her face remained impassive, betraying none of the amusement she felt inside.

"It's a uniform."

She lingered by the door, her feet planted firmly, as if the threshold was a barrier she wasn't quite ready to cross. Meanwhile, Adora, still smiling, flitted over to her closet. The small apartment was cluttered yet cozy, filled with trinkets and memories scattered all around.

Adora reached up, her fingers brushing against the baseball as she pulled it from the top shelf.

"Ah really? That's so cool!"

She bounced back into Catra's line of sight, her enthusiasm undiminished. She held the baseball aloft, presenting it with a dramatic flourish.

"Ta-da! Here it is!"

Gracefully, she handed the baseball over to Catra, who took it, her expression still cool and unreadable.

"By the way—"

With a clap of her hands, Adora's face lit up with a beaming smile, her eyes twinkling with a mix of anticipation and nerves.

"Did you like the cookies I made for you?"

Catra's response was immediate and blunt, her face unchanging.


The room seemed to grow colder at that word, Adora's smile faltering as her hands came together, fingers intertwining nervously.

"No? Oh... Really? I see... I'm sorry."

Catra noted the sudden sadness in Adora's posture, her own heart sinking a little despite her stern exterior. She hadn't intended to sound so harsh. Adora's shoulders drooped, her eyes downcast.

Seeing the impact of her words, Catra looked away, her voice softening just a tad.

"Just— Don't make them so sweet next time."

Internally, Catra cringed. "Why am I lying? I didn't even eat them..."

Adora's face transformed from sad to surprised, then quickly to hopeful.

"Oh, did I add too much sugar? Sorry. I have a real sweet tooth, so I must have put too much."

She intertwined her fingers again, this time with a sheepish yet hopeful smile.

"Don't worry, I'll fix them for next time and make them nice for you."

Catra nodded slightly, still clutching the baseball, her facade of indifference firmly back in place. The moment was interrupted by the sudden shrill of Adora's phone. Startled, Adora fumbled slightly as she answered.

"Ah sorry, excuse me— Hello?"

Catra, seeing an escape from the awkward situation, turned toward the door, her movements brisk.

"Oh wait! Are you leaving already? Okay then, have a good afternoon, Humph!"

With a slight shake of her head, Catra exited, the door closing with a soft click behind her. Alone now, Adora continued her conversation.

"Oh, that was just my neighbor. She's really nice."

Catra's walk back to her own apartment was filled with confusion and a hint of regret. She unlocked her door, stepping inside to the quiet solitude of her own space. As she placed the baseball and the plastic bag on the kitchen counter, she began unpacking her groceries, each item a distraction from her thoughts.

"What the hell was that?" she pondered, frustration and guilt mingling within her.

She paused, hands on the countertop, her eyes closing as she took a deep breath.

"Dammit..." she muttered under her breath, the weight of the encounter settling heavily on her shoulders.

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