Episode 8

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The neon lights of the city flickered overhead, casting an array of colors onto the damp pavement, as Adora and Catra made their way through the cool night air. The street was mostly empty, save for the occasional passerby hurrying to their destination. The remnants of their meal sat comfortably in Adora's stomach, evidenced by her contented patting of her belly as they walked. She kept carrying the small shopping bag, its contents a secret kept only by the shadows it cast under the streetlights. Beside her, Catra pulled out a cigarette and a lighter, her movements deft yet tinged with a palpable tension.

"Ahh~ I'm stuffed," Adora exclaimed with a wide grin, her voice breaking the monotonous hum of the city.

Catra's lighter finally caught, the flame briefly illuminating her face, twisted into a frown. She inhaled deeply, the glow at the end of her cigarette casting an eerie light on her features. Internally, she was battling irritation. "Why did we have to live in the same building?" she thought, the question gnawing at her despite the calm exterior she projected.

Suddenly, Adora rushed ahead, her energy seemingly boundless as she spun around to face Catra with that infectious, beaming smile. Catra raised an eyebrow, her cigarette paused mid-air, as she regarded Adora with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"Oh, Catra!" Adora called out, grabbing her attention more firmly now.

Without breaking her gaze, Adora pointed upwards, her arm shooting straight into the air.

"Look! Up there!" she urged, her voice filled with excitement.

Above them, a shooting star streaked across the heavens, its brief passage a slash of light against the dark canvas of the night sky.

"Make a wish, quick!" Adora squealed, her eyes sparkling with the magic of the moment.

Catra turned her head back to the front, her expression hardening as she exhaled a stream of smoke.

"I don't believe in that stuff," she stated flatly, dismissing the whimsicality of the moment.

Adora's face fell slightly, a hint of curiosity mingling with disappointment.

"Oh, I see..." she murmured, her tone softening.

She then turned away from Catra, her fingers crossed tightly as she closed her eyes and made a silent wish to the universe. Catra, however, continued to smoke quietly, allowing herself only a brief glance at Adora's hopeful figure.

The walk home continued silently, with only the sound of their footsteps echoing off the buildings. They soon arrived at their apartment building, the familiar sight offering both comfort and a reminder of their shared proximity. Adora led the way up the stairs, her shopping bag swinging gently. Catra followed at a slower pace, her hands buried deep in her coat pockets, her mind elsewhere.

"I had a lot of fun, thanks," Adora said, breaking the silence as they reached the top of the stairs. Her voice carried a sincere gratitude, though Catra could only muster a noncommittal groan in response.

At her apartment door, Adora fumbled for her keys, the metal jingling softly in the quiet hallway.

"Well, have a good nigh— Oh!" she exclaimed suddenly, pausing with her key half-inserted into the lock. She realized she had forgotten something important and turned abruptly, calling out to Catra who was already retreating to her own door. "Catra—"

Catra didn't stop, her figure stiff as she continued walking.

Adora, undeterred, hurried after her, reaching out to touch Catra's coat.

"Wait a second—"

At the contact, Catra finally paused and turned, her expression unreadable. Adora's hand clung to the fabric of Catra's coat, her smile unfading, hopeful.

"I have something for you." The words hung between them in the cool night air.

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