Episode 22

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The park was enveloped in an eerie stillness, the moon casting pale light over the playground. Catra remained on the swing, her hood pulled low over her head, the envelope clutched tightly in her right hand. The weight of the night pressed heavily on her shoulders, each second amplifying her tension.

Feeling a wave of irritation and needing a distraction, Catra reached into the pocket of her pullover. She pulled out a cigarette and lighter, her movements deliberate and slow. As she closed her eyes, she thought, "Ugh, I need a smoke..." The ritual of lighting the cigarette, the familiar scent of tobacco, was a small comfort.

Just as she was about to light it, a sound caught her attention. She turned her head, squinting into the darkness as headlights pierced the gloom. Bow's sports car roared into view, sleek and loud against the quiet night. Catra's tension eased slightly, and she thought, "Ooof, nevermind. He's here."

Bow parked his car and stepped out, his presence immediately altering the atmosphere. He wore a v-necked shirt beneath a blue and black jacket, his casual demeanor at odds with the tension hanging in the air. One hand rested in his pocket while the other gestured as he approached, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Hey, sis. Just for reference, next time don't pick night. Too many crazy drivers," Bow said, his tone light, almost teasing.

Catra had already left her position on the swing, stepping forward to meet him. She held the envelope tightly, her hood still obscuring most of her face. She stopped at a careful distance from Bow, close enough to confront but far enough to maintain her guard.

"Sooo, what's up?" Bow asked, his casual question hanging in the air between them.

Catra's expression was stern, her voice cutting through the night.

"I know what you did! You're cheating on Adora, and I have evidence!" With a swift motion, she tore open the envelope with her sharp nail, her movements precise and furious. She pulled out the photos, her expression determined, and flung them to the ground in front of Bow. The top photo, a close-up of him kissing another girl, lay exposed on the street.

Bow looked down at the photo, his face a mask of confusion. One hand held his opposite side, while the other moved to his chin in a thoughtful pose. His eyes scanned the incriminating evidence, and then he looked up at Catra, his face now expressionless.

Suddenly, Bow erupted into laughter. It was a loud, unrestrained sound that echoed through the empty park. He leaned back, crossing his arms, clearly enjoying his amusement. Catra's anger flared, her hand crushing the envelope as her other hand fisted in front of her.

"W-Why are you laughing, you asshole?!" she demanded, her voice sharp with frustration.

Bow wiped a tear from his eye, his smile broad as he looked away.

"No offense, but you're the last person I thought would give a shit. You don't exactly come across as someone who cares."

He glanced back at Catra, his expression turning stern.

"Especially with how you've been acting."

Catra was taken aback, her nervousness showing even with her hood still up. Bow continued, his smile never wavering.

"So, why do you suddenly care?" he asked.

"Why are you leading Adora on?" Catra countered, her voice steady despite her inner turmoil.

Bow smirked, tilting his head slightly.

"You're not answering my question."

Catra's face remained stern, her eyes fixed on Bow.

"Well, you're not answering mine."

The tension between them was palpable, their stares locked in a silent battle of wills. Bow's eyes gleamed with a mix of amusement and curiosity.

"...How fascinating."

Abruptly, Bow turned on his heel and started walking back to his car. His nonchalant wave caught Catra off guard, her stern expression faltering.

"Well, this was very exciting, but I gotta run. You can keep the photos, though," Bow said, his tone dismissive.

Catra shouted after him, her voice echoing in the night.

"You coward! You can't just leave!"

Bow sat in his car, raising his hand in a high wave, his laughter fading as he drove away.

"Seeya, sistaaa~"

The roar of the engine receded, leaving Catra alone in the deserted park. She stood there, the envelope crumpled in her hand, the photos scattered at her feet. The night seemed colder, the silence more profound.

She stared at the photos, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The confrontation had left her more confused than ever. The sense of responsibility and the sting of Bow's words echoed in her mind.

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