Episode 15

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The early morning light spilled over Grayskull University, bathing its historic stone buildings in a golden hue. The day was starting with the usual hustle of students and faculty, but there was a new addition to the scenery—a sign sternly proclaiming, 'Do not park in staff area', which seemed almost an afterthought amidst the beauty of the campus.

Inside the women's dressing room, Catra was in her own solitary world. She had already stripped down to her swim sports bra and swim shorts, the fabric clinging snugly to her athletic frame. With a deliberate motion, she folded her shirt, her movements slow, almost hesitant as she replayed the events from the night before in her mind.

"Those two last night..." she muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and unease. The memory of Adora and Bow's close embrace the previous evening lingered uncomfortably in her thoughts. They had seemed so intimate, so connected. "They really do seem close," she thought, her heart sinking slightly at the admission.

With a deep sigh, Catra draped a towel over her shoulder, closing her eyes briefly as if to shut out the memory. She methodically shut her locker, her actions a little more forceful than necessary, indicating the turmoil bubbling under her calm exterior.

She then walked out of the dressing room, her steps measured and pensive as she moved along the side of the swimming pool. The cool, chlorinated air filled her lungs, mixing with her swirling thoughts. "They must be dating or something," she speculated, her gaze fixed on the rippling water below, not really seeing it.

Catra tossed her towel onto a nearby bench, her movements betraying a hint of frustration. "Not that it matters or anything," she convinced herself, trying to shrug off the unnecessary weight of her speculations.

Approaching the edge of the pool, she paused at the podium, the smooth surface cool under her bare feet. Gathering her thoughts and focusing on the task at hand, she launched herself into the water with a powerful dive, slicing through the calm surface with practiced ease.

As she propelled herself forward, her mind attempted to escape the unnecessary drama, focusing instead on the rhythm of her strokes. "It's none of my business," she reaffirmed, trying to convince herself as much as rationalize her feelings.

Reaching the opposite end of the pool, Catra executed a flawless turn, her feet pushing off the wall with strength borne of countless hours of practice. She was in her element here, moving through the water with the grace and power of a seasoned swimmer, each stroke a testament to her dedication.

But just as she was regaining her composure, something unusual caught her eye—a solitary shoe perched precariously at the edge of the pool. The sight was so unexpected that it snapped her out of her athletic trance.

"Hey, Catra!" a familiar voice called out cheerfully.

It was Adora, crouched at the edge of the pool, beaming with a smile that could light up the darkest of rooms. She was dressed casually in a white long-sleeved shirt under a bright yellow T-shirt, her blue trousers and white sneakers completing the ensemble. She waved enthusiastically, oblivious to the storm of emotions her presence was stirring in Catra.

Caught off guard, Catra's concentration faltered, and in a split second, she misjudged her stroke. Her head collided with the pool edge with a resounding thud, sending a wave of pain shooting through her skull. The impact was loud enough to startle Adora, who instinctively reached out towards Catra.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?!" Adora's voice was thick with concern as she leaned closer, her hand gripping the pool's edge.

Pulling her face above water, Catra looked towards Adora, her expression a mix of pain and embarrassment. Water cascaded off her features, which were marked by a burgeoning bruise on her forehead. Underneath the surface, her body remained submerged, the chill of the pool water contrasting sharply with the heat of her blush.

"...I'm fine," she managed to say, her voice a strained whisper, as she tried to regain her composure, wondering how a simple morning swim had turned into such a complicated mess.

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