Episode 6

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As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting golden hues over the tranquil park, the ambiance was peaceful. Scattered couples took leisurely strolls along the winding paths, enjoying the warmth of the late afternoon. Amidst these casual amblers, Catra walked with a certain unease, hands stuffed deep into her pockets. Beside her was Double Trouble, whose delicate features and expressive eyes gave them a striking, almost ethereal appearance. Their presence together might have been mistaken for closeness, but the tension between them was palpable, Double Trouble clutching Catra's arm, both sporting flat, unreadable expressions.

"You're not going to waste my time again, right?" Double Trouble's voice broke the silence, carrying a hint of accusation.

Catra turned slightly to face them, her expression unchanging, cool, almost distant.

"No. Don't cling to me," she replied curtly, her voice carrying a touch of irritation.

Angered by the response, Double Trouble withdrew their arm sharply and turned their head away, their features scrunched in annoyance.

"Ugh, I forgot how much of a jerk you are," they spat out, the words hanging bitterly in the air between them.

Before more could be said, a cheerful call cut through the tension.

"Hey!" The voice was bubbly, instantly recognizable to Catra, who inwardly groaned at the sound.

Adora emerged from the crowd, waving enthusiastically with one hand while clutching a small shopping bag in the other. Her smile was wide, infectious, and utterly out of place in the current atmosphere.

"Hey— Hey, Humph!" she greeted them, still several feet away but closing the distance quickly.

Catra's irritation visibly deepened, confusion etched across her features. Why was Adora here? The last person she wanted to encounter, especially now. Double Trouble looked on, puzzled by the newcomer.

As Adora approached, Catra's expression morphed into one of dread. "Of course I'd run into her here..." she thought to herself, a silent curse for her bad luck.

Stopping right before them, Adora's eyes sparkled with genuine delight.

"I thought I recognized you! How are you doing?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine concern and happiness.

Double Trouble, ever the observer, pointed at Catra and Adora with a curious gesture.

"Oh, do you two know each other?" they inquired, their voice laced with a hint of suspicion.

Simultaneously, Adora chirped, "Yep—" while Catra interjected with a firm, "No."

The conflicting responses only added to the confusion, drawing a flat, skeptical look from Double Trouble. "Hmmm... That was suspicious..." they thought, eyeing the pair.

Adora, unfazed by the awkwardness, turned her full attention to Double Trouble, clasping her hands together as if she had just noticed them.

"Oh, you look really pretty. I like your fluffy jacket!" she complimented with an earnest grin.

Taken aback by the unexpected praise, Double Trouble's initial surprise softened into flattery. They touched their chest, slightly overwhelmed.

"Oh my god, thank you!" they exclaimed, their earlier irritation momentarily forgotten.

Catra, on the other hand, was baffled by the exchange. Watching Double Trouble react to Adora's compliment with such openness was an unusual sight for her. "What the hell... I've never seen them react like that before," she thought, her confusion growing.

Catra stood awkwardly sandwiched between the two, irritation and confusion clouding her expression as Adora and Double Trouble engaged in lively chatter, seemingly oblivious to her discomfort.

Double Trouble, with a gleam of appreciation in their eyes, addressed Adora warmly.

"You just made my day! I'm DT!" Their tone was lively, genuinely pleased by the simple compliment they had received.

Adora, equally buoyant, responded with a bright smile.

"I'm Adora Gray!" She extended her hand in a gesture of friendship, which Double Trouble accepted with equal enthusiasm.

Observing this exchange, Catra's confusion turned to annoyance. She stepped forward, closing the distance between herself and Adora, her height giving her an imposing presence. Adora, somewhat taken aback by the sudden shift in dynamics, instinctively raised her hands defensively in front of her.

"Why are you here?" Catra's voice was cold, her eyes narrowed as she loomed over Adora, demanding an explanation.

Double Trouble, sensing the tension, crossed their arms and shifted their gaze between Adora and Catra, a hint of suspicion in their eyes.

"The real question is, why are you here when you already have someone at home?" The accusation was sharp, cutting through the air with precision.

Catra blinked, visibly caught off guard by the confrontation.

"Someone... at home?" Her voice faltered, a mix of confusion and defensiveness lacing her tone.

"Yes, you didn't think I'd catch on, huh?" Double Trouble's irritation was palpable as they began to count on their fingers, listing the evidence they had gathered. "The pet name, the denial... I'm not stupid, you know. I know when people are involved."

Catra's face darkened, her eyes widening as the implications of Double Trouble's words sank in.

"Involved...?" she muttered under her breath, her mind racing to piece together the misunderstood fragments of their conversation.

Advancing a step closer, Double Trouble's expression hardened. They pointed a finger directly at Catra, their body language aggressive and accusing. Catra instinctively leaned back, taken aback by the intensity of the confrontation.

"Don't call me again, asshole!" Double Trouble's voice was sharp, a clear finality to their words.

Turning on their heels, Double Trouble began to walk away, but not before casting a final glance over their shoulder. They waved at Adora, their parting words carrying a mix of warmth and finality.

"Bye, Adora."

Catra, left standing in the wake of the heated exchange, felt her frustration boil over. Her face was a mask of irritation, the muscles in her jaw tightening visibly. Adora, in contrast, seemed unaffected by the souring mood. She waved back cheerily at Double Trouble.


Just then, a loud, undeniable grumbling emanated from Adora's stomach, breaking the tension—or at least redirecting it. Adora clutched her abdomen and looked over at Catra, a sheepish yet hopeful smile playing on her lips.

"Ah! I'm really hungry, do you wanna go get something to eat? I'll buy!" she proposed, her voice bright and hopeful, as if the offer of food could mend the fences just as quickly as they had been torn down.

However, Catra was far from placated. Her eyes narrowed further, and her lips pressed into a thin line. The anger was evident in her stance, her voice low and firm as she responded with a single, resolute word.

"No." The refusal hung heavily in the air, marking a clear division between her and Adora.

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