Episode 16

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Catra remained submerged in the cool water, her body aching from the unexpected collision with the pool's edge. She closed her eyes, trying to ease the sting of irritation. Her thoughts ran rampant, a mix of annoyance and disbelief mingling within her. "Of course she'd turn up here too... We keep running into each other," she thought bitterly, the words forming a silent complaint against the universe's apparent sense of humor.

On the poolside, Adora was the epitome of cheer, seemingly unbothered by the earlier accident. She was crouched at the edge, her eyes wide with excitement as she looked down at Catra.

"This is really cool! I didn't even know the university had a pool," Adora exclaimed, her voice echoing slightly off the high ceilings, filled with a genuine thrill that only made Catra more aware of her own discomfort.

Adora shifted to a seated position, resting her elbows on her knees, her smile never wavering.

"The water must feel nice," she continued, seemingly oblivious to Catra's mood.

Catra, her hair plastered wetly against her head, offered a glance that was empty of any real emotion.

"I guess," she responded flatly, her voice carrying a hint of forced neutrality.

Adora's reaction to Catra's cool demeanor was to smile even more brightly, if that were possible. Her hands clasped opposite elbows, her eyes sparkling with such intensity that it was nearly impossible not to be affected by her radiance. Yet, Catra seemed immune to these charms, her expression only deepening into a frown.

"What?" she asked, her tone edging toward defensive.

Looking a bit taken aback by Catra's curt manner, Adora began scratching her face with her index finger, her gaze shifting away in a moment of rare awkwardness.

"So, I was just wondering... If you're not doing anything... Maybe you'd like to have something to eat, like breakfast or something?" she ventured, her voice uncertain.

Catra's reaction was immediate; her eyes widened, clearly caught off guard by the invitation. Adora, noticing the surprise, quickly added,

"After your swim of course! No rush!" She crouched again, her movements flustered, her hands flapping slightly as she closed her eyes in a bashful expression.

Silence stretched between them as Catra looked away, pondering the offer. Underwater, her fist clenched tightly. She turned back to face Adora, a newfound determination in her eyes.

"Sur—" she began, only to be interrupted.

Adora's phone blared to life, a sharp, loud ringtone slicing through the quiet atmosphere of the pool. Adora jumped, visibly startled, and quickly fumbled for the device in her pocket.

"I'm sorry, excuse me for a second," she said, her voice a mix of panic and apology as she answered the call.

Catra floated, her expression unreadable, listening as Adora spoke into the phone with a hurried whisper.

"Hello? Bow? Yeah, I'm here already. I'm just with Catra— Eh?! I'm so sorry!" Adora's voice was frantic now, her body language tense as she realized her mistake.

As soon as Catra heard Bow's name mentioned, a slight twitch of reaction crossed her features, a hint of curiosity or perhaps annoyance flickering in her eyes. "Bow, hm?" she thought, the name sticking in her mind.

Adora quickly ended the call, stuffing her phone back into her pocket. She turned back to Catra, scratching the back of her head awkwardly.

"Ah I'm sorry, Catra. I have to go," she said, her smile weak, her demeanor apologetic.

She turned to leave but then paused, looking back at Catra with a hopeful smile.

"I'll see you later? Maybe we can have lunch?" she suggested, the words tumbling out in a rush before she hurried away, her departure less graceful than intended, almost as if she was running from something.

Catra watched her leave, her gaze lingering on the empty space Adora had occupied. As she floated there, alone in the cool embrace of the pool's water, a realization dawned upon her, casting a shadow over her thoughts. "So that's who was calling her all those times..." she mused, the pieces of a puzzle she hadn't known she was assembling falling into place.

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