the shadow demon 2

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PoV Will
I couldn't see or breathe. Suddenly, after struggling for what felt like hours, my eyes snapped open and air filled my lungs.

I was kneeling on cold wooden floor. I tried to suck as much air in as possible.

There were shackles around my wrists, with chains attached to them.

I almost threw up.

"Easy, boy.", I heard the voice of a man say. I looked up into Victors face, it was just...older. 

He grinned at me.

"Congratulations, you are now property of the shadow demon!", he claimed.

"Why?", I asked dryly.

"Because I'm tired of your people and their games. I am not the kind of demon that you can just mock for centuries without consequences. ", he told me.

I felt tears rise into my eyes.

"L-let me go. This isn't funny!", I cried out.

"Oh, but you're mine now, remember? You agreed to walk with me, sooo", he grinned.

I lowered my head. Suddenly he crouched before me, grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

"How old are you?", he asked softly.

"I just turned eighteen a few weeks ago, Sir.", I answered carefully.

He nodded.

"I am not going to hurt you as long as you don't give me a reason to, alright? I'm not as bad as they told you.", he said.

Tears rolled down my face, but I nodded.

"Good, good. I'm gonna make these shackles invisible and stuff, so they won't bother you as much. They'll still be there, binding you to me, though.", he explained.

Then he told me, he'd take me to my room.
The room was simple and classic. A bed, a wardrobe, a small table with a chair and a window, covered by thick curtains.

"I'll get you some clothes, stay here. The bathroom is the next door on the right.", the demon said.

I sat down on the floor and, as he left, I started crying my eyes out.

What happened?!

Why did this happen?!

He soon returned with a stack of clothes, that he put in the wardrobe silently. Then he sat down beside me.

He stretched his long legs, while I was hugging my knees.

PoV Bill
We didn't really understand what had happened, until the exam was over and we told the authorities.

They searched everything for my twin, but he was actually gone. The actual shadow demon had taken him to his dimension. My William.

I was really angry, mostly at myself. That fight was so stupid and I was mad, because it was easier than admitting I was wrong!

I hurt him, for what?! Was this the price I had to pay for being stubborn?!

While I was caught in my thoughts, someone took my hand. I relaxed a little and looked at my boyfriend.

"They'll get him back. He'll be fine. ", Tad claimed. I nodded.

"Bill! What happened in there!", my older brother Till suddenly said, running towards me.

"Bill and Will had a fight and he ran off. When we followed him, he was already being swallowed by darkness.", Tad answered for me, squeezing my hand.

"I should've protected him, I know.", I sighed.

"Well, yes, but are you okay?", Till asked.

"Not until they get my twin back, I guess.", I answered truthfully.

"What if the shadow demon actually eats him?!", Pyronica cried out.

"The adults say he does that.", Keyhole agreed.

Tad growled: "not helping. "

I dropped to my knees.

"I killed him!", I sobbed.

Tad pulled me back up and hugged me.

"It's not his entirely your fault. We thought you'd solve your issue, that's why we left you two outside. ", my boyfriend explained.

I clang to him. Please, William, please be okay.

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