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31 council meeting

"And the last part of our meeting will be Grand Duke Dio's weekly report."

The Imperial Chamberlain, Lord Helib Andino, adjusted his big round glasses on his high, thin, wrinkly nose, nodding at the Scribe, who, in turn, took a new sheet of paper and prepared his black fountain pen, anticipating the new writing session.

The weekly formal meeting with the Emperor was a must for every Council member from high-standing and influential noble families. It took place in one of the exclusive meeting halls within the Emperor's Palace, accessible only to direct members of the Imperial Family and the members of the Imperial Council.

Grand Duke Damien Dio, however, was an exception to that rule. Besides his high social status and blood relations with the Emperor, he held the esteemed position of the Empire's Chief Prosecutor. As such, he was in charge of every criminal case that came forth, making him a frequent guest at the Emperor's Palace.

"So, Your Grace, what do you have to report today?"

The Emperor gestured for Damien to proceed and the duke nodded in response, rising from his seat.

"As you all know, there have already been multiple cases of the remaining members of the forbidden Demonic Cult escaping their prison cells in an attempt to run from persecution. My spies have reported a peculiar movement closer to the Eastern border of the Empire. Therefore, I am planning to send a special scouting team to investigate it further."

The other members of the Council responded to his words with a muffled wave of murmurs, which culminated in Earl Aelon raising his hand and asking an important question,

"Then, Your Grace, do you believe the movement at the border is related to those escaped convicts?"

Damien nodded.

"Yes, I believe they are crossing the border illegally. As you know, Izaar is one of the countries that still allow pagan faith, and the cult members must be escaping there to seek shelter from religious persecution."

"Those damn pagans! It's been years since we established a single faith and eradicated their protestant movements, but not only did they dare to continue going against the Saint's word, but they also had the nerve to invoke dark forces! Worthless scum!"

Marquess Stainhem banged his giant fist on the table and furrowed his eyebrows, his wrinkled face fuming with rage. Although entirely unnecessary, his anger was understandable - establishing unified faith was a powerful economic move, and while people were no longer surprised when they heard that there were still secret followers of the Pagan and Demonic cults, it was the nobility that feared them the most.

Some of the members had grounded ambitions and simply wanted to live a life free of persecution, while others were more desperate - they were after high-ranking nobility and did not mind even attempting murder to avenge the deaths of their fellow believers. Damien's family was a prime example of their relentless vengeance.

"That is enough, Marquess Stainhem. Leave your emotions for the Tulip Room. I believe that His Grace will resolve this issue in no time."

The Emperor gave Grand Duke Dio an assessing look, then instructed the Imperial Chamberlain to conclude the meeting. As the rest of the Council members left the hall, the Emperor leaned over the table, his eyes fixed on his nephew,

"How is the engaged life treating you? I believe I still owe you an engagement gift."

Damien shook his head and leaned back in his chair as well.

"There is no need, Your Majesty. But I appreciate your sentiment."

"Have you decided on the wedding date yet?"

That question made the duke flinch and fix his posture into an upright position again. He had agreed to Lady Ashter's condition of refraining from getting married until their deal was over, but he needed a rather convincing argument in order to persuade the Emperor of the necessity of that reluctance. And he did not have one just yet.

Having noticed the Emperor's impatience growing stronger, Damien cleared his throat and tried to improvise,

"Well, the thing is, Your Majesty... It appears that Lady Rosalie is weak in constitution, and her health has been deteriorating as of late. Thus, I would like to ensure that she is well before proceeding with the wedding preparations. As you know, women can become rather anxious while preparing for such an important occasion."

The Emperor seemed unimpressed by such a disheartening statement at first. However, seeing how Damien stated his case with a tone full of genuine consideration, he let out a hearty scoff and nodded his head.

"Who would have thought that my dear nephew, Damien Dio, the most feared monster of the Shadow Knights, would be kind enough to care about a woman like this? It makes me think that I did a rather decent job raising you, huh?"

Damien shrugged his shoulders in response.

"You have been nagging me about finding a bride ever since I returned from the battlefield five years ago, I am just doing what is expected of me."

The Emperor could not help but laugh - tears of joy were already forming in the corners of his eyes. He patted his nephew on the shoulder and said in a warm, parent-like pestering tone,

"You brat! Alright, I can give you one year at most. You have to get married. The Dio line must continue."

Such words did not affect Damine in the intended way. He was the last descendant of the Dio family, yet, he was constantly engaged in dangerous affairs and sent to battlefields ever since he turned fifteen. Even with his curse granting him nearly omnipotent strength, there were numerous occasions on which he was close to death, and nobody was ever concerned about his legacy facing expiration.

The hypocrisy of the Imperial Family was exhausting, yet, all he could do was smile and follow the rules of the game.

"... Yes, Your Majesty. I understand."

When Damien was finally freed from his uncle's company, he left the palace's meeting hall and was on his way to the exit when he suddenly stopped, cast a cautious look around as if checking whether he was followed or watched, then walked up to the furthest corner of the hallway covered in shadows, and said in a quiet but stern voice,

"Come forth, Laith."

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