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A blessing or a curse


Rosalie's voice echoed through the library as she called out her friend's name. Her heart raced, startled by his sudden appearance behind her.

"Good afternoon, Lady Rosalie. It's been a while, hasn't it? How have you been?"

Altair's usual warm and welcoming smile was tinged with a hint of weariness. His deep, pale eyes had dark circles beneath them, suggesting many sleepless nights.

"I'm well, nothing extraordinary. But you, Altair, you look tired and unwell. Is everything alright?"

Altair smiled warmly at her concern and shook his head gently. His flowing white hair caught the afternoon sunlight, giving it an almost ethereal glow.

"Nothing's wrong, don't worry. I've just been very busy lately, and sleep often escapes me. I find solace in spending my free hours among these countless books... Anyway,"

He glanced at the bookshelf behind Rosalie and continued,

"I couldn't help but notice that you're searching for something. Is there a particular book you need?"

Lady Ashter tried to hide her curiosity, but no excuse seemed fitting. Gathering her courage, she took a deep breath and asked,

"Do you know of any books about Demons?"

Altair chuckled softly as if he had anticipated the question. His eyes, initially drifting past Rosalie, now focused on her with surprising calmness.

"Of course, My Lady. Please, follow me."

With a familiarity suggesting deep knowledge of the library's layout, Altair led Rosalie through the maze of towering wooden bookshelves. It felt like they wandered endlessly, their destination seemingly elusive. Finally, they stopped in front of a half-deserted shelf filled with ancient, well-worn tomes. Altair carefully selected five black volumes, cradling them in his left arm. He turned to Lady Rosalie with a warm smile and said,

"I believe these should contain the information you're looking for."

"These volumes should satisfy your curiosity, Lady Rosalie. But if you'd rather not spend hours deciphering their contents, I'm here to answer any questions you have, no matter how perilous they may seem."

Altair smiled slyly and walked over to a tall, expansive window with a comfortable windowsill and a small wooden table surrounded by chairs of similar design. He placed the books on the table and picked one from the stack, settling himself on the windowsill. Leaning against the pristine white wall, he began to flip through its pages.

Rosalie hesitated, surprised by Altair's knowledge of demons and his lack of curiosity about her sudden interest in the subject. Despite her reservations, this seemed like a rare opportunity to gather information discreetly.

She settled beside Altair on the windowsill. After a moment's pause, she gathered her courage and asked,

"Altair... What exactly does it mean to enter into a contract with a demon?"

Altair paused his reading, shifting his contemplative gaze from the book to meet Rosalie's eyes. He smiled again, a subtle expression that hinted at deeper knowledge.

"Entering into a Demonic contract means bargaining your soul with the Demon in exchange for a wish or a portion of their power. However, it's crucial to understand that this pact doesn't necessarily mean the Demon will claim your soul only after death. They have the right to do so at any time, though typically not before a period of ten years has passed."

"Oh, I understand..."

Rosalie nodded thoughtfully, absorbing Altair's explanation, then continued,

"So, what exactly does it mean to exchange only a fraction of your soul for the Demon's power?"

Altair pondered for a moment, his fingers lightly touching his chin as he considered her question. Closing the book gently, he sighed.

"Such arrangements are rare. It means the Demon can't take your entire soul but has the right to claim something deeply connected to it—perhaps your offspring."


Rosalie recoiled, her eyes widening in shock. Did the original Rosalie know this? And if so, what could have prompted her?

"Is something wrong, Lady Rosalie?"

Startled, Rosalie shook off her unsettling thoughts and leaned closer to Altair, her concern growing.

"Can these contracts be undone?"

Her question came out almost as a plea, causing Altair to briefly flinch, his back against the cold stone wall.

"I... I beg your pardon?"

"What if someone made a mistake or acted impulsively? Can't they just give up some of their lifespan instead? Giving up a child... doesn't that seem even crueler to you?"

Altair's eyes widened, a look of bewilderment settling over him.

"Well... It's possible, but very challenging. It would require a Demon Advocate to intervene, but convincing one to take the case is no easy task. And if the Demon refuses the Advocate's request, then unfortunately, there may be no way to undo the contract."

Altair's response, though not reassuring, seemed to ease Rosalie's tension. Her expression softened, and her body relaxed from its tense posture.

Rosalie's thoughts raced as she grappled with the weight of what Altair had revealed. The notion of surrendering a part of her soul that could potentially affect her future child weighed heavily on her mind.

"The Demon Advocate, huh? But how would I even find them? If I'm destined to be trapped in this contract, I can't let Asmodeus claim my future child's life. I mean... I might have a child someday, right? This is just unbelievable!"

She stood abruptly, retreating to a seat behind the sturdy wooden table. Absentmindedly, she pulled one of the books Altair had brought and flipped it open to a random page. Her focus now fixated solely on understanding the implications of her predicament.


The rest of their time in the Imperial Library passed in profound silence. Rosalie, once she regained her composure, delved methodically into the volumes Altair had selected. She devoured each one, dissecting their contents in a tireless quest for answers to calm her racing thoughts.

Yet, her efforts yielded only despair. The weight of her potential sacrifice gnawed at her, and exhaustion began to overwhelm her. Slowly, her heavy eyelids closed, and she surrendered to the pull of sleep, her head resting upon the open book.

Altair, moving with gentle grace, set aside a tome on Continental History and approached Rosalie. Carefully, he draped his embroidered jacket around her shoulders, shielding her from the chill of the evening air. Silently, he settled into a chair beside her, his gaze soft as it lingered on her peaceful features.

With a tender smile, he ran his fingers through her soft hair, a mixture of emotions coursing through him.

"So, it was just a fraction of your soul, huh? Now, I'm torn between calling it a blessing or a curse."

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