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52 another stranger

"I beg your pardon? Revered Altair is the key witness in this case? His Holiness's esteemed disciple?!"

Duke Amado raised his eyebrows and leaned closer to the table, clearly perplexed by Damien's revelation.

"Altair Nestor is a man of the Holy Temple; he would never perjure himself in his testimony."

Baron Aelon nodded in agreement with Duke Amado, dispelling any doubts. The people of faith refrained from involvement in politics unless it served the interests of the Holy Temple itself. Thus, the fact that the esteemed second-in-command of the Temple was willing to step forward and provide testimony added weight and credibility to the prosecution's claims.

Gratified by the positive yet expected response, Damien cleared his throat and proceeded,

"My second-in-command, Sir Logan Vold, was accompanying Lady Ashter on her way to the Holy Temple when their coach was ambushed. He can also testify in her

The Emperor let out a brief exhale and closed his eyes, setting aside the report he had been holding. As trials involving nobility were conducted privately, with only one official representative from the commoners participating, there was no reason to delay the process, especially when the case involved a crime against faith.

"Very well, then. The trial will convene tomorrow, as Lord Raphael Ashter stands accused of treason for aiding a forbidden occultist organization, with His Grace Grand Duke Damien Dio serving as the lead prosecutor. The public execution shall take place on the same day."

With a graceful turn, the Emperor faced Damien and concluded,

"Your Grace, you have until noon to prepare the statement of accusations, while the House of Judges will gather all pertinent evidence and testimonies. Thus, I hereby declare this meeting concluded."

"Your Majesty!"

Damien raised his hand, drawing the attention back to himself. The Emperor raised an intrigued eyebrow, his expression reflecting both curiosity and surprise, which Damien interpreted as an invitation to proceed.

"May I ask for a favor?"

"What is it?"

"I... would like to be the one performing the execution."


As Rosalie gradually opened her eyes, a flood of bright white light cut through, prompting her to shut them once more, wincing at the unpleasant stinging sensation. Simultaneously, she heard a thud from her right side, followed by the lively clamor of two distinct voices.

"Lady Rosalie! You're awake!"

Intrigued, she tried once more to open her eyes, startled to find two anxious faces leaning over her, their eyes wide with both joy and genuine concern.

"Oh... Oh! Sir Logan!"

Lady Ashter sprung to an upright position and clutched the knight's strong, broad shoulders, her eyes wide with relief and her lips blossoming into a joyous smile.

"I'm so glad you're safe! I was utterly terrified when I saw those assailants converging on you from every direction. This is such a relief."

Logan's eyes dimmed, and his countenance became heavy with sorrow and remorse. He tenderly took Rosalie's hands in his own and lowered his head, responding in a hushed and apologetic tone,

"Forgive me, My Lady. I have failed miserably. I cannot fathom how I can call myself a knight, let alone His Grace's second-in-command, if I couldn't protect his beloved fiancée."

Initially, Rosalie found herself taken aback by such an exaggerated reaction, which seemed rather incongruous for a composed man like Sir Logan Vold, especially considering his imposing presence when he valiantly defended their carriage during the ambush. Nonetheless, witnessing his inner turmoil over his perceived failure brought a wry, sympathetic smile to her face. While she appreciated his concern for her, she did not wish to gain such affection at the expense of his own self-respect.

With a radiant and affectionate smile gracing her rosy lips, the young woman gently disentangled one of her hands from Logan's firm grasp and placed it tenderly on his reddish head, offering soothing pats as one would to a cherished companion.

"Sir Logan, it is unrealistic to expect perfection from anyone, regardless of their position. Being outnumbered in such a dangerous situation is a daunting challenge, and no one should fault you for that. What truly matters now is that we are both safe and unharmed. If His Grace decides to reprimand you, I shall do my best to intercede on your behalf and mitigate any punishment."

As Rosalie earnestly conveyed her caring words, the impact they had on Logan exceeded her expectations. Touched by her genuine kindness, he knelt before her, still tenderly holding her hand, and met her gaze with a radiant expression, filled with newfound confidence and determination. In a solemn tone, he declared,

"My Lady... In my service, I have encountered countless individuals, and I have pledged my loyalty to many esteemed figures. But among them all, aside from His Grace the Grand Duke, whose virtues transcend comparison, I have never encountered a person as genuinely kind-hearted and dignified as you. Therefore, I solemnly swear, upon my life, that I will never falter in my duty to protect you again, My Lady."

Overwhelmed with emotion, Rosalie teetered on the verge of tears. The profound sincerity in the knight's words enveloped her, filling her entire being with a sense of elevation and tranquility.

With deep affection, the girl bestowed upon Logan a warm smile and nodded appreciatively.

"Thank you, Sir Logan. Your words alone provide me with a sense of security and protection."

Amidst the wholesome idyll created by the exchange of such promising statements, Lady Ashter finally realized that she was yet to ask the most important question.

"Ah! What about His Grace? Where is he now?"

"After bringing you back, His Grace returned to the Imperial Palace and has not returned since. He left a message saying that your brother's trial will commence today in the afternoon, thus, he will meet you in the Courthouse at that time."

Aurora satisfied her lady's curiosity with a detailed reply, then looked back at the door behind her rather cautiously and continued in a quiet, somewhat timid voice,

"Actually, there is a man in the Duke's study waiting for you, My Lady."


Rosalie arched her delicate eyebrows, intrigued by the unexpected early morning visitor.

"Who might it be, Aurora?"

Logan took it upon himself to respond.

"He is a representative from the House of Judges, My Lady."


Once Rosalie had readied herself and changed into a more suitable attire to receive the unexpected guest, she approached the grand door of Damien's study and took a deep breath, attempting to calm her nervously beating heart. With poise, she pulled open the door, revealing a rather tall and slender man in his early thirties. He was dressed in a simple yet elegant black suit, with a crisp white shirt peeking from beneath a well-tailored blazer.

As Lady Ashter entered, the stranger rose from the couch, towering over her with his commanding presence. He adjusted his neatly-styled brown hair and gazed down at her through the thin frames of his round spectacles, his sparkling brown eyes exuding both intelligence and confidence.

With graceful steps, Rosalie approached the man, maintaining a certain degree of caution. She stopped a short distance away and greeted him with a courtly bow, her demeanor composed and refined.

"Good morning, sir. My name is Rosalie Ashter. I was informed that you wished to speak with me urgently."

The stranger returned her greeting with a knowing smirk and responded in a similarly courteous manner,

"Good morning, My Lady. I am Eugene Hemill, the first assistant of the Imperial Judge."

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