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What can someone like me  can even do?

Rosalie slowly opened her eyes and lazily shifted her body, only to be met with a sudden, throbbing ache in her lower back, as though an invisible force clenched her insides with formidable strength. Initially attributing this discomfort to an awkward sleeping position from the previous night, she gradually awakened and sat upright in bed, realization dawning upon her.

"My period has begun!"

With a brisk movement, she attempted to rise, only to be instantly thwarted by an unexpectedly intense surge of pain that seized her lower back, nearly causing her to lose consciousness. Rosalie retreated onto her bed, curling her body into a protective ball, her arms wrapped around her knees. She then closed her eyes and drew a deep breath, endeavoring to endure the relentless waves of discomfort.

'Wow, Rosalie's body is grappling with the most severe cramps I have ever experienced. It strikes me that this is the first time I have menstruated since I woke up in this body. Could malnourishment be a factor? I noticed that I have gained some weight recently... Nevertheless, I guess this is good news. After all, that talk about giving up my child was rather depressing, it's good that I am at least not pregnant after exchanging Acme with Damien.'

Having endured an additional half an hour in bed, wrestling with excruciating, mind-numbing cramps and silently mourning the absence of such a vital necessity as sanitary pads, Lady Ashter eventually resolved to get up. She hoped that a nice warm bath might alleviate the torment her body was experiencing.

'I wonder if Altair can help with menstrual cramps too... Maybe they at least have some painkillers. I don't think I can last long if this continues with the same intensity.'

Her desperate thoughts, however, were in vain. The bath provided no relief, and moving around only seemed to worsen the pain, which now radiated through both her lower back and abdomen.

"Good morning, My Lady! Since you did not summon me, I have taken the liberty of approaching you instead. His Grace has been eagerly anticipating your presence at the breakfast table for... quite some time now..."

Aurora entered the room with the grace of a spring breeze, but her cheerfulness quickly faded upon seeing Rosalie huddled into a pale, trembling ball, emitting faint groans.

"My goodness! Lady Rosalie, are you in pain?!"

The maid hurried to her mistress's side, sinking to her knees and tenderly caressing Rosalie's perspiring face. Her own face showed a mix of anxiety and distress. From within her blanket cocoon, Rosalie pouted, yearning for sympathy and care, knowing that another woman was her best source of comfort.

"Aurora... My period has begun... Might I trouble you for some relief from this pain?"

"Oh, my..."


Damien had lost count of how many times he had readjusted his hair and attire. His nerves were on edge as he waited impatiently for Rosalie. It seemed she had no intention of joining him for breakfast.

He anxiously glanced at the round clock on the opposite wall, his brows furrowing in a mix of disappointment and frustration. His restless mind wandered down a troubling path.

'Is she still upset with me? Is she planning to avoid me altogether?'

The thought of Lady Ashter distancing herself was unbearable. He desperately wanted to avoid that outcome but was at a loss for how to reach her without a direct conversation. The situation felt increasingly hopeless.

Finally, the dining hall door creaked open, causing Damien to jump from his chair. However, his anticipation quickly turned to disappointment as he saw who had entered.

"Oh, Miss Aurora..."

The maid greeted her master with an awkward bow, her voice tinged with a touch of timidity.

"I apologize, Your Grace, but Lady Rosalie has requested that I convey her intention to dine within her chambers for the next few days. Her condition restricts her mobility more than she would prefer."

Damien's eyes widened, his expressions clouded with concern.

"What has occurred? Is she unwell? Does she require medical attention, or perhaps the guidance of a Priest?"

Remarkably heartened by the duke's evident concern, Aurora released a brief sigh and gently shook her head.

"No, it is not that serious, Your Grace. It is a... female issue if you know what I mean."

"I beg your pardon?"

For a brief moment, Damien's mind went completely blank. What exactly could that possibly mean? What kind of feminine issue would prevent a woman from freely moving around and confine her to her chambers? His anxious thoughts played out across his shifting gaze, prompting the compassionate maid to come to his aid.

"I speak of the female issue that afflicts women once a month, Your Grace."


As the awkward realization hit him, Damien nearly collapsed into his chair, his face burning with embarrassment. Trying to salvage his dignity, he shielded his flushed cheeks with both hands and awkwardly looked away.

Aurora, displaying remarkable poise, chose to overlook the duke's comical discomfort. She was about to leave when she paused, turning back to address Damien with tact and kindness.

"I apologize if I overstep, Your Grace, but Lady Rosalie could really use your attention right now. She's in considerable pain. Having someone caring close by could bring her comfort."

With a friendly smile and a nod, Aurora exited, closing the door behind her. Damien, still perplexed by her words, stared at the closed door for several minutes before finally standing up. His face still flushed, he wondered aloud, "But what can someone like me even do?"

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