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Happy birthday! Rosalie

As Rosalie opened her eyes, she found herself standing in the clear waters of the sea, far from the shore. The sun was shining brightly, its warm rays playing on her long, loose hair, while a gentle breeze made the shimmering blue waves dance in a calming, hypnotic rhythm.

She was wearing a flowing, simple white dress that draped elegantly around her, and she could feel the cold sand of the seabed firmly around her bare feet. The peaceful waters lapped softly at her waist, creating a soothing melody that matched the calm surroundings. With a curious look, she turned to see where she was, only to find herself in an eerie, yet captivating, solitude.

"What is happening? My dreams are usually so dark and creepy, but this one feels different. How did I end up standing in the water? And how did I even get here in the first place?"

With a puzzled frown on her face, Rosalie tried to walk back to the shore. However, no matter how much she wanted her legs to move, they stayed stubbornly in place, making her feel more and more uneasy.

As she struggled against the invisible force that seemed to hold her captive, the water around her began to lose its former clarity, gradually changing from a clear blue to a murky, dark blue. Gradually, it turned into an unsettling shade of brown, before finally becoming a sinister, complete blackness that resembled a sea drained and refilled with thick oil.

"Why... What is going on? How did the water turn black?"

Desperate to escape the eerie situation, she tried to push herself forward by moving her arms, but the inky substance around her resisted every effort. It had turned into something alien, no longer having the fluidity of water. Instead, it clung to her skin like a thick, oppressive sludge. Strangely, despite its pitch-black color, whenever the sunlight touched its surface, the liquid responded with a ghastly, almost macabre crimson glow.

"Could this be... blood?"

As if in response to her chilling realization, the black water began to surge, its once calm surface now marred by wild ripples that hinted at an impending storm. Each wave crashed with a newfound force, as if the sea itself was preparing to unleash a sinister power upon her.

Rosalie panicked. The water was now covering her neck. She was about to drown.


With a sudden jolt, Rosalie found herself back in the comfort of her bedroom, snugly cocooned beneath the familiar embrace of her white spring blanket, the rhythmic sound of Damien's soft snores providing a comforting backdrop.

Sitting up in bed, she rubbed her warm forehead, as if attempting to erase the lingering traces of the unsettling dream. However, instead of the expected sense of relief, she winced, her entire body responding with a peculiar, achy sensation that seemed to course through her veins alongside her blood.

'Ugh... Am I coming down with something? Feels like I'm catching a cold. Great, just what I need right now.'

Rosalie's slight movements stirred Damien from his slumber. Still half in the realm of dreams, he gently enveloped his wife's waist with his strong arms, nestling his chin atop her shoulder, and whispered softly into the curve of her neck,

"Why are you up so early? Go back to sleep, birthday girl."

A grin tugged at Rosalie's lips, unable to resist the warmth of the moment. It was, after all, her birthday. Perhaps for the first time in many years, she would not be marking the day alone. Despite the unwelcome sensation of impending illness, a sense of joy and anticipation coursed through the duchess.

Caught up in the shared joy of the moment, Damien leaned in to plant a tender kiss on Rosalie's cheek, his affectionate gaze shifting toward her lips. Abruptly, Rosalie pressed her palm against his mouth, gently shaking her head.

"Sorry, not today. I feel like I'm getting sick. I don't want you to catch it too."

The duke's eyes widened, his previously calm expression now showing clear worry.

"Sick? Should I call Revered Altair right away? We can't let you fall ill on your birthday!"

Rosalie felt touched by her husband's genuine concern, yet she still had to dismiss it with a gentle shake of her head.

"Don't worry, love. Altair will be around for the banquet, so I'll talk with him then. Besides, I've got a busy day ahead overseeing all the preparations. It's been decades since the Dio mansion hosted such a big celebration. I want everything to be perfect."

Damien responded to her resolve with another tender kiss, this time planting it softly on her shoulder.

"Today's banquet means so much to me, Rosalie, because it's a celebration of you. Everything has to be, and will be, perfect. But if you need some rest, please take a break. I'm more than happy to take over and help out."

As the duchess traced her fingers along Damien's arms, which still held her in a tender embrace, a soft smile graced her lips at the sight of tiny goosebumps sprouting across his skin. In a playful attempt to hide his endearing sensitivity, Damien gently took hold of Rosalie's left hand, drawing it closer to his lips and planting a delicate kiss on her skin.

Amused by his playful antics, Rosalie flashed a knowing smile before adding,

"You don't need to worry about the banquet. Your daily tasks are demanding enough. I promise not to push myself too hard. Just focus on your responsibilities today."

A wave of warmth washed over Damien at her thoughtful words. Slowly, he gently turned Rosalie to face him, their faces close. With tenderness in his eyes, he placed another loving kiss, this time on her smooth forehead, and matched her smile as he added,

"Happy birthday, Rosalie."

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