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A new adventure ?

Rosalie looked up at Damien's face, noting a subtle change in his expression. A deep furrow formed between his brows, and his hands clenched, trembling with emotions that remained mysterious. Despite his evident distress, Damien remained steadfast, his bright golden eyes fixed on the figure ahead.

Laith stood still, her left boot tapping nervously on the ground, seemingly awaiting someone's arrival. Eventually, another tall figure emerged beside her, appearing as if from the shadows themselves. He wore a simple black outfit with a large hood obscuring his head, and a silver sword hilt peeked out from under his cloak.

The identity of this newcomer remained a mystery to both Damien and Rosalie until a strand of silver hair slipped from under the hood, revealing the unexpected truth.


Rosalie couldn't contain her surprise, briefly covering her mouth to muffle the unintentionally loud exclamation. Damien finally turned his gaze towards her, his expression still showing bewilderment, but with a hint of subtle disappointment in his eyes.

Rosalie struggled at first to grasp the full weight of Damien's reaction. It quickly became apparent that Laith's presence in the Capital without explicit permission from the Grand Duke was unusual, if not a breach of protocol, especially considering her role as Damien's steadfast shadow-loyally executing his commands without question. Felix Howyer's appearance alongside Laith added further intrigue, as Felix, at least to readers of "Acme Fever," had never been associated with swordsmanship skills.

As Damien's discontent grew more apparent, Rosalie realized that Laith was not following his directives. Seeing this unexpected turn of events unfold, Rosalie stepped forward, boldly positioning herself beside Damien and gripping his uniform jacket sleeve. Her voice conveyed unwavering determination as she asked him,

"Should we follow them, Your Grace?"

Damien seemed taken aback by her suggestion, his eyes widening in surprise.

"You want to follow them with me? Why, Lady Rosalie?"

Rosalie squinted at him, a look of disbelief on her face.

"What do you mean, 'why'? What other choice do I have? Come on, let's follow them before we lose sight of them!"

She urged him forward, her grip on his sleeve firm and resolute. Damien was momentarily speechless, his concern evident as he finally managed to speak,

"Hold on, Lady Rosalie, it could be dangerous! I cannot simply let you get involved in this."

But Rosalie remained undeterred, shrugging her shoulders as she maintained her brisk pace.

"So what? Are you suggesting I stay here alone, on this deserted street, at night? If you're thinking of calling Sir Logan, we'll lose them. I'm with you, Your Grace. I believe I'll manage just fine, no matter what!"

Her determination left Damien momentarily at a loss for words, grappling with the situation unfolding before them.

As Rosalie spoke those resolute words, Damien felt an unexpected sense of relief wash over him. It wasn't just her unwavering trust that touched his heart, but also the revelation of her bold and adventurous side-a facet of her character he had never seen before. It made her shine even brighter in his eyes, and he wondered if he was the first to uncover this hidden aspect of her.

With a subtle yet contented smile on his lips, Damien gently released his sleeve from her grasp and intertwined his fingers with hers, signaling his readiness to embark on this unfolding adventure together.

As they discreetly trailed Laith and Felix through the shadowy alleyways of the Capital, Rosalie felt a mix of fascination and unease. The once lively streets now lay deserted, shrouded in an eerie silence amplified by the faint glow of towering lampposts. The feeble lights cast long, twisting shadows that seemed to dance like enchanted serpents on the pavement.

With each step, they ventured deeper into the darkness. Rosalie couldn't shake the feeling that Laith and Felix were planning something audacious, hidden from prying eyes.

"Your Grace, any idea where they might be headed?" Rosalie whispered quietly, her voice barely audible above the hushed tones of their surroundings.

In a similarly low tone, Damien replied, "These alleyways lead to the restricted area... Viscount Kaylen owns those derelict buildings, but there shouldn't be anything noteworthy there."

Rosalie mulled over the unfamiliar name. 'Viscount Kaylen? That name never surfaced in the novel. I wonder who he is.'

Lost in her thoughts, Rosalie and Damien suddenly found themselves stopping as Laith and Felix halted in front of an ancient, half-demolished stone building resembling a fractured tower. A narrow metal door beckoned them, and with deft skill, Laith manipulated the lock with a slender blade, producing a distinct click as it yielded to her efforts. She disappeared into the shadows of the tower, stealthy and silent, with Felix following closely behind.

Damien glanced at Rosalie, searching her face for any sign of panic or fear. Finding none, he nodded firmly and tightened his grip on her hand, leading her into the unfathomable darkness ahead.

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