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The new beginning

"Father, is this true?"

Loyd directed his question to the Emperor, his eyes widening with a mix of confusion and disbelief. Luther, keeping a serious demeanor, merely nodded in response.

The Crown Prince found himself engulfed in a nauseating mix of anger and bewilderment.

Suddenly, he realized the religious rebellion was initially meant to focus on him. It was designed to boost his somewhat unclear reputation, overshadowing Damien, whose image, thanks to his active wife, was beginning to improve in the public's eyes.

And now, was he on the verge of another failure? Was his moment in the spotlight about to be taken by none other than the seemingly weak and defenseless Angelica? Such an outcome was intolerable.

A wave of rage engulfed him, submerging the prince in its all-consuming, seething waters. Furrowing his eyebrows, a dark shadow climbing up his face, Loyd turned to the Emperor and said,

"Even if Angelica's status as a Saintess, which still needs validation, is acknowledged, it does not change the fact that the rebellion started when Grand Duchess Rosalie went missing. Furthermore, given Damien's association with the demonic curse of Acme Fever, his innocence also needs proof."

He then looked at Angelica and added,

"The moment Duke Damien entered the palace, the Imperial Knights began to resist. Hence, it is only a matter of hours before the rebellion is stopped."

Angelica shook her head in deep disappointment, tightly gripping her brother's hands. She gave him a look filled with hurt, her voice resonating with intensity as she almost shouted,

"But how much longer must we endure this cycle? How many lives must be sacrificed for the elusive concept of faith, a concept that remains intangible to everyone?"

Still holding onto Loyd, she turned to the Emperor, her voice trembling under the weight of uncontrollable emotions,

"Father, you know the reason behind the resurgence of the Demonic Cult lies in the false nature of the faith imposed upon the Continent. The Saintess they are compelled to worship is nothing more than a lifeless statue, a mere effigy. The supposed Holy Power they depend on is just the healing magic used by many mages. In contrast, the demons they turn to for help are real. Wouldn't they find comfort in knowing there is now someone real, someone who can hear their pleas and help them when they need it most? Instead of bargaining their innocent souls, they can receive aid from someone whose powers demand no such payment."

The princess drew in a deep breath, calming her racing heart, and approached Damien, positioning herself right beside him. Her voice, now composed and measured, conveyed,

"His Grace, Duke Damien, fell victim to a curse—his soul tarnished against his will, powerless to resist. Lady Rosalie Ashter, driven solely by deep love, sacrificed her own soul to help him. However, I have the ability to aid His Grace now. With the power of my Nadir, I can ease the burden on his soul. Therefore, I beg both of you, Father and dear Brother, to let me redeem the souls of others as well. I am confident in my ability to help; I sense it."

A profound silence descended upon the Imperial Hall as Angelica's earnest words resonated within the hearts of all present. Luther fixed his intense gaze on the princess, a poignant twinge coursing through his entire being, while his daughter's azure eyes remained locked on him, brimming with hope and anticipation.

Finally, as if grappling with one of the most challenging decisions of his life once again, Luther released a long sigh and uttered,

"I detest myself. I hate the pretense of indifference, the lies, the emotional distance."

Shifting his tired gaze to his son, he continued,

"Issue an order to stop the hostilities. We will present ourselves before the people and reveal Angelica's true identity. Let us end this."


The Crown Prince confronted the Emperor, his face filled with anger.

"Do not give in to such sentiments! It was not a submissive attitude that turned this kingdom of Rishce into an empire! We do not compromise; we command, we subjugate!"


Luther loomed over his son, a towering figure like a mountain, his glare radiating with fury. His voice thundered as he continued,

"Nothing befits a ruler more poorly than short-sightedness. However, an even graver offense is the ruler who, despite being blind, refuses to heed counsel. Wise leaders are like the sea, adaptable to the ebb and flow of time. Therefore..."

He redirected his gaze once more to Angelica and concluded,

"May the Empire of Rische be governed by wisdom. I command the Imperial Knights to halt the conflict. Angelica," the Emperor beamed at his daughter, "Let us depart. Let us give the people the very cause they are fighting for."

"Thank you, Father."


The crowd outside the Imperial Palace stood in utter stillness as the members of the Imperial Family emerged onto the central balcony, commanding a view of the expansive space before the front tower. Some found themselves restrained by the Imperial Knights, while others chose to cease their resistance voluntarily.

The presence of the Rische lineage on the balcony had the intended impact on the gathered crowd. Even if regarded as adversaries, there was an undeniable aura of strength and respect that surrounded them, as if the very air exuded authority and reverence.

The princess, supported by her father, the Emperor, stood confidently at the balcony railing. Once the crowd quieted down at Luther's signal, she cleared her throat with a slight cough and declared in a strong voice,

"People of Rische, I, Angelica Rische, the first and only princess of this Empire, declare without any deception - I am the true Saintess of the New Faith."

The crowd around the palace remained still and silent for a moment, before a mix of loud and confused whispers spread through them like the restless tide of the sea.

She, a Saintess? The sick princess?

The sudden revelation shocked everyone, yet Angelica stood with unwavering confidence and determination. Anticipating this reaction, she extended both arms and closed her eyes, allowing the powerful forces within her to finally be released.

In an instant, every person around the palace was surrounded by a gentle white light, the sparkling essence of genuine Holy Power reaching into their very souls.

Using a significant part of her innate power strained Angelica's body, but the result justified the effort - she aimed for the impact of divine revelation, and she succeeded.

All the love and care that Angelica harbored within her heart and soul, she poured into the hearts of the people before her, alleviating them from the burden of suffering and hatred.

And just like that, as her enduring love continued to fill the hearts of those desperately in need, Angelica's Holy Power brought solace to their weary hearts, bringing an end to the persistent animosity and illuminating the path toward a new beginning.

A beginning untainted by suffering.

A beginning infused with hope..

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