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Unforgettable experience

Altair carefully closed the ornate coach door behind them as they settled inside its plush interior. With a turn, he directed his gaze towards Rosalie, and in a tone of utmost confidence, he spoke,

"Now, Lady Rosalie, I must beseech your aid as you can help me heal my wounds with the Holy Power."

"Pardon me?!"

Rosalie's eyes widened, struck by surprise at the audacity of his request. She wondered if the excruciating pain had clouded his judgment or if delirium had taken hold, as no rational mind would dare make such an extraordinary claim.

"In what way could I possess the ability to perform such miracles? I am certainly devoid of such supernatural capabilities!"

Altair found himself unable to suppress a gentle chuckle, witnessing Lady Rosalie's unwavering confidence dissipate as swiftly as it had arisen.

"The concept is rather straightforward, Lady Rosalie. During our treatment sessions, I have been channeling a significant amount of Holy Power into your being. Consequently, with proper guidance, you may act as a temporary conduit, facilitating the transfer of this power from one individual to another."

Lady Ashter's inquisitive nature came to the fore as she tilted her head, akin to a curious canine, contemplating the weight of Altair's revelation. The notion of utilizing another person as a vessel for Holy Power had hitherto been unknown to her. Nevertheless, a disquieting realization surfaced: her own possession of demonic energy might potentially disrupt the seamless flow of the opposite power. Despite this apprehension, a resolute spirit stirred within Rosalie, prompting her to venture forth into the unknown. With a measured nod, her deep gray eyes gently fell upon Altair's soiled attire, further fueling her determination.

"Very well... If you believe in my ability, I shall wholeheartedly endeavor to heed your guidance and offer my aid."

Altair's countenance softened, and a gratified smile graced his lips.

"I am deeply grateful for your willingness, Lady Rosalie."

He began to unfasten the buttons of his elegant, long white shirt, but suddenly, a realization struck him with a tinge of hesitancy. Undressing before a lady as a Temple man was undeniably inappropriate. Furthermore, the wounds he bore might not be the most pleasant sight, especially for someone as delicate as Rosalie. This awareness prompted him to pause momentarily, contemplating his next course of action. After a brief moment of consideration, he turned around and unexpectedly expressed in a timid tone,

"Lady Rosalie, I must warn you that the wounds you are about to witness are quite severe... Are you absolutely certain you wish to proceed? I implore you to reconsider; my treatment can certainly wait."

However, Rosalie remained resolute and determined to forge ahead. Exuding confidence, she offered him a brief yet affirming nod, her fists clenching as if ready to confront any challenge.

With a slow turn, Altair resumed unbuttoning his Temple uniform shirt, gradually unveiling his broad and surprisingly muscular back, which was enshrouded in thin, blood-soaked bandages adhering to his injured skin. As he carefully removed the grimy wrappings, a gasp of horror escaped Rosalie's lips; his skin bore deep and lengthy gashes, oozing dark crimson that stained the delicate fabric of the bandages as he attempted to free himself from their grip.

Aghast at the distressing sight, Rosalie couldn't help but gasp, instinctively covering her mouth with both hands. The sight of blood did not particularly frighten or disgust her, but the harrowing realization of the pain Altair must have silently endured sent sickening shivers down her spine, tying her insides into aching knots.

Still pressing her hand against her face, Rosalie mustered the courage to speak, her voice trembling,

"Altair... What in the world has happened to you?"

Altair hesitated once more, realizing his response had to be carefully weighed. He found himself at a crossroads, torn between the urge to reveal that these wounds were his way of suppressing his relentless, all-consuming desire for her, and the need to shield Rosalie from further shock. Prudently, he opted for the latter, deciding to withhold the full truth with a shrewd choice of words.

"Self-punishment is an integral aspect of my life as a person of faith. For me, righteous pain serves as a means of purging impurities, and I am aware that there is still a long journey ahead to cleanse my sinful mind of needless wanderings."

Rosalie couldn't help but feel a profound sense of sadness clutching at her heart.

'This is truly heart-wrenching... I wonder if he subjects himself to this frequently. Just observing his wounds brings me great distress.'

Respecting the sensitivity of the topic, she chose not to delve further into his personal struggles. Taking a deep breath to regain composure, Rosalie maintained a serious demeanor and inquired,

"Very well, what would you like me to do now?"

"Please extend your left hand to me, Lady Rosalie, while placing your right hand upon my back, where my heart lies."

Rosalie was on the verge of complying with his request, but a pressing concern prompted her to hesitate.

Beads of cold sweat formed on Lady Ashter's forehead as she grappled with containing this immense energy. Nonetheless, she knew that enduring it was imperative if she wanted to aid Altair. Determinedly, she summoned all her strength to relax her body and mind, gently shutting her eyes, and allowed the Holy Power to course unrestricted through her. Eventually, her body felt weightless, as if suspended in the air. When Rosalie opened her eyes once more, she beheld a thick veil of white radiance enveloping both their forms, while a delicate, almost indiscernible, sparkling white mist emanated from her right palm, gently flowing into Altair's body. Miraculously, the profound wounds began to close right before her eyes.

An overwhelming wave of excitement washed over Rosalie, and her lips broke into a joyous smile as she could hardly contain her enthusiasm.

"I'm doing it, Altair! It's truly working!"

Hearing her exuberant expressions of happiness, Altair couldn't help but inwardly scoff, genuinely admiring her adorable excitement.

'How endearing...'

Finally, the thick white glow gradually began to fade away, and though Rosalie felt thoroughly exhausted, a profound sense of relief and gratitude washed over her for having partaken in such a rewarding experience.

"Whew... That was truly remarkable! Altair, I am so grateful for allowing me to witness something so incredible. While I hope never to require this again, this extraordinary experience will forever remain etched in my memories!"

Altair's lips curved into a content smile as he nodded appreciatively, taking a moment to adjust his attire.

"Thank you, Lady Rosalie. I am truly grateful for your willingness to aid me, even amidst the evident discomfort. Your kindness knows no bounds."

With a swift glance outside the window, he continued, "It is growing dark; let us return to your mansion now."

The coach rocked gently, reminiscent of a cradle, while the muffled sound of the horses' hooves created a soothing lullaby in the serene ambiance of the compartment.

Exhausted from the array of events during her friendly date with Altair, Rosalie found herself grappling with an overwhelming fatigue that gradually enveloped her body. Inevitably, she surrendered to the soothing embrace of slumber, resting her heavy head upon Altair's sturdy shoulder.

The delightful scent of her long wavy hair, mingled with the sweet and intoxicating aroma exuding from her person and garments, seemed to ignite a restless yearning within Altair. It felt as if an army of tiny insects were playfully coursing beneath his skin, while his mind became engulfed in a fervent desire, clouding his rationality like a thick smoke.

'Many times, I have touched her before, yet this moment brings forth an array of newfound sensations... Rosalie, I cannot resist it any longer. I must possess you; you must become mine.'.

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