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From kingdom to empire

Rische was a relatively young Empire, having been formally recognized as a kingdom less than a century ago.

Eighty-five years ago, the Middle Continent, a land connecting two Empires and four Kingdoms, reached a pivotal agreement. This agreement led to the creation of a unified religion devoted to a single deity. The goal was to eliminate religious conflicts, rebellions, and wars, uniting all people under one belief. This new faith promised to strengthen the economy, as the government’s support of this single religion ensured a steady flow of taxes. These taxes were presented to the people as sacred offerings to the divine, creating a stable financial foundation.

This new and simpler method of mass control offered the promise of a continent-wide coalition that pledged harmony and prosperity to its followers. This enticing prospect gained significant momentum, thanks to the previous ruler, Constantine Rische.

Driven by ambition and greed, Constantine saw joining this grand alliance of the Middle Continent as a unique opportunity for the Kingdom of Rische to elevate itself to the status of an Empire.

However, like any major change, there was a cost. The people, who previously had the freedom to choose their faith, now faced severe oppression from Rische's powerful authorities. Many devoted pagans suffered under this new regime, leading to prolonged protests and upheavals that nearly resulted in a civil war.

Disheartened by the strong opposition from his own people, Constantine had to follow the advice of other Empires. This led to a harsh campaign of religious persecution, resulting in a brutal purge. Many who refused to convert to the new faith were killed.

During this chaotic time, some managed to escape the Kingdom and find refuge in independent settlements. Others pretended to convert while secretly maintaining their original beliefs. Some, facing a terrible choice, chose to die rather than give up their faith. For them, faith was an essential part of their identity, and abandoning it out of fear felt like a betrayal of their very humanity.

Eventually, the Kingdom of Rische accepted a single faith and banned all other religions by law. With this move, Constantine officially declared Rische an Empire, making it the third in the Middle Continent.

However, religious persecution didn't stop within Rische's borders.

Luther Rische, Constantine's only legitimate heir, fully supported his father's efforts. He believed that unity in faith was the solution to the ongoing conflicts among the various Empires and Kingdoms.

As a final step for Rische to be recognized as an Empire and to prove Luther's worthiness to succeed his father, the Crown Prince took on an important task. He traveled to the small, independent pagan settlement of Naidar. Luther's mission was to "enlighten" the people there and convince them to adopt the new faith, demonstrating his ability to rule as effectively as his father.

In reality, however, it was a religious crusade, aimed at destroying the pagan population and expanding Rische's territory. Instead of bringing back trophies, Luther returned with a captive—Ayana Naidar, the princess of the devastated settlement. Despite her pagan origins, Ayana's features and beauty were those of a Saintess.

Ayana eventually became Luther's wife and took on the role of Empress. A year later, they had their first child, a prince named Loyd. Around the same time, Luther's half-brother, Grand Duke Dorian Dio, also celebrated the birth of a son, Damien. Dorian was the child of Constantine and a deceased concubine. The birth of these children brought joy to the palace.

As time passed, a bond developed between Dorian and Ayana. They shared a secret understanding and concern about the ongoing religious persecution. Meeting in private, they discussed the current political situation and devised strategies to influence Luther's firm stance on the single faith.

Unfortunately, the Emperor's view of the close bond between his wife and half-brother went beyond simple friendship. As time passed, his initial feelings of jealousy and suspicion grew stronger. Rumors among the elite and Council members only made his unease worse. Eventually, Luther became convinced that Ayana and Dorian were plotting to overthrow him.

To solve this, he decided one of them had to be eliminated. After careful consideration, he chose his half-brother, Dorian.

His plan was simple: ambush Grand Duke Dio's carriage on its way back from the Palace and make it look like a robbery. However, fate had other plans for that night.

In a chilling turn of events, Dorian, Elizabeth, and their infant son Damien set out on a carriage ride through a mysterious, forested area at night. Unexpectedly, they encountered a malevolent force: the Demonic Cult, an elusive pagan group that appeared suddenly. In a ruthless attack, they killed the Dio family and kidnapped their defenseless child.

The Imperial Knights arrived shortly afterward and witnessed the tragic scene. Acting swiftly, they pursued the murderers and swiftly brought them to justice. They rescued young Damien from the midst of a demonic ritual and returned him safely to the Imperial Palace.

Upon learning that his suspicions had led to the death of his brother Dorian, whom he wrongly believed had ties to the pagans, Luther faced a harsh reality. His mistake became painfully clear in hindsight, leaving him with no way to make amends.


Rosalie stood alone in the small graveyard, watching raindrops pound relentlessly on the dark tombstones before her. It had been several minutes since Damien left her side in this unusual burial ground. Despite her desire to leave, her legs refused to move, firmly rooted in place.

'The journey to the Northern border means facing barbarians... Is Damien upset because the wedding is just one day before he leaves? It seems unreasonable to me too, but it's an Imperial decree.'

She lowered her umbrella slightly, peering out from under its shelter. Her eyes wandered to the heavy expanse of black clouds, moving across the sky like the strokes of a master artist, guided by an unseen force.

"This wedding is just a formality. We'll receive a blessing at the Holy Temple and return home soon. Damien will have his real wedding with Evangelina."

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