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The nosebleed

The rainy season in the Imperial Capital matched the grim mood following the horrifying Harvest Festival. Rumors spread, connecting the monsters' attack with the onset of the rains. Some saw it as a cleansing event, washing away the festival's wreckage from the streets. Others believed it was a message from the departed Saintess, her tears mingling with the downpour in mourning for the lives lost.

The tragedy had put the Empire of Rische in a somber state, mourning the loss of lives due to panic and the magical beasts' rampage. Festivities were canceled, and the Emperor himself led the investigation with Damien Dio and his Shadow Knights. The Imperial Palace closed its doors, shrouding the case in secrecy.

The once bright and lively Dio mansion now mirrored the mournful atmosphere. Covered in a thick layer of misty gray shadow under the cold downpour, every resident felt the weight of the tragedy. Despite their efforts to maintain composure, the gloomy skies prevailed.

Damien and Altair were notably absent from the mansion for almost a week, focused on managing the aftermath of the ruined festival. Damien handled matters at the Imperial Palace, while Altair assisted the High Priest with funerals and blessings.

Amidst this, Damien's loyal aide, Felix Howyer, bore the brunt of the workload inside the Dio mansion.

In an effort to shake off her lethargy and contribute meaningfully, Rosalie decided to offer Felix her help, expecting him to reject her assistance irritably. To her surprise, he welcomed her eagerly, practically pulling her into Damien's study and piling paperwork on the desk before her.

"I can't thank you enough for helping, Lady Rosalie. The Grand Duke rarely trusts anyone with his personal affairs. You have my deepest gratitude," Felix said, wiping his tired eyes behind his spectacles and giving Rosalie a pitiful yet apologetic look.

"Don't worry, I'm glad to help. It feels good to be useful to you and His Grace," Rosalie replied with a sympathetic nod and a smile.

Encouraged by Felix's appreciation, Rosalie started sorting through the papers, falling into a familiar rhythm reminiscent of her previous life as an office manager. Each document and stroke of her pen brought a sense of calm focus, though her mind wandered to thoughts of her former busy life.

"I wonder if managing a charity fund would be just as hectic... I thought I'd enjoy a life of leisure, but it seems my inner workaholic won't be easily suppressed."

Rosalie sighed softly as she set aside another completed document. Unexpectedly, three drops of crimson fell onto the pristine page, quickly spreading into tiny red stains.

"Oh my!"

Startled, Rosalie exclaimed, drawing Felix's wide-eyed attention. He leaned in, nearly thrusting his handkerchief toward her face, his expression growing more concerned.

"Lady Rosalie, you're bleeding from your nose!"

Startled but composed, Rosalie took the handkerchief from him, pressing it to her nose. She reassured him that it was nothing serious, despite his worry.

"It's alright, really! I get nosebleeds often during rainy seasons. It's just the weather, nothing more."

"How can I not worry? Nosebleeds could signal something serious. You shouldn't dismiss it," Felix insisted earnestly.

Feeling flustered by his concern and mindful of the inconvenience to Damien, Rosalie decided to downplay the issue, suggesting it was a common occurrence for her.

"I promise, it's nothing to be alarmed about. I appreciate your concern, though."

Felix seemed reassured by her explanation, his expression softening. He returned to his work, smoothly transitioning back to their tasks. However, Rosalie couldn't shake a new wave of anxiety, especially considering it was her first nosebleed since encountering the talking wolf beast.

"What's happening to me?" she wondered, her chest tightening with unease.

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