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A gift from the princess

Rosalie strolled leisurely through the bustling and vibrant streets of the Shopping District, with Princess Angelica gracefully linked at her side. The princess had spirited her friend away for an impromptu breakfast meeting, under the guise of discussing an important matter regarding their cherished charity foundation project. However, as the day unfolded, it became clear that this supposed 'important business' was just a ruse, and their adventure was mainly about the joys of shopping.

Angelica's true motivation was to find a splendid wedding gift for Lady Ashter, who was getting married in just two days. Rosalie felt that there was no need for additional gifts, especially since the upcoming ceremony was a simple affair and both Damien and herself had already received many generous offerings from various noble houses. Despite Rosalie's determination to avoid gift-hunting, the princess had a remarkable talent for persuasion. After an exhausting three-hour journey through countless shops, their hands were still empty. Angelica had proven to be a discerning critic, finding fault with nearly every item she saw.

Finally, as they meandered past yet another boutique, Rosalie abruptly halted and cast her gaze upon the elegant facade adorned with large wooden letters, lavishly painted in a subtle shade of purple.

"A makeup store?"

In that very moment, a sudden realization struck her - the realization that she had, since her unexplained awakening in Rosalie's body, either failed to notice or simply never paid any heed to such shops. Despite her daily ritual of Aurora applying makeup to her face, she had never taken the time to inquire about the origins of these cosmetics. It was a curious neglect that left her feeling oddly disconnected.

'Could it be that I have finally grown accustomed to this new existence?'

She wondered inwardly, her thoughts drifting to the stark contrast with her previous life, where taking care of everything herself had been the norm. The peculiarity of her transformation left her in a rather bizarre state.

Turning to Angelica, she ventured,

"Angelica, do you mind if we come to take a look inside?"

The princess responded with a somewhat indifferent shrug and a nod,

"Certainly, let us take a look."

Upon crossing the threshold of the store, they were instantly immersed in a heady and luxurious fragrance, a concoction of sweet and flowery notes that wrapped around them like a rich, perfumed shawl. A statuesque woman stationed behind the counter practically sprang to attention as she recognized the two young ladies, extending them a warm and gracious greeting.

"Good morning, Your Highness, Lady Rosalie! What a delightful surprise to have you grace our humble establishment! How may I be of service to you today, dear ladies?"

She leaned in slightly closer to Angelica, lowering her voice to a hushed tone, her gaze momentarily drifting towards a couple of other patrons who had sought refuge in a distant corner, their heads bowed in deference to the presence of a member of the Imperial family.

"Your Highness, would it be your preference for me to discreetly request that the maids vacate the premises?"

In response, the princess simply offered a subtle shake of her head.

"Please, there is truly no need for such concern. We did not intend to disrupt anyone's daily errands. Feel free to continue shopping without any distractions."

The maids graciously acknowledged the princess's benevolence, then retreated to the farthest reaches of the shop, allowing the two ladies their desired space.

Rosalie approached a table adorned with an array of powders, her gaze immediately captivated by a petite, transparent glass bottle filled with a creamy porcelain liquid. Her innate curiosity prompted her to lift the bottle and gently twist the lid open. At this moment, the shop owner drew nearer, a warm smile gracing her features.

"Ah, I see you have stumbled upon our latest innovation! This, Your Ladyship, is a pigmented liquid designed to conceal skin imperfections. No more need for cumbersome layers of heavy powder - a single application of this liquid suffices for that flawless complexion you desire!"

Lady Ashter's eyes widened with unmistakable excitement, and she practically exclaimed,

"A concealer?!"

The tall shop owner, her eyebrows arching in mild surprise, tilted her head slightly, a gesture reminiscent of a curious dog as she repeated,

"A concealer?"

Disregarding the brief confusion, Lady Ashter swiftly continued,

"Oh, never mind that! I would like to purchase one, please."

The woman's delight was palpable as she clasped her hands together, leading the noble lady towards the checkout counter, her ruddy face radiant with a broad, welcoming smile.

Yet, in an unexpected turn, Rosalie suddenly halted and, with a faint trace of disappointment marring her otherwise exquisite countenance, scanned the store once more as if in search of something else. She then turned back to the shop owner and asked,

"Excuse me, but might there be another shade of this liquid available?"

The tall lady responded with a quizzical expression and shook her head,

"No, the light porcelain shade is the one favored by our patrons, as most aspire to achieve a complexion as fair as yours, My Lady."

With a somewhat weary sigh, Lady Ashter conceded, nodding as she directed her gaze towards the shop owner's deft hands, skillfully packaging the glass bottle into a petite purple carton box. Her thoughts, however, meandered elsewhere.

'Perhaps Aurora can come up with a solution? She does possess remarkable makeup skills.'

With this optimistic notion filling her thoughts, Rosalie graciously accepted the petite purple box from the shop owner. She stepped back from the counter, her gaze fixing on Princess Angelica, who stood near the store's exit. The princess held a small, crimson paper bag, securely fastened with a matching silk ribbon.

Her Highness wore a somewhat mischievous smile on her fair face. With a hint of playful anticipation, she swiftly placed the bag into Rosalie's left hand, accompanied by a playful wink and almost a fit of silly giggles.

"I simply cannot bear the thought of you returning empty-handed from our little outing! Please accept this gift and open it when you find yourself back in the comfort of your room, with no one else around."

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