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A benovelent heart

"Did you notice that Grand Duchess girl? The red aura surrounding her is quite surprising, especially that she’s involved in this too."

Roksolana sat elegantly on the bed, legs crossed, palms resting on her knees as she closed her eyes, almost meditating. Rostan watched her from the window, arms crossed, deep in thought about the scene.

Their guest rooms in the eastern wing of the Main Palace offered a stunning view of the Imperial Gardens, a beautiful space reserved for the Imperial Family.

Rostan’s green eyes were fixed on the gardens, where the Imperial Princess strolled with Duchess Rosalie, holding her arm tightly, as if unwilling to let go.

"They seem very close."

Rostan clicked his tongue in frustration, showing his inner conflict. Finally, he responded to his sister:

"Yes, I noticed. There’s something unsettling about her that intrigues me."

With a teasing smile, Roksolana opened one eye and replied, "Oh! Are you thinking of bringing your future bride home already? Be careful, Rostan. Remember, we're not here for that. Besides, if she’s truly lost, it might not be worth pursuing her."

Rostan clicked his tongue again, irritation clear on his face. "Tsk. You're so heartless. You wouldn’t recognize love even if it hit you hard."

He rubbed his temples, turning back to the window, though the princess and her friend were gone. He continued, "The Duchess is smart and kind. She's worth more than a dozen of the Emperor's concubines. It’s unfortunate she’s married. But... let’s see how things unfold here."


Dinner with the Emperor and the Izaar twins flew by quickly. The twins, great conversationalists, made the evening feel like it slipped away too fast. As the Emperor prepared to leave, a sense of confusion lingered in the air.

The princess smiled and offered, "Would you like to join Rosalie and me on the terrace for some evening wine? My father's busy schedule shouldn’t rush us away, right? Unless you’re too tired."

Angelica smiled warmly, and the twins nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, that sounds wonderful."

So, accompanied by two servants each, they headed to the terrace. The refreshing spring breeze welcomed them as they settled around a circular table.

Angelica’s servants set up a beautiful platter of cheeses and fruits, alongside four elegant crystal wine glasses and bottles of crisp white wine. Once the servants left, Rostan raised his glass, addressing the princess and Rosalie.

"Your Highness, Your Grace... It seems we've been caught up in political talk all evening, forgetting the real reason we’re here."

He glanced at Roksolana, who nodded in agreement, then turned to Rosalie with enthusiasm.

"Let’s celebrate your amazing charitable work with a toast! You two are now some of the most respected figures, not just in Rische, but beyond."

With a joyful clink of glasses, they raised their drinks in a heartfelt toast to honor Lady Ashter’s achievements.

"Your Grace,"

After taking a generous sip that emptied her glass, Roksolana leaned closer to the table, her almond-shaped eyes fixed on the duchess.

"Can you tell us why you decided to start this charitable work? We’ve heard that the people of Rische aren’t very willing to help others."

Rosalie expected Rostan to defend her against this accusation, but instead, he focused intently on her, urging her to answer quickly.

"Well... It's true that some people are more generous than others, but often it’s because they don’t know where help is needed. If it weren't for some unexpected events, I might have never realized how many people were struggling."

She paused, noticing the twins were unusually quiet, waiting for her to continue. A bit frustrated, she sighed, preparing to speak again.

"I can’t believe I’m trying to defend the other greedy nobles. What a hassle."

Amused by her sincerity, Rostan couldn’t hold back and let out a soft chuckle, leaning back in his chair and clapping his hands together.

"My, oh my! Your Grace! What a wonderful show of kindness! It’s impressive that your heart understands the importance of spreading love throughout the Empire, even at your own expense. Your reputation doesn’t do you justice, my lady!"

Rosalie felt a warm blush rise in her cheeks. She didn’t seek praise, but it was satisfying to know that her name, Rosalie Ashter, was becoming known for her charitable efforts beyond Rische.

Angelica decided to join in, adding, "Well, Your Highness, Rosalie didn’t do this for recognition. Her heart is truly full of compassion, enough to help anyone in need. If someone didn’t know her better, they might think she’s—"

"A Saintess?"

Roksolana couldn’t resist adding her thoughts, a sly smile forming as her gaze landed on Angelica’s startled face. The princess, caught off guard, felt a slight tremor in her hands and quickly pulled them from her glass, hiding them under the table while avoiding eye contact.

Rosalie felt uneasy too at the mention of that word. The absence of the novel's female lead still weighed on her mind, making her anxious whenever saints were brought up. Seeing Angelica’s visible distress only added to her discomfort, hinting at deeper issues beneath the surface of their conversation.

Finding amusement in the reactions around the table, Rostan smirked, took another generous sip of wine, and set the glass down, clearing his throat for his next words.

"In Izaar, we believe that anyone can become a saint. You don’t need special powers to save lives; sometimes, all it takes is opening your heart and sharing your warmth."

He paused, captivated by the glimmering wine under the moonlight, then smiled warmly as he continued.

"That’s why, Your Grace, Duchess Rosalie, we want to invite you to Izaar and share your wisdom and kindness with us."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Yes, you heard right. We’d like to invite you to visit Izaar, Your Grace."

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