chapter 9: Thermonuclear

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C!Fatal was sitting in the sofa, looking at the fire that made him smile. Papyrus went sitting on the couch next to it.

C!Fatal: He is gone now, it is necessary.

Papyrus: What did the message say?

C!Fatal: You really want to know?

Papyrus nodded, Fatal sighed and repeated the message, Papyrus was shocked but happy, his expression saddened.

Papyrus: She was forced to. . . . . I hope she is fine.

C!Fatal: Don't worry she is.

Fatal showed his half red half blue soul glitching out with dark blue veins on it.

Papyrus: What is that?

C!Fatal: It was a gift to me, it allowed me to know if she is alive at all times along with boosting my abilities greatly. It was supposed to get updated if she is near.

Papyrus: Wow!

Omni, Fatal and Cydron were in Staff! Alphatale, they went here to look for William but they felt no one there.

Cydron: I was supposed to meet someone here?

Omni: Ok maybe to the Castle outside this place.

Fatal: They aren't there either. They would have come as Cydron is here.

Cydron: Ok, looks like it's getting worse. Could you teleport me to the place.

Fatal nodded and they teleported in, there wasn't anyone but Astral taking a coffee and working on her pc. Astral spotted Cydron and spat her coffee as she was stunned by his appearance, beauty and royal presence. Cydron was a bit embarrassed but also lost by her reaction.

Omni: Where is William?

Fatal: And this is Cydron.

Cydron: By the way I recognize the Code of this place, you were the one stalking me?

Omni: We needed to recognize you somehow.

Cydron went sitting on a seat and looked at Astral who was always stunned. She went back to her senses and smiled.

Astral: So you are Cydron?

Cydron nodded kindly.

Omni: Just where is William?

Astral: You bore me but he went to the being Multiverse trying to spy on him but it seems like they are struggling on something, they went a bit after you and are not back.

Omni and Fatal panicked a bit, Cydron was curious.

Cydron: Who is the being and who is this William?

Omni: It's a skeleton looking like most of us with glitchy 404 effects appearing around him. The being we don't know much beside his insane power.

Astral: Don't worry, they can't be in that much trouble.

Omni: if they aren't back, they either met the being or someone strong enough to put them in danger.

Fatal opened a portal to a remnant location and they all went in.

Astral: You can't stay?

Cydron: I am gonna be back soon.

Astral: Ok I am waiting.

Cydron was a bit disturbed by her behavior as he saw she could be his mother. They landed in an antivoid and they saw S!404 and Betty heavily injured and hanged by strings, KV!404 always in butterfly form, he looked at the intruders annoyed but he felt something familiar in one of these making him slide away in fear. Omni went 10% and rushed at KV!404, struck him away, followed by a homing blaster, Fatal summoned blasters cutting the strings hanging S!404 and Betty, Cydron and Fatal went holding both of the injured, Fatal stringed both of them with green strings to heal them.

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