chapter 45

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Milta almost unconscious on the ground, Exir in her combat form and Absel along with Veres ready to put her down. Exir looked down at them and they were both in guard, Absel with his axe in his back and hands squeezed ready to throw them and Veres with his long claymore.

Exir: What's that? Trying to honor your last hour?

Veres didn't speak out and vanished to be further backward and swung his sword upward, a shiny and sparkling slash went or and rushed at Exir to be blocked by Exir shield, Exir put her hand on it and it burst in plasma, she took advantage to shoot a single orb of plasma scratching Veres helmet and blowing wind near his head.

Veres(to himself): I must stay focused.

Absel looked at that, he was impressed by the little spectacle of light and explosion. A great smile appeared on his face before Exir looked at him, She extended her hand toward him and opened it to release a powerful blast, she raised it and touched a large zone of the antivoid. Absel went out of it a bit smoking and scratched, he searched for Exir who was rushing toward him and grabbed his head, she flew a long distance with him in her hand trying to burn his face to ashes, she then punched him to ground, he smiled with his face barely scratched and took her arm, she started igniting them but he kept them on it, Exir was shocked by his heat resistance.

Absel: Time to get down little bird.

He swung himself to grab Exir and blocked her wings with his calves, she started falling and Absel looked at the ground. She tried to free herself but he grabbed her other hand, they reached the ground and crashed with a cloud of smoke formed


The smoke went out and Exir's face was the one on the ground, Absel was standing in flag with her as the pole, he then jumped out and Exir body fell.

Absel: that's the first time in a long time since someone scratched me, congratulations.

Exir stood up with her mask Shattered, she took it out violently out of rage, her shield was also down with part of her internals.


Absel flexed and stopped flexing, struck his Torso and it sounded even harder than her body. Exir started understanding his resistance.

Absel: I am blessed by nigh-indestructibility, almost nothing can hurt me.

Veres rushed, reached them, kicked Exir's side when she wasn't focused and sent a slash by swinging his sword downward.

Veres: Don't tell confidential information, we are not at home here.

Absel rolled his eyes and Exir stood up always mad and started crying a bit. They both saw that and their battle spirit went down.

Veres: We can't have mercy for the devil.

Absel looked at him.

Absel: Yes but I don't really want to hit someone who seems so down.

Veres: You would spare your brothers' killer as he cries by caprice?

Absel: It's not like that, I just have a heart.

Veres raised his hand in incomprehension, then pointed her.

Veres: And she doesn't, she must be her bodyguard or something. LOOK! That's just metal tearing oil.

Absel:. . . . . Limiting.

Exir was wiping her eyes as she sees that she can't even get rid of enemies he would slay immediately. She looked at herself and tried to figure out how she could be weak with all he modified.

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