chapter 35: Lucius the First Sinner (P 10)

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Lucius is heading determined and enraged toward his target, on the way he thought about everything he lost today, everything he had to go through, everything that he wanted to inflict to Koavire. He was running between spheres, representing the AU's, he, at some times, forgot why he was here and only focused on going forth. For him something was clear, today Koavire must feel what he felt. There were places he saw, ruined, some others getting assaulted, he was hating this view but he couldn't derive from his objective.

Lucius(to himself): He already started his plan. . . . . . . This bastard.

After 10 minutes running, he reached a bright sphere, this one expelled a satisfying aura feeling the soul with righteousness, Lucius looked at his hands and his body, he looked at his feet who got used badly on the way and he started by sitting on the ground and healing a bit before. His mind calmed but now he is enraged with justice, he feels people inside of this orb.

Lucius: 3 are familiar, the 3 others are familiar but not in the same way, it looks like there is someone else like me in there.

He thought about what Virelock said and remembered the 12 orbs, he tried to remember what that could be and found it matching.

Lucius: 12 orbs, I represent the fortune, he must represent justice and so with a scale. . . . What is this orb then?

He looked back at his feet and they were healed up, he stood up and stretched a bit, his bone cracking made him feel comfort for a bit before vanishing again.

Lucius: Well, how can I put this guy down?

He summoned the wheel and looked at the possibilities thinking about combos or things matching, but he also thought about something else.

Lucius: My wheel can freeze everyone that is weaker than. . . . me I guess? I don't remember and Virelock isn't here anymore.

He put his skeletal hand on his mouth while thinking and looking, he then noticed something that could put his plan in danger.


He made the wheel disappear and sensed everyone not even phased no movements directed to him, he calmed down and summoned the wheel back to see no reactions at all.

Lucius: This orb is a confined space then, quite impressive.

His eyes were turned on 2 different options, these could work and make him sure to win. He smiled and squeezed his fists, his eyes, red blood, flaming a bit, he jumped to reach the bright orb and punched it with his right, it moved a lot but didn't even scratch it, he summoned a blaster and landed on it. He then brought the wheel to him and turned it, this time he felt it.


Inside the Court, The debate was not finishing and lasted for god knows how long, they spoke and answered each other called lies on lies to the point where even the Judge was falling asleep. Gaster was getting tired of this nonsense, Koavire was watching, arm crossed sitting on his seat as a spectator of the court. Jayl and Arachnea weren't focused anymore, speaking of everything and anything beside the trial, they even forgot someone's life was going to end here. They spoke about family and things, common nonsense of the nobility and even serious politics in some cases. The attorney, him, was literally tired, he was sweating while wiping his sweat out of his forehead, his head hurting of Justice and arguments refused and wronged, Gaster was reaching his limit in terms of time and arguments, nothing working this time he was ready to give up, he looked at the spectators and saw them bored same thing with the Judge, he sighed and turned back into his Sans' form.

Gaster: Judge what happened if I were to suspend the case?

The Judge was leaning on an arm almost sleeping but he stood up as something was finally happening. His great size to represent an overwhelming Justice could increase and he was closing his face with Gaster which he never saw giving up.

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