chapter 44

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Exir cut the call, stood up, looked at the stairs and went up, she entered their room to see the blanket violently tore up, she took it in her hands and looked for other hints. She took her phone back and tried to call Siceles. The phone rang and she heard it under a pillow, taking it in her hands, she tried to unlock it but she didn't know the password, an annoyed expression appeared on her face.

Exir: What do you have to hide anyway? Corpses location?

She stopped and remembered she was alone, took the tip of her right index off, a USB head could enter the phone and she started cracking it, when she found the password it was strange to her.

Exir: The 20th of May ****(20/04/****), I don't know anyone with this birth date, his is in February and mine in August.

She unlocked it and the first photo she saw on his phone was her and him, she froze in front of that and smiled. She found out he had a lot of unread messages but didn't care, she went for the diary, inside was almost everything he had done without any real details, speaking of his children, his friends and experimenting along with his continually decreasing sanity.

Day 1,000,560; I have been good for now, this gift she gave me before was kind of handy, sharp and deadly but also really useful to calm myself, I would like to be independent from that thing.

Exir:What is he talking about?

Day 1,001,780; Her gift is useful, I must thank her later, but, but his effects are getting almost too weak. Those nightmares, every drop of blood I spilled is coming back for more of my own mind. . . . . . I brought Exir here to see if she could make the situation better, staying alone in this situation isn't good.

Exir: Me? Or another me?

Day 1,007,890; I almost killed them too. . . . I think it can't get any better, I must stay focused all the time, I can't let myself sleep nor see, I must hide these cursed eyes.

Exir: . . . . He didn't want to harm us, I was sure but was it also the case for my other me? Also what is with his eyes.

Day 1,110,560; New report. . . . New massacre, her gift is rotting with my state, I would like to end that but even beheading me isn't enough, I lived, I suffered enough, I just want to have a dream and not these things. . . . . . . Imagine your existence being a danger just by existing. . . . Whatever.

Exir: He killed us there? Or is it in another Multiverse?

Day 5,670,856; The blade is black now, with a dark blue sharp, I think I can use it 2 times at best. . . . . I asked her for another one but it's not possible as this is a Divine relic of Death. I wish that these last 2 tranquilizers will be the last one I need, I almost forgot to do this report, I should make them regularly.

Exir: He never talked to me about that, what this relic could be?

She read the last page written.

Day 5,670,886; They don't stop looking at me. . . . they wait for me to show weakness or something, I must stay strong but now my sanity is attacked in 2 ways, not that myself was enough right? F*cking HELL!

Exir: He was doing like nothing but he was affected by it, and we were only a way for him to keep himself calm? Even there we failed, what can we do to help?

She put the diary down and sat on the mattress, she put her feet under the bed and struck something like a cotton bag, she went for it and took out something really long but not very large, enough to hold a sword or something. She looked under the bed and saw a letter, she took it and read behind it.

Exir: From R.C? Who is this R.C?

Letter: Well, well, well look who is crawling to me now? Ok, ok I won't bother you with this but there I gave you your last favor, the Relic of death n°4 "Death bringer model Katana", it will be enough to contain you (You can always ask for me, tho) and this weapon would be enough to show off a tenth of you power maybe less.

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