chapter 40: Dementophobia

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In the Eden void Lucius and Siceles are facing each other. Siceles eyes covered and Lucius was smiling a bit with his eyes flaring weakly, each one ready to kill the other. They raised their head silently looking at each other and always without a word Siceles took ou his katana from a dimensional rift, Lucius is surprised, Siceles unsheathed it slowly showing a Venta black sword with a dark blue blade shining. Siceles threw the scabbard away and it fell inside a rift, he was wielding his katana with one hand pointing it at Lucius.

Lucius: A simple weapon, but the rift?

Siceles swung a single time on the side, a violent wind blast started creating a giant gap between them and any realities, Lucius didn't try to counter it and was almost sent flying. He landed and this void was a perfect arena yet the Reality orbs were too close if it went out of hand, Siceles looked around and put the sword on his shoulder, and started walking toward Lucius. Lucius him wasn't even motivated, he technically already won and just had to wait for his ennemi to die but he wanted to respect at least his opponent's efforts for the arena, he he covered his hands in bandages and went in a hand to hand fighting. Siceles stopped and looked focused on his position that he found dangerous to attack.

Siceles: Where did you learn that from?

Lucius: If you defeat me, I will tell you.

Siceles smirked head down to raise it back, took out his left hand from his pocket and Lucius felt him, ready to fight.

Siceles: I know you are strong, but the longer I am here the closer to death you are.

Lucius smiled genuinely with intensity, his eyes flaring more lively.

Lucius: Bring it on!

Siceles rushed forward near to the ground and attempted to cut Lucius legs off, Lucius saw that and lower his guard, Siceles stopped himself and backflipped above Lucius for him to struck his back, his spine cracking a bit but he reformed it by instinct, flying high in the air, he turned to look at the ground and see Lucius coming to him, he waited for him and swung multiple times, Lucius' trajectory got deviated but it's better than the fate of the Eden orb ground as it had space rift inlaid by the katana. Lucius teleported to the ground and Siceles threw bones, which he avoided with no difficulties. Siceles started falling down and Lucius downed his guard a bit to grab a bone by instinct, he looked at it eyes widening as he didn't see it.

Lucius: Nice. . . . . . . What is that.

Siceles put his hand on his mouth to order Lucius to shut up which he didn't take well, he summoned a bone wall of great size and struck it with strength. Siceles saw a red wall that he could avoid but he wanted to show off, he took momentum and widely swung his katana to cut open the wall, Lucius was behind with a blaster and Siceles couldn't avoid anymore.

Lucius: Unfairness shot.

A little orb went straight to Siceles, he attempted to block it but it was pushing him backward, he wasn't focusing on Lucius anymore and all his consciousness were focused on their current task. He jumped and leaned back to send the orb away, Lucius appeared above him and pressed the orb on the katana, Siceles grit his teeth and got slammed by it before it exploded, Lucius was sent, a bit burned, away by the blast while Siceles was leaning on the mess of smoke to stand up and look at his katana cracking a bit, he tried to restore it but a roll was heard, his katana under his ability got damaged even more, he squeezed his handle and wiped the smoke away with his hand to launch himself outside toward Lucius.

Siceles: You really start to be annoying.

Lucius saw him come and went to his guard from the beginning, Siceles stopped and faked a swing that Lucius avoided by instinct.

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