chapter 42: Hemophilia

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Siceles was motionless, unable to move in front of Lucius, he was struggling to move his body and he tried to use abilities without any effects, he could only look forward at the wheel, he was shaking a bit.

Siceles(to himself): That's what I felt. . . . . . . . That's that thing. It's familiar and strange at the same time.

Lucius walked toward him slowly, he was smiling and claws ready to behead Siceles.

Lucius: You were dead the moment you met me instead of hiding.

He took momentum tore space at Siceles' neck height. Lucius looked back  and Siceles teleported away, he was holding his neck bleeding and trying to heal it.

Siceles(to himself): It didn't go through, thank god.

Lucius turned around and located Siceles at the base of the tree but he was also confused by what just happened.

Lucius: He could move when I hit him? Or did he use a skill? No it must be that I can only act a single time before they are free.

He walked toward the wheel and noticed movements before escaping, the whole area along with that wheel was cut down rifts appearing at the place. The wheel was forced to disappear. Siceles reappeared on the ground hood back on, took out his gun and aimed at Lucius and shot multiple times, teleported above him to stomp him on the ground, jumped away and summoned blasters to nuke Lucius again. He landed on the ground, squeezed his handle to violently unsheathe his katana, blowing the smoke away, he placed the katana up his head aiming at Lucius down at the ground.

Siceles: Won't let you act anymore.

A roll was heard and Lucius teleported away and reappeared before Siceles who swung downward, Lucius went in his special guard and Siceles had one eye into an emblem. He touched Lucius and he went through him like nothing but every damage was negated, Siceles kicked backward Lucius in the back and slashed his back, he had one eyes bleeding enormously but it didn't phase him. Lucius landed and backflipped on his feet, a roll was heard, Siceles rushed at Lucius who tore space before him and hit Siceles in his new blind spot. He formed a circle with his hands but his fingers flew in the air, Siceles charged at him and cut off his arm, he sheathed his katana back to reappear behind Lucius cutting him into pieces this time, a roll was heard, Lucius was healed but leaning on the ground.

Lucius: You really are worth the shot.

Siceles closed with Lucius, who snapped. Siceles stopped and modified Reality to make himself not reachable, he created a mini space out of this space trapping himself. The smoke changed into "Death". Lucius stood up and looked at the mini space, he formed a circle with his hand and the wheel reappeared, Siceles came back and he was stunned again.

Lucius: Look who got caught again.

Siceles(to himself): Get lost!

Lucius spun the wheel which turns for a while before landing on "Devil's redemption", Lucius was lost about this one and Siceles teleported at him looking at the wheel, kicked him in the middle of it a giant ray struck the wheel and blew Siceles far away. He landed and looked at the wheel always standing and Lucius a bit electric but barely harmed.

Siceles: That's all?

Lucius understood and spun the wheel again, it landed on "Devil's deal". Siceles felt weakened and Lucius felt reinforced, he looked at the formidable energy he just got and laughed a bit. Siceles was more and more anxious as this continues.

Siceles(to himself): That's bad, I will need 10 seconds to get back full.

Lucius: You were hiding all of that?

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