Chapter 2: the admins

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In Staffverse too things are going a bit faster due to them acknowledging Siceles existence as a real menace. Some were afraid as they already met Faker and can't stand him, others didn't really care as he was young and they could easily wipe him out of Reality if needed when they can't really scale him as he always hold back. Staff!404 was directing the faction formed in an urgent state. There were Staff! Omnipotent, Alpha!Betty, Alpha!Sans, the members of Alphatale and some other outsiders joining in as they just want action. 404 invited everyone in a castle he made for that, it was blue and grey with some taint of cyan, they were sitting in around a table like in a meeting and they were looking at each other and smiling to see fresh faces.

404: We don't have time for whatever you would want to do here. I called you as I felt Faker destroying a lot around in the Eden tree.

404 crossed his arm and leaned on his seat to look at the ceiling.

404: I don't think it's Faker, even tho it could be him, he isn't that mad to do that, he doesn't like to kill quickly and he would take all his time to genocide multiple Eden orbs.

Omni: What do you think then? Another being with the same energy could exist? If it's the case we are screwed if he became like Faker.

Betty: We just have to kill him then. Let me do it, it will be quick and efficient.

404 glared at her.

404: Are you stupid or crazy? If this being is like Faker even us all won't be enough to scratch him.

Betty sat back on her chair looking at them now.

Alpha: But we don't know when he will want to come around here and slaughter us.

Omnipotent: We have the choice between teaming up with others around and maybe fail or everyone here will have to become a lot stronger.

404: This is 2 options but I don't think it will be all needed, I noticed the existence of multiple high energy beings, it provoked chill down my spine but they aren't related to Faker or that being I think.

Everyone looked at him curious.

Omni: Speak then.

404: His name is Cydron, and he is really similar to Fatal error for some reason but his power is in another plan of existence. If I manage to rally him to us, he could maybe help us out.

Betty: I can go search him and drag him here if needed.

404 smiled and put his hands on the table.

404: Do you like to suffer or die? This Cydron is even stronger than us and if he is as easily annoyed as Fatal he could kill us all, one by one.

Omni: What about you let me do that? I think I will seem less dangerous than you.

404: I will let you this at least and there is something else, so you think we will need to team with Godverse?

Everyone looked at him a bit surprised but their pride and honor refused them to call for help like a b*tch.

Betty: Better dying.

Alpha: Some of them are just too much, I don't really hate King tho.

King: I hate him.

Error: I can only follow that.

Omni: No problem on my side.

Fatal: Whatever, I won't ever team up with these mannerless proud mothers *ERROR*. . . . Sorry for that but you said this Cydron was like me?

404 nodded and showed a screen and as he saw it he sweated a bit and instantly turned it off. Everyone felt threatened and Fatal was just smiling.

Fatal: So this is my son from somewhere else?

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