chapter 34: Lucius the First Sinner(P 9)

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The Strange form that took Koavire appearance was walking toward him with a wide smile and Lucius could see some difference compared to the real Koavire, first, he was almost totally black with just the eyes glowing white, second, he doesn't have the scarf and something in his behavior was so unfamiliar to Koavire.

Koavire: I have a deal for you.

Lucius was ready to attack if anything, he looked carefully at his interlocutor walking being aware of every of his movements, Lucius saw everything going slower in his mind and it calmed him down. Koavire stopped some steps away but enough for Lucius to hear him, he crossed his arms in his back and smiled again with some sort of appreciation, Lucius was confused but always on his guard.

Koavire: First of all, I am not the one you think, I look like him but my ideas are the strict opposite, my name is Virelock and I could say that I am his clone, his dust but I will arise at his death for sure.

He extended his hand for a handshake but Lucius didn't let his guard down an instant and refused by an absence of movement, Virelock seemed deceived and retracted his hand.

Virelock: I understand your pain and your disbelief but I didn't do anything here my friend, when your dream stopped I wasn't aware of that, all I saw was that I got an opportunity to have someone, a great and strong warrior to help me in my task.

Lucius retracted his claws and jumped a bit backward to see no action from Virelock, he started walking toward him and Virelock was excited by the events.

Lucius: why me? Do you have any other allies? How many are they? What is your objective?

He looked intensively at him and had a closed expression of a poker player not wanting to leak any unnecessary informations. Virelock liked him even more his hands were always in a position to make his interlocutor way more confident but Lucius wasn't dumb enough for that.

Virelock: All, I think, you want to know is that I can make your dream come true.

They were looking at each other eyes the void leaving not even a sound, it looked more like an illegal deal than a real deal.

Lucius: Favorite wandering merchants line but how could I believe you?

Virelock: Simply because I hate my other me and you hate him too, he did so many bad things and we both want him to die and this time definitely.

Lucius crossed his arm and faked a smile, Virelock uncrossed his arm and pointed at Lucius.

Virelock: You are the only one free and able to stop him right now, I don't doubt your abilities to kill him too. You held back there right?

Lucius shrugged and started looking in the void.

Lucius: Who knows and I want my world back? Why would I? Now they aren't suffering but you want to bring back that.

Virelock: Good try but I don't speak about this dream but your personal dream of a better world, if you don't trust me I will just have to wait more for the next to come and clean.

Lucius(to himself): I need to learn more about him.

He closed with Virelock and extended his hand for a handshake, Virelock was surprised but he accepted it willingly, they both used a lot of strength and Lucius was trying to scale Virelock, his hand was cracking and breaking but he wanted to keep a high profile and not show any pain.

Virelock: I promise you won't regret this decision, my friend.

Lucius(to himself): He isn't real. . . . This strength can't-

Virelock dropped Lucius hand after healing it, he gathered his hands like a merchant would do and had the expression of someone ready to sell a scam.

Virelock: Also you asked me about my objectives. It's simple I just want the throne to do what every king failed to do, forming a peaceful Godverse and all I need is Koavire dead.

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