Chapter 1

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So this chapter may seem a little clunky as it jumps around a lot, but just bear with me. I decided to update these chapters together because I thought the last one was obviously very, very short.
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It was midwinter in the Northern Kingdom and Queen Leila was sitting by the window, knitting her unborn child an adorable hat. The snowflakes were falling like feathers from heaven and the Queen would often watch them from the warm sanctuary of the window, which had a frame of black ebony wood.

As she sewed she observed the way the snow fell and how beautiful it was. Then, just outside the window, the Queen noticed a thick green stalk belonging to a beautiful white rose. It was pearly white, each petal separate and with outstanding beauty. She gasped at its splendour, but promptly shuddered as she pricked her finger on the rose.

Startled, the Queen watched as three drops of glistening blood splashed into the snow dusted ebony window and her eyes widened with realisation. The red on the white against the black was such a perfect array of colours the Queen looked down at where her baby would be growing (for it was barely visible yet) and whispered into the snow, 'How I wish I could have a child with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony. I would call her Snow White.'


Margarita hurtled down the stairs, tossing her flaming red hair as she sauntered past all of he servants. Of course, they bowed low to her, but most servants appeared to be icy towards her. She had treated them well throughout their life, but the way they bit their lips and bobbed their heads, before practically sprinting down the hall away from her, unnerved her slightly, like they knew something she didn't.

'Good morning, Your Majesty.' Emilia greeted simply, walking past her with an enormous stack of bed sheets piled high in her arms. Margarita sat down by her dresser, beaming at her own reflection. She was not vain, she decided, the mirror just loved her.

'It is, isn't it.' She squealed, flicking her hair out of her eyes and bringing her face closer to the mirror, in an attempt to inspect her appearance more closely. She had just returned from her morning stroll, although most citizens knew all to well that it was more of an inspection than a walk.

'You're in high spirits, Your Majesty,' Emilia smiled, giggling with glee at her delighted Queen. She adored Margarita, but something about the young Queen's glee made her feel even worse about the situation. It was not her place to tell, however. She was sworn to secrecy by the most powerful man himself: the Mirror. She showed more fidelity to him than to Margarita, mostly because she feared him more.

'Yes, indeed I am!' Cheered Margatia, dragging Emilia out of her day dream as she applied a second thick coating of lip gloss to her full lips. She was a beautiful woman, but could be the most ugly living thing alive if provoked, and that's what Emilia feared the most.

'Emilia, I wish to pay a visit to the Mirror. Please leave.' Margarita said dismissively, slightly distracted by her own appearance in the mirror. She admired her perfect high cheekbones, her flawless face, her glimmering eyes and her shining hair. She was a figure of beauty.

Emilia hurried out, breathing a heavy sigh of relief. She had refrained from telling Margarita the most dismal news of all according to the Queen.

'Mirror.' Margarita said automatically, as soon as Emilia scamper from her chambers. She smirked with delight as she slipped off her chair.

'Mirror!' Margarita repeated and puckered her lips, contorting her fair face into a ridiculous expression as she smeared lipstick over them. It was a deep, gory red, reminding those in the palace of the colour of blood. It was as if her entire countenance was made up of whatever remains from her enemies: lipstick from the blood of her enemies or even a blend of pale powder from the crushed bones of those she had slaughtered in battle.

Margarita swayed her hips as she walked towards the doors, closing them with a loud, exaggerated click. She spun around, eager to encounter her mirror, who hung on the wall exactly where she left it. 'Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who holds the title of the fairest of them all?'

The mirror was used to this question, but today his unseeing eyes and unmoving lips contorted themselves into a smirk of happiness, like he had achieved something beyond the power of the Queen. 'You are as always, my Queen.' Replied the sacred mirror.

Queen Margarita untensed, her shoulders drooping and her cold sneer relaxed. 'Except, for the new born baby named Snow White.'

Her eyes turned to fury and she spun around, glaring with vigour at the mirror that only told her the truth, and nothing but the truth. The Queen was practical and pursed her lips in anticipation of her plan, 'Not for long. Is she from these parts?'

'No.' Replied the mirror and the Queen narrowed her eyes, as if he had sneered at her. The mirror continued, with no emotion, 'She is in fact the daughter of King Stefan Snow, King of the Northern Kingdom.'

'Excellent!' The Queen clasped her hands together in delight and excitement. Perhaps the most ruthless thing the Queen dealt with was beauty: to be the fairest in the land was like a twisted game to her. 'I shall invite them to a ball, let's see just how potentially fair this baby really is.'

'No need for that, Your Majesty.' The mirror said and the Queen's eyes darkened with joy as she turned to face her beloved mirror. 'King Stefan is holding a christening for his daughter, apparently even Marcus and his son Harold will be attending. Harold will in fact be betrothed the baby Snow White.'

'The poor boy, Harold will never see his betrothed ever again!' The Queen laughed. 'Alas, mirror, there was no invitation for me?' The Queen mused, raising an eyebrow. She knew fully well that the Northern and Eastern kingdoms were rivals with the Southern kingdom and henceforth they had avoided contact with one another.

'They know, Your Majesty, that their daughter is the fairest of them all.' The mirror said in monotone, his faceless shadow blinking at the Queen, puckering her lips in excitement.

'They didn't tell me?' She asked in mock shock. 'Oh dear me, I best pay them a special visit on this occasion, wouldn't like to miss out despite the lack of invitation.'

Her smiled widened at the opportunity to destroy those prettier than her. If Snow White was to end her life, Queen Margarita would gain her beauty. All she needed was leverage in order to hurt the child and Queen Margarita knew no boundaries.

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