Chapter 17

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Thanks for reading. I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I felt like I waited a long time for it!
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Snow White's eyes fluttered open, glowering in the sudden intense light streaming down onto her face. She blinked twice, adjusting her eye sight from the darkness that had engulfed her wildest dreams.

She woke up alone, shivering slightly with the feeling of emptiness for the first time since she left her home. Snow lay there motionless, listening to the faint tick of the clock on the wall.

'Mornin', beautiful,' Peter murmured into her ear teasingly, tightening his grip around her waist, the distance lessening with every moment.

His fingers twirled in her hair, unknotting all the tangles from the night before and separating every strand. He bought his head into her neck deeply inhaling her scent, before gently kissing it and yanking her back to reality. Snow smiled slightly, her body realising a heavy sigh. She loved just lying there and feeling his warm breath on her neck. She hadn't been so close to Peter, but felt so safe and secure and happy.

'Morning handsome.' She replied smiling, turning over to kiss his jaw gently and replying in the same manner. But then Snow just shuffled further into his warm, comforting body and lay there. She loved relaxing beside Peter, saying nothing to one another in the morning.

'C'mon we have more training to do, Snow.' Her eyes pricked up at this and she looked up at him, before her mouth contorted into a gleeful smile, that lit up her face, and swung jet legs out of the bed and onto the floor. Peter nodded happily and left her to get ready in peace.


'Ok, the first thing you need to know about becoming a permanent member of the Gone-' he paused to glance at Carl who pouted angrily at this notion. '-is how to shoot, badass style.' Peter teased gently, smiling encouragingly.

Peter pressed a bow into her palm. Snow gawped at it open-mouthed, feeling the shape of the weapon in her palm. The only time she had never used a bow before was the night before. She hadn't ever properly touched or fired a bow and arrow. It scared her that one day Peter would expect her shoot to arrows at a living thing and possibly even at a human being. It felt eerily dangerous to her, like just by touching the bow, she could kill someone.

'Shooting?' Snow repeated awkwardly.

'Yes.' He replied simply. 'The best way for you to survive here is to learn how to shoot properly.' He stated simply and Snow nodded once, but I knew it was a lie. The best way for her to survive is to be accepted by them. Yet, as Snow nervously examined the bow, she saw how expectant the Gone surrounding them were; they were anxious for her to shoot. To be accepted and to be looked after, the key to her survival, she had to learn how to shoot. She had to become one of the Gone for real.

As Peter handed her a quiver, loaded with long, sharp weapons that could kill in a millisecond, Snow spluttered nervously, 'Wait, real arrows already?'

'What did you expect? Fakes?' He sneered, twirling an arrow of his own, inspecting it closely for abnormalities as all of the Gone hollered with laughter. It didn't take Snow long to notice that his arrows were different, with red feathers as opposed to the white arrows he gave her. Snow wasn't jealous, just curious, but she rolled her eyes at how Peter revelled in being different from the rest.

'It just seems a little unsafe.' Snow pointed out, refusing to back down and standing her ground confidently.

'You scared, Snow?' He jeered and she felt a lump appear at her throat. Snow knew she wasn't stupid; the only way she could survive was to be in a pack with more experienced people. That entailed making friends with the Gone until she found a way to run away or became a member of the Gone. Because the reason she realised she couldn't be a member of the Gone wasn't because she wasn't brave, or strong, or good at fighting, but because she didn't like stealing or other such activities. A member of the Gone always wanted to do these things, and Snow didn't.

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