Chapter 40

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Thanks for reading, I'm sorry it's so short and under normal circumstances, I would promise another chapter soon, but it's the last one.
The final chapter! I'm so sad, this chapter literally made me cry while I was writing it.
Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. I really appreciate all of the support you've given me.
On a more positive note, I have written two other books: one based on the movie and book The Maze Runner called "Save Newt" and the other a fanfiction based on the TV show Once Upon a Time, specifically the portrayal of Peter Pan and the missing character of Tiger Lily, called "Pan's Tiger".
As usual, please vote and comment.

Margarita wasn't dead yet, but Snow White knew that she couldn't face her alone with the uncertainty of what she could do to her people.

And then, Snow ran. She ran faster than she had ever ran before because her life literally depended on it. Her feet alternately sinking through the snow and finding the brittle surface of the winter ground. Her legs mechanically working smoothly, moving her desperate body through the storm. Snow didn't stop to discover where she was and to find bearings, she just ran with a greater sense of urgency than ever before.

Clean sheets of snow were being blown to the ground by the second. Snow shivered, her already pale knuckles turning crystal white from gripping her sword. The air sliced through her, crisp and still and the grey of the skies were scribbled with branches. There was an absence of scent, even her senses were frozen.

And then, beyond the blooming white of fresh snow, Snow saw him and her stomach lurched, almost bringing me to her knees. It was Harry, running across from her, his black shirt torn and his cloak missing. Snow gasped, her smile widening with delight and happiness.

'Snow White,' He said softly, coming closer towards her and halting her in her tracks. The knights were behind him, humming quietly to one another, watching her intently as just moments before, I had been dead. To them (including both the soldiers and citizens), Snow was mad and stupid and reckless, but Peter and the Gone were behind her and knew her better than that. 'It's alright, we all got away.'

Harry had never seen more beautiful to her. His face was glistening with cold. The snow on his eyelashes were like crystal diamonds, contrasting his pink, wet lips. He staggered towards her in a state of complete disbelief, his  leg badly gashed, but his eyes shining with more hope and satisfaction than ever. It could truly be possible that Harry's face lit up as soon as her eyes came to his, like he had been waiting for her.

'I'm so sorry, Harry for taking that apple...' Snow mumbled, her voice dry and unable to breathe without suffocating pants. He shook his head and stepped towards her, his arms outstretched, inviting her in. Snow took his offer and felt his warmth against her cheek, her frozen fingers lacing around his back and fitting their bodies perfectly together. It didn't matter that Margarita wasn't dead, it just mattered that Harry was ok. 'You're not-'

'-Angry with you?' He interrupted and chuckled, bringing his nose towards mine and brushing their lips together. 'Never.'

'But... I did exactly what I promised I wouldn't do: I took a poisoned apple, I fell for her obvious trickery.' Snow whispered painfully, wincing with the notion of his anger.

'Never, I could never be angry with you,' He asserted, beaming down at her and giving her a small, tender kiss. 'It was not obvious trickery and it doesn't matter, because your alive and well and I love you.'

'If ever there was a medal for gallantry behaviour, it would better go to you,' Snow teased gently and they laughed, his fingers lacing behind her back, to where her hair billowed four against the shelter of white.

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