Chapter 12

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I was very pleased that in merely a few days I wrote two chapters, so I hope you enjoy them. I particularly enjoyed writing this chapter.

'...Killed every last one of those cruel, bloodthirsty savages, possibly cannibals too, with my bare hands. They were fearsome enemies, but my superior fighting skills struck fear into their souls, something they could not overcome.' Officer Martin, Harry's second cousin, thumped his chest theatrically, his hand poised for suspense.

'You're so brave.' Murmured Queen Lilah under her breath and just above a whisper, her eyes wide with fearful trepidation, but Snow White could see straight through her flirtatious act, thankfully only the Officer seemed to notice.

'And then-at last-' he paused, his eyes meeting Snow White's for the thousandth time in the last few moments after dessert as he was explaining his courageous adventures in desolate corners of the kingdoms, all of which were probably just ridiculous follies and tales. '-Only the big grey beast was left, a ginormous elephant, angered by my skills in combat-' I rolled my eyes. '-and came hurtling across the desolate plains-'

'No.' Queen Lilah gasped, her mouth slightly agape with awe.

'Oh yes, Queen Lilah-' her eyes glimmered at the name he had used, something everyone had been using all evening. '-I charged forward and plunged my sabre- a heavy cavalry sword- directly into the beast's belly. It collapsed on the spot.' Officer Martin finished his narration with a flourish of his hand, simulating the sabre thrust as if the family had not seen one yet.

'Splendid! Simply Splendid!' King Stefan and Queen Lilah cheered, along with King Marcus, even Prince Harry moved his hands into a forced clap, seeing straight through his obvious facade.

'What an impeccable display of courage,' Queen Lilah proclaimed when the mixture of differently pitched claps had quickly died down and fluttering her eyelashes at the officer. 'To think you single-handedly slaughtered so many savages and such a mortifying monster as an elephant, no wonder the kingdom's cavalry is so strong!'

'Yes, indeed, really amazing,' the entire families had noticed Snow White's silence throughout the meal and the young officer's ears perked with her words, cocking his head slightly to one side in amusement.

'Ah, she speaks.' He chuckled and the family exchanged complementary sniggers, expect for Queen Lilah, who would laugh or gasp at anything that came from his lips. 'Praise from you? I am delighted to accept your appreciation of my bravery in such danger, Miss Snow White.' His raised eyebrow didn't take away his small snigger and smirk, Snow just ignored his flirtatious smile and Harry's arm around her waist under the table tightened.

'Sounds like a miracle,' Snow White mused and all eyes turned to her own, her mother's glaring straight through her, but Snow ignored her and sugar-coated her tone. 'You stabbed the elephant in the belly? From below?'

'Yes?' The officer agreed, his tone suddenly cautious and Snow was beginning to enjoy herself, although hiding her rising smirk deemed almost impossible. Harry noticed what she was doing and his grip loosened, realising she was not impressed by the officer's false stories.

'You see, Sir, that is what I find so amazing,' Snow mused, humoured by her family's undivided attention. 'The elephant collapsed and you were standing right underneath it, I am but amazed you were not flattened by his astonishing size you just described.'

'Err... Well... The elephant fell to the side, therefore I-' The officer tried and Snow White smiled, before she was interrupted by her mother's belated gasp.

'Where did that come from child?' Mother gasped, her pout evident and her eyes wide with suppressed rage. Snow White swallowed the lump in her throat, the etiquette lessons she had failed miserably came flooding back to her. She was supposed not to make unnecessary, mocking redicules.

'A book I read, mother,' Snow White answered slowly and diligently, choosing her words with fastidious care. As she heard this, the tight bun, scrapping the measly wires of a revolting, repulsive mixture of black and grey under her scalp, bobbing slightly on her head with surprise and disapproval.

'A book? What on Earth are you reading?' Mother asked flabbergasted.

'Don't say such things, Snow White, your mother could become ill from these catastrophic follies!" King Stefan exclaimed, frowning at his daughter in a disapproving manner that made her uncomfortable and awkwardly shift in her seat.

'It's a murder-mystery novel, Mama, I'm sure you would approve.' Snow gulped, as all twelve pairs of eyes staring at her. Snow White felt Harry's raised eyebrows burning through her side, his judgemental green orbs starring straight into her soul.

'I should think not!' Her Father said astonished.

'Indeed.' Queen Lilah concluded and Snow realised how embarrassing she was in front of Harry's parents. It was his responsibility, as his mother put it a week before their dinner together, to keep his fiancé "in line". 'But don't you worry, I will inhibit her enjoyment of lower class novels such as those.' She turned her nose up at the mention of its name, but Snow couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

'Absolutely.' Her Father agreed, 'It has been made apparent that such things as reading the correct novels don't please myself and you as much as her.' Her eyes narrowed as they turned to Snow, as if daring her to disapprove.

'What say you to this indoctrination, Miss Snow White?' King Marcus asked, his kindness making her feel warm inside right to her toes. It was as if the money and status meant nothing to him, like he actually cared.

'I understand that my mother wishes me to refrain from reading such novels as these, I must respect that.' Snow White sent a warm, gentle smile to her mother, feeling the way Harry gently squeezed her hand, before rolling her eyes towards Harry so only he could see.


As soon as the guests all left from the room, Snow White's mother took her hand and squeezed it gently. 'Snow White, by the end of this month, you will get married.'

'Married? To whom?' Snow whispered, a lump caught in her throat. Marriage? Snow White had never expected her own parents to choose her husband. She never expected them to rid her of her happiness and youth, plaguing her with the trapping expectations of marriage atrocities.

'To Harold.' Her Father responded confidently. Harry was an egotsitical, cruel, deceitful man and Snow despised him. Sure, she had had an enjoyable experience dancing with him, but it ended there. He was not the kind of man Snow wanted to marry, despite the fact that he was a prince.

'Father, please, I don't want to.' Snow whimpered.

'Oh, of course.' Her Father spat, ignoring yer terrified face, but examining the tears welling in her eyes and scoffing at her fragile body. 'You just stand there and cry! Think I'll come over and apologise? Not this time.'

Snow couldn't see him clearly, as her vision was blinded her thick tears.

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