Chapter 9

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'Mirror, mirror, here I stand. Who is the fairest in the land?' Margarita said automatically. She smirked with delight as she slipped off her chair.

'Still Snow White,' The mirror sighed in vexation.

Margarita screamed in horror and annoyance and dropped into a chair in frustration. 'We must be rid of her!'

'What are you going to do?' The mirror said nervously.

Queen Margarita grinned maliciously. 'She is soon to be old enough. We must invite them to a ball!' She exclaimed, then added spitefully, 'Let's see how fair she really is.'


When Snow finally arrived at the front of the house, the carriage was expectantly awaiting her arrival. She sighed heavily, watching her mother anxiously inspect the streets. Her Mother had a face consistently painted with fury, but when angered, this tripled.

'Snow White!' Her mother cried, rushing out of the way of the carriage as Snow approached her, her hollow cheeks flushed, yet there was a determined smile on her face. Anything that made her mother beam with glee wasn't good.

'I'm sorry, I'm not sure what to do, I've never been to a ball as such before.' Snow mumbled shyly, perplexed as to why the King and Queen would want her to attend one of their balls. Sure, Snow was taught etiquette her entire life, but she had never been to a real party like her sister, Rose, had. She felt completely inexperienced.

'Nonsense, Rosaline and I have been talking about nothing else for weeks.' Her mother gushed, grabbing her shoulders and guiding her to the carriage.

'I know, Mama, but I don't think-' Snow began before she impertinently flicked her wrist and silenced her daughter. Snow raised an eyebrow as she was plonked into the rickety black carriage next to Rose, her older sister.

'Snow!' Her mother scowled, 'There will be fine gentlemen there. You are a beautiful girl and they will be chasing you for your attention.' She squealed, but this only explained why Snow didn't care to hear their gossip recently, her ears were good at protecting themselves against unnecessary torture.

The trepidation at the pit of her chest was beginning to evolve into panic. Snow White didn't what to be "chased by men"? There could be very little worse. Balls meant that Snow had to dance and she knew that she was atrocious at dancing because she never thought she would need to because Rose always went to the balls. Never her.

As if reading the terror in her eyes, her mother wagged a finger and scowled, 'Now, young Lady, don't you dare think about not coming. This may be the opportunity of a lifetime for you meet your potential husband.' Snow White shuddered at this and flattened her dress to remove any creases nervously.

With horror she had discovered this morning that her mother had managed to find the time to completely change her favourite dress. With frilly laces at the sleeves and neckline, Snow felt like she looked horrendous. Believe it or not, it was even off the shoulders! Her disgust was completed when her mother had waltzed into her bedroom with a fan and pressed it into the palm of her hand.

'Oh, Snow!' Cried Rose with glee. 'We're going to the ball, isn't that exciting?' She was practically hopping up and down on her seat, trying to suppress the excitement rising inside of her.

'Yes, very exciting.' Snow White mumbled, still busily nauseated by her attire. She turned to face her sister, who was still ranting on about how exquisite this evening would be.

'...Can you imagine how grand the ballroom will be? And the music, Snow? You've never heard a quadrille before, let alone danced it, you must be extremely excited. I would so love for you to find your perfect man, as will I!'

Snow's mother and sister had the same self-satisfied smile on their identically breath-taking faces, in the full knowledge that Snow had been invited to this hideous atrocity of a ball because of their charms. Rose probably expected her to thank her on blended knee when she had endured this most disgraceful feast and embarrassing dance.

The road to the palace was far from adequate. The carriage tilted in its wheels, but only just managed to stay upright. Snow did everything she could not to empty the contents of her stomach on Rosaline or her Father. What kind of idiot did they have driving? Snow wasn't one to complain, but as she was flung across the carriage, the only thing she could think about was that the person needed a proper driving lesson.

'Look.' Breathed Rose, her eyes wide with amazement at the scene before them. The palace had been decorated with fairy lights, complete with every colour of the remember and far more than I had ever seen. The light mist formed only after twilight, created a magical and mysterious fog, which one could barely see through. Apparently, the King and Queen's Lords, Ladies and courtiers were actually enjoying themselves.

Before them, gates and a low stone wall had appeared out of the mist. The gates to the palace stood wide open, a position Snow seldom saw them in, with servants forming an impressive welcome- committee either side. The servants stood to attention as the carriage passed, gravel crunching under it's weight.

With a very flourishy flourish, the servants congregated around them. Led by the band of servants at a measured, dignified pace, Snow and her sister, mother and Father walked up the red carpet towards the entrance to this horrendous ball and her sister swaying along the road flirtatiously.

'Snow, you look beautiful, literally, breathtaking.' Rose mumbled to her discretely, trying not to move her mouth. Snow beamed, knowing even this dress bought out the colour of her sapphire blue eyes, but still it was a struggle to make her beautiful.

'Thank you, it was all your styling.' Snow reversed the compliment and she shyly bent her head towards the floor, her face reddening. Rose had picked out their dresses and Snow thought they were truly lovely.

'It was my pleasure.' She mumbled, before she entered the room.

Entering a large hallway, once again Snow had to vigorously employ her jaw muscles to prevent her mouth from falling at the sight of the opulent splendour awaiting us. She had no idea the King inaugurated on a knew design for his entrance.

Snow felt Rosaline excitedly squeeze her hand, knowing how little she wanted to be here. Rose's facial expressions was bright and nearly bursting with excitement, but her Mother was reserved, quiet and demure. Snow, on the other hand, couldn't force herself to look less pale, anxious and shy.

'Mother, I don't think I can do this.' Snow mumbled in her mother's direction. She smiled towards the servants, then shot her an undignified glare.

'Nonsense, any daughter of mine will be perfect in this situation.' She insisted 'Besides, what would you rather, be happily married to one of these Lords, or an invalid, undesirable woman who loved someone as lowly as a... Servant boy.'

Snow swallowed the lump in her throat, unsure whether this really the lesser ordeal.

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