Chapter 4

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The chapter I updated recently wasn't very good and you waited a long time for it, so I decided to update two chapters now and then I'll hopefully update soon anyway.
I hope you're having a lovely summer too.
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Snow White grew up with Ester to be a beautiful and kind young girl. Anyone who saw her instantly loved her. Ester adopted another young child named Liam and he grew up to be a fine, protective brother of his slightly younger sister.

Despite the fact that her children have grown up in the countryside, in a poor, yet beautiful city, their toys were plentiful and most magnificent. King Stefan had sent them gifts of toys at least once a week and after only three weeks, they were beginning to give them away to every child in the neighbourhood. Now every child, orphan or not, had hundreds of beautiful toys to play with and their parents were most delighted.

Snow White and Liam had a dappled rocking horse as big as the ones in the roaming freely in the meadows and moors. It was by far one of their favourite of their toys, a splendid specimen with a curly mane and a long tail of cinnamon coloured real horse hair. It was completed with a red saddle and reins and big green rockers. Liam loved it dearly and rarely let Snow White have a turn, but she would threaten to push him off, or ask Ester to do it for him. Ester tried to remain objective in their squabbles of toys, merely because usually Snow White becomes tiresome and wanders off, pouncing on the toy she wanted so dearly soon after dinner was finished. On many occasions Ester had assisted their rocking, feeling the sleek shining mane and the smooth wood and Ester and the locals used to joke that they secretly longed for a turn, but never wanted to break the radiant thing.

Snow White's doll appeared to watch her from the shelf most of the time Ester spend in the nursery, her glass blue eyes staring blankly, but obviously at her. Her painted lips become slightly parted and it seems as though they are dragged almost into a sneer. She had golden ringlets and a set on fine clothes, something Snow White takes upon to change her every morning and evening, after vigorously brushing half of her hair out. She even has little mittens for her fingers in cold weather and a collection of shoes for all seasons and climates, even though winter is still
evident here.

Snow White's first memory was in the park taking a walk. It was bitterly cold in the park one morning. Snow White and Liam were both aged two. Snow White complained that she could not feel her toes inside of her shoes, so Ester patiently and gently made a small fire and heated some water, before letting it cool slightly to warm her frozen toes. And, rather unfortunately, even Liam's nose was running in a rather unattractive way, but she would wipe this up immediately as if it was nothing. Although she would never believe it, she was a good substitute mother and the children adored her.

Snow White loved to feed the ducks any stale bread Ester could find her, and if there is none, Ester would even slice into her rations for the duck's supper to be served. Ester adored the children. Meanwhile Liam, who didn't care for feeding ducks, twirled a ball around with the other children, singing a vulgar song at the top of his voice.

Even though all of the children had a large collection of toys to keep them from the harsh weather outside, Ester knew it was necessary to take them to the park at least once a day.

Eventually, the group pressed on beyond the duck pond towards the forest in search for berries, fruits and other delicacies for desserts that evening.

'White!' Snow White squealed, skipping up and down in her red coat and Wellington boots as she was eagerly delighted that she knew the colour of Ester's hat like she had done for almost a week by now. White was by far her favourite colour as it belonged to the sky when it snowed and her favourite climate, too things that she claimed meant that white was the best.

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