Chapter 28

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I know that I usually leave more time between the chapters, but this one is a little short and it was my break so I had more time. In addition, tomorrow I'm going on holiday until Monday, so you won't get an update between then, but you will get one on Monday or Tuesday.
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Then came the first sound she had heard in days. Snow barely registered the jingle of keys and the scrape in the lock before her cell door burst open. She didn't have enough time to scramble out of the way and the heavy metal door caught her on the side of her head, a sharp pain piercing her skull.

As soon as the door opened, Snow White heard the wails, screams, howls and familiar crack of whips against thin flesh. She grimaced. The guard's fingers twitched, longing for the feel of the whip in his fingers, the feel of thick, rough leather against the palm of his hand and the sweet swoosh against his ears, followed by gasps or screams.

Snow was yet to experience the methods used by this guard. She had not see him before, but she could see the anger in his eyes as they appeared to pierce her soul. It was clear that he wanted revenge, to inflict pain on the traitorous man that betrayed the King, by being more beautiful than the Queen.

The guard's eyes fluttered across her body. Snow was hanging from the thick, metal chains that suspended her body, her toes barely touched the pool of her own blood gathered on the dark ground.

'Why are you here if not to cause me more pain than your step mother had?' Snow muttered angrily, her voice angry, but also mellow. She hated Harry for what his step mother had done, no matter how illogical it seemed.

'To rescue you, of course,' Harry said and spun around, sending Snow a big toothy grin as he did so. Snow frowned, tilting her head to and fro in confusion. The way he had spoken to her and looked at her seemed to indicate otherwise, she was particularly surprised as she assumed the prince knew that after his marriage proposal, she ran away.

'Rescue me?' Snow whispered, her eyes wide in confusion. Harry looked at her like it was the first time he had properly seen her since he entered the cage. His eyes widened as Harry realised how awful Snow looked in this state, her body thinner and more frail than ever before. Snow's eyes crept up to look at him, narrowing slightly before they lit up like they had not seen a person, but encountered hope itself.

Snow gasped as her chains were unclasped, rubbing her raw wrists and then racing towards him in a very undignified manner. Harry pulled her close until his body was touching her own and hugged tighter than ever before. They savoured every moment in their massive bear-hug, both shaking with sobs and crying the hardest and most meaningful.

'I can't believe it, I had no idea you were here or I would have come sooner!' Harry apologised, pulling away startled to inspect him. 'Snow? What happened to you? You're like a skeleton!' He hissed, tears welling inside of his eyes as he examined the girl he had fallen in love with, his bitter hatred for Margarita growing every second.

'Im fine, Harry, honestly,' Snow badly attempted to lighten the mood. 'Besides, we best leave before the guards find us.'

Harry nodded reluctantly stepped back out of the cell, gesturing for her to follow after he checked both directions, his eyes wandering up to meet her own with grief and sadness.

'Are you ready? Is there anything else I need to help you with before you can run, we have a long journey ahead of us?' Harry asked concerned, his voice quivering with fear as he took a step from the prison cell.  Snow's eyes scanned across the corridor of the prison, noticing the enormous settling ash cloud and the guards lying motionless on the ground. The ground was thick with the mud and grime that squelched under their feet; rotting pieces of human flesh; rats scuttling across the prison floor and the crunch of bones. The torture most discrete as nobody ever lived to tell of how this was done.

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