Chapter 10

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'I can't believe it, it's all happening to quickly.' Rose sang, dancing up towards her sister and beaming in her vague direction. They had barely been there five minutes, but to her it felt like eternity. Her judgemental eyes scanned the crowd, as if putting the gentlemen in relative handsomeness. She had no idea on what basis to make her judgement. Surface area to volume ratio? Masculinity? The smile?

'Your coat, Miss?' Snow jumped, having been dragged from her thoughts of an extensive list of desirable male characteristics, by a servant lingering beside her. She turned her head to stare blankly at servant who had appeared from no where and was holding out his arms.

'What about my coat?' Snow White asked, bewildered.

Equally confused, the servant frowned but quickly readjusted himself and regained composure, perhaps it was not a frequently asked question. 'May I take your coat?'

Snow was surprised and almost angered as to why she would give her coat to him. 'No, of course not. It's mine.'

'He means he will return it later so you don't have to dance with it.' Her sister hissed, her eyes large and her expression cold and icy. Snow swallowed, bobbing her head in apology and reluctantly handing over her coat and worrying that she may never get her favourite garment back.

'Mr White, his wife and his daughters.' Her father said coldly to the servant at the door, almost as if angered that he would have to identify himself. Snow could hear the chatter and laughter without, the obnoxious humour of the rich repulsed her.

Not far from the door stood what Snow presumed was the King, a rather large fellow with a tailed jacket that barely fitted around his belly, who spun around and his thin lips pulled into an ugly and revolting smile.

'-And this lovely Lady?' Snow turned to realise that Rose had been introduced and not her.

'My lovely daughter Snow White.' Her Father smiled.

'Delighted to make your acquaintance, Miss Snow.' The King said audibly, bowing low to the ground as Snow curtsied. Before her body could take a few minor steps away to prevent it, he grabbed her right hand and planted a soft, moist kiss on the back of her hand.


Snow highly doubt that she would ever be accustomed to the etiquette of such things, it was revolting to smother one's lips on the hand of a stranger and expect a curtesy and smile of gratitude? This is not 'polite society' it is gross impertinence.

Sheepishly, Snow tried to unobtrusively wipe her hand on her dress, whilst the King took her parents away while in deep conversation with them as if they were old friends.

The Queen sat enthroned before everyone, her eyes scanning the crowd coldly. She had been furious that she had thus far been unable to identify the so-called "Fairest of the Land". Suddenly her eyes widened into hatred as she noticed Snow White and what's more, her stepson was heading straight for her.

Just then a dashing young man stepped forward and bowed low before Snow White. Her breath hitched and her heart rate increased. Oh God, couldn't there be just one dance in which she was alone to see how this truly occurred?

'Miss Snow White, I presume,' He smiled, sending her the smile that she was sure could melt hearts. Snow White didn't know exactly how he was, but if she was really as observant and inquisitive as she hoped, he would be Prince Harry himself. Snow sighed, her mother would slaughter her alive if she refused to dance with the heir to the throne.

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