Chapter 38

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Thanks for reading. I updated this pretty quick following the long wait last time.
This chapter was really exciting to write, but quite sad too. I'm sure you know the ending to Snow White and therefore won't be worried.
Please note next chapter is the penultimate chapter.
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'I need some air,' I mumbled, excusing myself from my new husband who merely nodded and continued to talk to the courtiers.

Snow White was running, as fast as her legs could carry her. Her feet were in agony, plummeting pain throughout her body. Snow could feel thousands of cuts and grazes on her bare feet (she'd kicked off her shoes ages ago); sharp and torturous pains shot through her and had tormented the soles of her feet, to the extent of excruciating pain. However, she forced herself to carry on, faster than her legs could carry her.

It wasn't so bad that day- being a Queen with that level of attention- because it was snowing and Snow could walk strong and confidently through the snow, knowing that Peter and the Gone were gone, but no one could tell that Snow White was crying and broken inside as the snowflakes rolled down her cheeks.

The trees gently swayed in the breeze that chilled her throat and attacked her body, causing fear of hyperthermia. But the freezing temperatures barely affected her.

A tree playfully grabbed her from behind, it's twisted branches holding her tightly as she badly attempted to untangle her hair from its grasp. Snow White loved the trees, somewhat causing envy to wash over her. They had no feelings of sorrow, guilt, anger and grief, furthermore they were the one thing the creators could not control, but they'd probably find a way.

Snow White came to a river, the icicles hanging limply from the frozen base of the pool. It was silent and still, tiny pockets of air trapped inside and waiting for the return of summer. She slowed her pace as she saw this, thinking about how every river led to the sea and how lonely rivers can be. Rivers were the loneliest things on Earth.

Snow White began to quicken her pace, until she began to run once more. Each footstep brought her further away from the wedding. She darted, swerved and dived in and out of trees, shrubs and bushes, running as fast as her legs could carry her.

Snow White cautiously hugged her arms tighter around her and carried on walking thoughtlessly, which ever direction the world would take her. She didn't care where she was going, but caring never crossed her mind either.

Gradually, Snow White lowered herself onto a branch, hugging herself to stop the hideous winter chill. And she allowed herself to drift into the peaceful world of dreams, her wedding dress was very dirty, but let her escape to her thoughts.

'Hello, Miss,' Snow jumped in fright, but then slowly her body turned to stare into the owner of the voice, standing merely two feet behind her. When her silhouette finally came to sight, Snow was almost convinced that she had seen her before, but dismissed this immediately. The first thing Snow noticed was how normal the old woman was, bowing before her like a formal woman.

The old woman took Snow's hand in her's and planted a soft kiss on the back of it. This unforeseen gesture sent an unexpected chill down her spine, the old woman's sudden friendliness causing her pulse to intensify with every flick of her thin, bony wrist.

Her lips were cold and light, making her question whether Snow felt anything tangible at all. All she felt was an unanticipated rush of icy breeze against her skin. Taken aback by her abrupt actions, Snow immediately withdrew her hand from her grasp and cradled it in her other hand, as if protecting herself from a deadly poison.

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