Chapter 21

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Thanks for reading. Again, I'm really sorry about the wait, but I promise that this chapter is good and you see how a new side to Snow.
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Snow walked over to the fire and sat next to Patrick, braiding her hair over her shoulder. 'Why such a long face? What's up with you?' Patrick asked her.

'Sorry, I'm just tired.' She shrugged, leaning slightly against him in order to keep herself upright. Patrick shuffled slightly, but only to make her more comfortable and not as an act of anger or repulsion that Snow was almost asleep on his shoulder.

'Well, you look awful,' Patrick commented.

'Thanks.' She said sarcastically, nestling her head into his shoulder. He was just a little taller than she was, which enabled his shoulder to be at the perfect height for her to rest upon. He put an arm around her shoulder and squeezed, sending her a small, brotherly smile.

'Peter's coming, look alive.' Patrick told her and elbowed her in the ribs. Groaning, Snow snapped up into a sitting position, frying a pan of eggs on toast on the fire just in front of her. Her eyes lifted to glance across at Peter, who seemed surprisingly cheerful all of a sudden, which just provided a bigger contrast to how tired she was.

Her eyelids drooped, but she forced herself to look upwards slightly. 'Snow, stay with us, Snow White!' Patrick said urgently, but Snow just allowed herself to fall onto his shoulder. He relaxed slightly, not bothering to wake her, until suddenly he tensed, 'Snow, Peter's watching.'

'So?' She grunted, not opening her eyes a fraction.

'No, Snow, he's not watching, he's scowling.' Snow shot upwards from where she was leaning against Patrick and he shot her a questioning look, but Snow didn't have enough time to explain. If Peter was scowling, she needed to stop to ensure that Patrick didn't get hurt if Peter got jealous.

'I have to go.' Snow whispered and slid off the log, her eyes briefly meeting Patrick's to assure him everything was ok. 'Watch the eggs, please?' He nodded and she walked over to Peter.

As she was about to exit camp, Peter grabbed her by the wrist and spun her around so that she was facing him, an evil grin plastered across his sly lips.

'Hello, Snow. What a pleasure to find you up at this hour,' Peter said a little too cheerfully. Snow scoffed and turned to walk away, realising her mistake of wanting to talk to him. Peter didn't talk, he taunts.

'I'm always up this early.' Snow disagreed, but Peter just laughed and grabbed bed the hand, pushing her against a nearby tree. She squirmed under his grip, her eyes briefly meeting his.

'You look tired, I suggest you get some rest.' He adviced, but in such a tone one cannot refuse to do what he asks. Her breath hitched in her throat as Peter's lips moved from my ear to brush across her cheeks. 'Your not going anywhere without me, Snow.'

'Then I suppose I best return to camp then.' Snow snapped and wriggled under his arm, watching him stay there looking at the spot where she left in anger.

Snow sat back down beside Patrick, who had served up the eggs and had saved one for her. 'Thanks.' She mumbled and Patrick smiled, noticing how miserable she was and allowed her to rest her head against his shoulder once again. 'You know, you're like an older brother to me.'

His eyes turned to meet her own, smiling rather sadly because he was so pleased. 'I was thinking recently that you're like a little sister to me.'

Snow nodded and then said, 'I want to get Margarita off the throne so she doesn't hurt me, because she could hurt any of you if she wanted to. I'm putting you in danger being here.' And then, Snow allowed her body to slip into sleep, listening to Patrick's soft breathing against her neck.

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