I'll keep us safe

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I listened to them talk as I fought sleep from my position in the chair. It was hard not to sink into it, the soft red velvet welcoming and soft against my callus fingers. Hands that knew how to pull apart bandages by heart, how to wield a knife, how to kill a man before he could blink.

I had almost forgotten about the shadow that had settled against my neck until it was joined by more that had climbed up the back of the chair, beginning to massage my scalp through my hair and I tilted my head back in bliss. Gods that felt divine.

"time to go I think" I almost cursed Rhysand's voice, snapping my eyes open to find him smirking ever so slightly. And the shadows disappeared from me, back to their master no doubt.

I followed them back through the house, trying not to bump into the furniture with the watchful eyes of the Shadowsinger on me.

"careful" a warm hand cushioned my hip before I hit a set of drawers, a wall of heat scolding against my back.

"thank you" I turned my head catching sight of Azriel's very attractive face, deep hazel eyes tracing my face.

"you're going to pass out" he muttered, shadows cool against my wrists, fluttering along with my heartbeat.

"I'm just tired"

"exhausted" he corrected, offering me his arm and I eyed it. "I thought we were trusting each other now?"

"trust is not a word I use lightly. And it is not gained easily" I said, but I accepted his arm, hearing his hum in response.

"how long has it been since you ate?"

"4 days" he inhaled sharply as we made it outside, where the others waited. If they thought the fact I was holding onto Azriel was weird, they didn't mention it.

"have you ever flown before?"

I shook my head at the winged man's question and Cassian chuckled, wings flaring as he looked between the two of us.

"you're in for a treat little warrior. Az is a brilliant flyer"

I hadn't seen anyone fly since Icarus. I could still remember his brilliant white wings soaring through the sky, and the way everything had stilled when the arrows had ripped through them. Watching him bleed out as I tried to close the wounds, his smile as he had covered my hand with his own and had told me that it would be okay. That I had been kind to him, unlike so many others.

Cauldron save you. Mother hold you. Pass through the gates, and smell that immortal land of milk and honey. Fear no evil. Feel no pain. Go, and enter eternity.

The prayer that was burned into my tongue.

Faces coated with concern, and I blinked, letting go of Azriel to wipe my face with the bottom of my shirt quickly. My lips pressed together as my chest ached, turning to Azriel.

"how would you like me?" I asked quietly and he stepped forward, wings spreading before he took my arms, encouraging them to wrap around his neck before his arms circled my waist and we shot into the air.

I tucked myself against him tightly, the warmth of his body like a blanket. My legs wrapped around his waist securely, keeping my feet away from his wings. My eyes drooped with each passing second, the stars above blurring before my eyes and I couldn't help but snuggle into the fae carrying me, one of his hands moving to caress the back of my head against his shoulder.

"sleep, I'll keep us safe" his words were full of promise and I sighed before succumbing to the darkness. 

The Love We Deserve - Azriel x OCWhere stories live. Discover now