Useless fucking human

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(I want to apologise for my shit writing in this chapter, battle scenes really aren't my thing so I'm sorry lol, also this is my own version of what happened. Do a shot every time I say chest lmao)

I gasped, shooting up only to find my hands were bound, eyes searching for anything familiar, but the cold face of an unfamiliar guard stood above me. He didn't say anything, and I didn't dare either, watching him walk from the cell.

My chest ached something fierce, and I wiggled in my restraints, trying to loosen the bonds before anyone came back into the prison cell. Which is what this was, told to me by the metal bars in front of me. Moans of other prisoners littered the space and the smell. It was revolting and for the first time in a long time, I was glad for my human nose.

Where was this? This wasn't autumn as I might've suspected after my quarrel with Eris. This was new.

I spent the time they had left me to cut the roped with a sharp bit of metal along the cell wall, not all the way though.

I was still in my clothes from earlier, the dress now dirtied and torn but enough to keep my dignity. My hair had fallen out of its careful placement, and I had to blow it out of my face, flicking my head back to try and push it back.

Footsteps pounded towards me, and I stilled, lifting my head as I waited for them to open the cell. Seven guards, fae, grabbed at me and I slammed my foot into a few of them, not revealing that I could free my hands just yet.

"Useless fucking human" one spat, spitting the blood from his mouth at me after he stumbled back from the force of my kick. He grabbed me by my hair and I grunted, forced to behave as they dragged me from the cell, carrying me through endless hallways that all looked the same until we came across a great door, voices on the other side.

And then they were pushed open, and I stopped breathing.

Azriel had an arrow through his chest, ash. I lunged towards him, but hands forced me back, my knees hitting the marbled floor hard enough to make them shudder, but I couldn't feel it, eyes locked on him. He snarled at the guards holding me, hazel not leaving mine. And I noticed with a hint of concern, there were no shadows.

"And so, we finally meet" a voice drawled, and I dragged my gaze across the room to meet black eyes, crown rested atop his head. Hybern. "Caused quite some damage against my soldiers for a human so small." He continued and my chest heaved with rage, fire crackling through my veins.

The Night Court was corned in the opposite corner to me, Cassian and Mor were holding Az, her hand pressing to the wound on his chest which was leaking blood, he wouldn't last long like this, and the thought made red haze my vision.

Feyre and Rhys stood together, and there were fae I didn't recognise, a long blonde-haired male with another with deep red hair and a golden eye. Spring. The blonde, Tamlin, stared at Feyre like a lost puppy.

"You won't save them so easy" the King smirked, clearly enjoying the fact I was trying to figure it all out. "if she doesn't convince you, how about them"

The doors opposite us opened and I knew those faces. The four human queens strolled into the room and my eyes narrows with distaste, there was something else behind them, more guards but not Hyberns. The Queens parted, and my eyes widened in horror.

They had Nesta and Elaine.

Nesta had put up a fight by the looks of it but Elaine just wept, eyes on the floor as Feyre went tense with anger.

Nesta and I met eyes across the room, and I knew what she wanted. She wanted me to save them. So, I nodded, a promise between us. I would save them. save all of them. no matter the cost.

Everything seemed to come back to me, noises filtering all back at once as I heard the words 'cauldron'. Which had been a pretty big centrepiece to the room this whole time.

"eternal youth" the king smiled sadistically, gesturing to it.

"prove it to us" one of the queens demanded and I seethed at her.

"very well." The king nodded, "I would recommend bracing yourselves"

I smelt the metal and decided now was the time. My fist slammed into the first guard's face, and the second as power began to coat the room, stealing a hunting knife before barrelling towards the others, the first flush of power hitting me, and it felt like pain. Feyre and Rhysand were shielded so I braced myself in front of Cassian who had flared his wings to shield Az and Mor.

My teeth clenched hard, feeling the pain crashing over me but I didn't allow myself to falter. Standing there, I met the king's gaze, letting the anger-no-not anger. Rage. I let it burn into him, let him see what I would do to keep them safe, and he let out a slow smile.

I hope you know what you're doing

Rhys's voice was pained in my head, and I tightened my grip on my knife as the power faded away, leaving dull pain racking over my body. I paid no attention to the blood dripping from me, chest heaving with effort as adrenalin lit across my nerves. Truth is, I had no idea what the hell would get us out of here.

"Alex" Cassian breathed once his head turned, noticing I had stood in front of him. Had prevented whatever hell Hybern's magic had wrecked across my body from touching his wings. I didn't look back at them, at him. Mother knows what I'd do if Azriel's eyes met mine again.

"Perhaps I underestimated you human" The king preened, something like excitement lighting his face "put her in"

"No!" Azriel shouted and I heard him moving behind me, the sound enough sending my chest scolding as I noticed the guards moving towards me.

It was easy, going back into the mindset. Hearing the cries around me as I cleaved through body after body, the knife was gorgeously sharp, and I almost found myself admiring it. the others were prevented from reaching me now, I could see the thin layer of mist that created a wall between us all.

The knife reached another guard, stopping millimetres from his chest as did the rest of my body. I simply...froze. I snarled, lips curling back with fury as I willed my arm down, willed it to plunge through the soldier's chest but it didn't move. My mind screamed at my body, but nothing obeyed. I was simply stuck. And then he laughed. The king laughed like it was all apart of a game, which for him, I suppose it always had been.

"well, well. You do make quite the warrior, perhaps even an excellent queen." Hands grabbed me and I was helpless against it, pushing against every corner of my mind to make me move, to let me do something.

I could hear Elaine sobbing through the gag around her mouth as I neared the edge of the cauldron. Feyre screaming at the king as the others watched in horror. I could see the cauldron filling, magic. Shit.

I didn't know what to do, there was nothing I could do. Nothing I could do but stare down the mad king as he watched me. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Never.

My feet met the cold substance. Thicker than water but not unlike it, pitch black.

"any last words, human?"

The magic released me, and I tensed my shoulders, immovable under the strong, prepared grip of more guards.

"103" I said into the room, eyes moving from the kings to my friends. To Nesta and Elaine who watched with bated breath. To Azriel. "what's 7 more"

I let everything I hadn't said, every unspoken word, every emotion. Every speck of it sit in my eyes as I stared at him, watching the silver line hazel as he struggled against Cas and Mor, the wound in his chest still leaking blood.

I love you.

And then I was shoved under. 

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