Part 18

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*They kiss and make out for a little while before going to sleep. The alarm clock on Lucy's nightstand rang, pulling her from a deep sleep. A glance at the clock revealed that the first workday after the restful week had begun. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and stretched. Tim, already in the kitchen, was brewing coffee. The aroma of fresh coffee filled the small apartment. Lucy entered the kitchen.*
Lucy- Morning babe
*she said with a yawn. Tim smiled.*
Tim- Good morning beautiful . Coffee's ready. I thought we could take a moment before the day beginnings
*The two sat at the kitchen table, sipping their cups and letting the silence fill the room. It was a moment of calm before the workday began.
After breakfast, they dressed and prepared for the day together. They left the apartment and headed to the station. The streets were already bustling, people rushing to work, cars passing by. The familiar city sounds enveloped them.
Upon arrival at the office, Sargent Grey greeted them with a nod.*
Grey- Good to have you back. We have a lot of work ahead, so quickly to roll call
*Roll call extended as they discussed upcoming tasks and cases. Tim and Lucy exchanged glances, mentally preparing for the workday. The day unfolded with investigations, phone calls, and meetings. The clock ticked slowly, and as the end of the workday approached. Lucy goes to Tims office*
Tim- hey
Lucy- hello
Tim- That was a day
Lucy- yes. Are you ready to go?
Tim- Not quite yet. I have to finish this paperwork
Lucy- okay then I'll wait for you 
Tim- you don't have to. I know you're tired
Lucy- No I'm fine
Tim- Don't you at least want to change your clothes?
Lucy- Absolutely, but I don't have any clothes here and the clothes I was wearing when we came here are wet.
Tim- why is it wet?
Lucy- Nora (A police officer) dropped her shampoo on the bench weher my clothes where and it exploded. I mean it was everywhere.
Tim- you can have some of my clothes
Lucy- what about you?
Tim- I have enough clothes for both of us here
Lucy- really?
Tim- yes
*he hands Lucy some sweatpants and a hoodie*
Tim- here you go
*Lucy takes the clothes*
Lucy- thank you
*Tim sits back down at his desk and continues doing the paperwork while Lucy went to the lockers room to change. Tim is done and a few minutes later Lucy is back at his office. Tim looks up and sees Lucy.*
Tim- Lou look beautiful
Lucy- thank you
*Tim can't stop starring at her.*
Tim- You look good in everything you wear but I can't decide if I prefer you without clothes or with my clothes.
Lucy- how about both (seducing tone)
Tim- probably but I'd have to see it first.
Lucy- then finish your paperwork
Tim- I finished while you where changing
Lucy- then let's go home
*They head out and Lucy waits for Tim at the front desk (he's in the lockers room changing). Tim hurried and got to Lucy so they could finally leave*
Lucy- took you long enough (joking)
*Thy laugh and went back to the apartment together. They settle down on the couch. Tim is siting and Lucy is laying with her feet on his lap. Tim strokes her legs and gives her a foot massage while they where in just sitting there and enjoying the silence*
Lucy- come here
*She pulls him on top of her. Tim rests his head on her breast, hearing her heartbeat. Lucy massages his shoulders and scalp*
Lucy- I don't want do go to work tomorrow
Tim- I don't want to either. I would rather stay here and spend time with you.
*They stay like that for a while. Suddenly Lucys roach growled. Tim laughs a little*
Tim- yeah I'm hungry too
Lucy- I don't want to eat
Tim- you probably haven't eaten the whole day
Lucy- I don't have the energy to eat and by the way we had lunch together.
Tim- yeah right, what do you want to eat?
Lucy- I don't know
Tim- What do you think of grilled chicken with vegetables?
Lucy- sounds good
*They cook together and ate. While they were eating Lucy got a call. it was Tamara*
Lucy- It's Tamara
Tim- Is she alright
Lucy- I hope so
*Lucy picks up the phone and puts it on speaker*
Tamara- Hi, Lucy.
Lucy- Hey, Tamara. What's going on?
Tamara- Can we talk for a moment?
Lucy- sure
Tamara- can you please make sure no one can hear. It's something personal, and I'd really appreciate if it stays between us.
Lucy- Of course, Tamara. You can trust me. What's on your mind?
*Lucy puts the phone on her ear and goes into her room so Tim couldn't hear what they are talking about*
Tamara- It's about Noah and me. We've been together for a while now, and, well, we've been thinking about... taking our relationship to a more intimate level soon
Lucy- Oh, Tamara. I see. That's a big step, and I'm glad you feel comfortable sharing this with me. How are you feeling about it?
Tamara- Nervous, but excited. We care about each other a lot, and it just feels like the right time. I haven't really talked to anyone about this.
Lucy- I appreciate you trusting me with this, Tamara. Taking this step a personal choice, and it's great that you and Noah are on the same page. If there's anything you want to discuss or if you need advice, I'm here for you.
Tamara- Thanks, Lucy. It means a lot. I just wanted someone to talk to, and you're like the big sister and mother I never had.
Lucy- I'm honored you came to me. Whatever you decide, make sure it's what feels right for both of you and make also sure you use protection.
Tamara- Thank you, Lucy. It's reassuring to know I can count on you.
Lucy- Absolutely, Tamara. Your secret is safe with me, and I'm here for you whenever you need to talk.
*After their conversation, Lucy and Tamara exchanged a few more words of encouragement and understanding. Lucy assured Tamara that she could reach out anytime she needed to talk. Tamara expressed her gratitude for having someone like Lucy in her life and for the support and guidance she offered.
As they wrapped up their conversation, Lucy couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility and care for Tamara, recognizing the importance of the bond they shared. She knew that these personal moments required delicacy and a trustworthy confidante.*
Lucy- Take your time, Tam. Whatever you and Noah decide, make sure it's right for both of you. And don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need advice or just someone to talk to.
Tamara- I will, Lucy. Thanks for being there for me.
Lucy- Anytime, Tam. You're like family.
*They exchanged goodbyes, and Lucy ended the call. Taking a deep breath, Lucy walked back to Tim*
Tim- Everything alright?
Lucy- Yeah, just a personal matter. Tamara needed someone to talk to.
Tim- You're always there for her. It's one of the things I love about you.
Lucy- and what other thugs do you love about me?
Tim- There is a lot i love about you. It would take too long to list everything
*Tim gets closer to her and pulls her into a hug*
Tim- There's so much, Lucy. I love the way you always find the positive in every situation, your unwavering strength, and the kindness you show to everyone around you. Your sense of humor, even in the toughest moments, brightens my day. And the way you support not just me, but also Tamara and everyone we care about, it's incredible.
*Tim pauses, tightening the hug.*
Tim- I love your passion for your work, your dedication to making a difference. Your intelligence, how you challenge me to be better. And, of course, your laugh – it's infectious. I could go on and on.
Tim leans back slightly, looking into Lucy's eyes.
Tim- But most importantly, I love the person you are, Lucy. You make every day better just by being in it.
*Lucys eyes softened as Tim spoke, and a warm smile spread across her face. She felt a mixture of joy, gratitude, and a deep sense of connection with Tim. His words touched her heart in a way that made her appreciate the depth of their relationship*
Lucy- Tim, you always know how to make me feel special. I'm grateful for all those little things you mentioned. You make me want to be the best version of myself.
*She returned the hug, savoring the closeness they shared. In that moment, amidst the everyday chaos and the complexities of life, they found solace in each other's presence*
Tim- We make a good team, don't we?
Lucy- The best. And knowing that we're in this together, facing whatever comes our way, makes it all the more worthwhile.
*As they continued to embrace, Lucy couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. In Tim, she found not just a partner but a confidant, a source of strength, and someone with whom to navigate the beautiful journey of life. They Sat down and ate.*

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