Part 21

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*They spend the rest of the night cuddled up on the couch, savoring the simple joy of being in each other's arms. The TV plays in the background, but their attention is focused on something else. They can't keep their eyes off each other*
Lucy- You usually keep your promises right?
Tim- yes
Lucy- so why are you breaking the one you made a few days ago Timothy
*Tim raises an eyebrow*
Tim- Breaking a promise? Refresh my memory, Lucy. I don't recall making any promises recently. (Extra to get her to say it)
Lucy- (smirking) Oh, come on. You remember.
*she knows what he's up to*
Tim- I have no idea what you're talking about
Lucy- Well, then I must have forgotten it too
*she gets up and goes into her room to change and put on something comfortable. She puts on one of  Tims t-shirts and black shorts. you can't see the shorts because they are covered by the t-shirt. As Lucy reemerges from her room, clad in one of Tim's oversized shirts and comfortable shorts, she gives him a mischievous smile. Tim, watching her with a bemused expression, can't help but admire the way she looks in his shirt.*
Tim- (grinning) Nice outfit. But seriously, what promise are you talking about?
Lucy- (playing innocent) Oh, just a little promise that you seem to have conveniently forgotten.
*tim pulls her onto his lap and kisses her passionately*
Tim- do you really think I'd forget?
Lucy- I know what you where up to
Tim- well if you don't tell me what you want then I'll do whatever I want with you
*they start making out and Tim slides his hands under her shirt. He squeezes her ass and unclips her bra with one hand. In that moment Tamara opens the door and she and Noah enter the apartment. Tim and Lucy try not to act like they were doing something. They try to act like they were cuddling while watching the film so Lucy jumps off him. Lucy couldn't remain serious and started to laugh. Tim did his best to look as normal as possible.*
Tamara- oh hey guys
Tim&Lucy- hey
Noah- hello
Tamara- I thought you were staying at Tims
Tim- no Genny picked up Kojo so we came here
Tamara- okay
Lucy- are you guys hungry
Tamara- we actually wanted to order some food but to be honest I'm craving the Turkey and Veggie Wraps you always make
Lucy- I can make them
Tamara- thank you
*Lucy and Tim walk over to the kitchen and start cooking. Noah and Tamara went to her room quickly to put their things down*
Lucy- (whispering) fix my bra
*Tim giggles and walks behind her and puts his hands underneath the shirt to fix her bra he opened earlier.*
Lucy- stop laughing
Tim- sorry
*they look into each other's eyes and burst out laughing again. Tamara&Noah walked out of the room.*
Tamara- what's so funny?
Lucy- nothing
Tamara- whatever
Noah- is there anything I can do help with?
Lucy- you could cut the vegetables
*While Lucy and Noah cook Tim bakes brownies and then hey all eat together*
Tamara- I think I'm gonna explode
Tim- you haven't even tried the brownies I made
Tamara- there is always space for dessert
Lucy- how?
Noah- (chuckles)I think she has a separate compartment for desserts. It's like dessert goes to its own room in her stomach.
Tamara- Exactly! It's a talent, you know.
Tim- (raising an eyebrow) I didn't know stomachs had separate rooms. Maybe I've been doing it wrong all these years.
Lucy - (laughing) Well, now you know the secret to Tamara's endless appetite for sweets.
Noah- Speaking of which, these brownies look amazing.
Tim- Thanks. I've got a secret ingredient.
Tamara- (intrigued) Secret ingredient? What is it?
Tim- A dash of love. Just kidding. It's actually a bit of coffee. Enhances the chocolate flavor.
Lucy- And the chef's love, of course.
*They all share a laugh, enjoying the light-hearted atmosphere*
Tim- So, what's the verdict on the brownies?
Tamara- Tim, these are incredible! You might have just found your second calling as a baker.
Lucy- (nodding in agreement) I have to admit, they're pretty amazing. The coffee gives it that extra kick.
Noah- You've got some serious baking skills.
Tim- (grinning) Maybe I'll open up a bakery someday.
Lucy- And call it 'Tim's Sweet Temptations'?
*Tim gets up and starts clearing the table. Noah cleans the dishes and Lucy puts them away*
Tim- Thanks for your help (looking at Tamara)
Tamara- I would've helped but this food baby doesn't like helping
Lucy- No worries, Tam. You've done enough by being the official taste tester.
Noah- And an excellent one at that.
*As they finish tidying up the kitchen, they reconvene in the living room, finding comfortable spots to relax.*
Tim- So, what's next on the agenda? Movie night? Game night?
Tamara- how about good night?
Lucy- (laughs) Already calling it a night, Tam?
Tamara- (grinning) Well, this food baby needs its beauty sleep.
Noah- I vote for movie night. We can find something light and entertaining.
Tim- Sounds like a plan. Let's make it a cozy movie night.
*They settle in, dimming the lights, and start the movie. The room is filled with the soft glow of the screen, and the sound of laughter and commentary as they enjoy the chosen film together. As the movie progresses, Tamara, nestled comfortably on the couch, begins to doze off.*
Lucy- (noticing Tamara sleeping) Looks like someone had a bit too much food.
Noah- (chuckles) Food coma strikes again.
*he gets up, picks up Tamara and makes his way to her room*
Tim- good night
Noah- good night
*Noah puts Tamara on the bed and gets him self ready before joining her.*
Lucy- Do you think they know what we were doing when they entered the apartment?
Tim- I hope not, but luckily they didn't come later.
*They start laughing again*
Tim- I think we should go to my house the next time
Lucy- definitely
*They starte cuddling and finish the movie*
Lucy- I'm tired
Tim- lets go to bed then
Lucy- can you carry me?
Tim- sure
*he turns off the TV and picks up Lucy. Then he walks to the bedroom and they get ready for bed.*
Tim- cuddles?
*Lucy jumps into his arms and they lay down. They fall asleep cuddling. Lucy woke up the next morning. She saw that Tim was still asleep and went into the kitchen to make herself a coffee. Tamara was already awake and making some hot chocolate*
Tamara- good morning
Lucy- good morning sleepyhead
Tamara- do you want some hot chocolate
Lucy- no thanks, I'll stick to coffee
Tamara- Is Tim still sleeping
Lucy- yes, why?
Tamara- I need to talk.
*they sit down at the kitchen counter*
Lucy- (smiling) Of course, Tam. What's on your mind?
Tamara- I just... I'm nervous I want it to be special, you know? Something memorable for both of us.
Lucy- Well as I said, communication is key. Take things at a pace that feels right for both of you. It's about creating a moment that's meaningful for both of you. And it doesn't have to be 'good' it's about sharing the experience with someone special
Tamara- I..I don't know I really want do do it but what if it gets awkward?
Lucy- You don't have to jump right into it. Take it slow and you know one thing leads into an other thing and then it happens before you even realize.
*Tim wakes up and notices Lucy isn't there. He walks out of the room and because the apartment is somewhat soundproof, he overhears what Tamara and Lucy are talking about. Tim gets out and acts like he's not heard anything. They say they're good mornings and Tim pours himself a coffee. He walks behind Lucy and gives her a hug and lets go again.*
Tim- So, any exciting plans for today?
Lucy- Maybe a movie marathon or some good food.
*Noah wakes up to and gets out of the room. They say their good mornings and he takes a seat next to Tamara*
Tim- do you want coffee?
Noah- no thanks
*They start talking about their non-existent plans for the day*
Tim- How about a hike? It's been a while since I last went hiking but it's sure to be fun. Nature has its way of rejuvenating the soul. Plus, it's a great way to stay active.
Tamara- Why not? It could be a fun change of pace.
Lucy- True, and the views are usually worth the effort.
Noah- I'm up for a hike! It's been a while since I enjoyed the outdoors.
*They all agree to the idea, and the group decides to embark on a spontaneous hiking trip. They gather some snacks, water, and gear before heading to a nearby trail. The weather is perfect, and the trail offers a mix of challenging slopes and serene landscapes.
As they hike, they share stories, crack jokes, and enjoy each other's company. The beauty of nature surrounds them, creating a tranquil atmosphere. At various points, they pause to take in the breathtaking views and capture some photos to remember the day.*
Noah- It's refreshing to be out here.
Lucy- Sometimes, all you need is a break from the routine to appreciate the simple joys
Tim - And the best part is sharing it with good company.
*he wraps his arms around Lucy, hugs her briefly and then lets her go again.  After a few hours of hiking, they reach a scenic spot overlooking a valley. They find a comfortable spot to sit and enjoy some snacks.*
Tamara- This view is incredible. It's like a painting.
Noah- Nature has a way of humbling us, doesn't it?
Lucy- Absolutely. It's moments like these that make you appreciate the simplicity and beauty of life.
* They slowly make their way back down and the girls have left the guys behind.*
Tim- So, Noah, how are you finding the hike?
Noah- It's amazing, man. I didn't realize how much I missed being outdoors. Thanks for letting me be a part of this.
Tim- No problem. It's good to take a break from the city grind every now and then. Gives you a different perspective.
Noah- Yeah, you're right. It's been great hanging out with you and Lucy.
Tim- Speaking of that I overheard a conversation between Tamara and Lucy this morning.
Noah- What did you hear?
Tim- Tamara was talking about making things special, and Lucy was giving her advice on taking things slow. You know this kind of conversation
Noah- ahhhhm...
Tim- I know it's none of my business what you two do in private. To be honest, I'm not a fan of you two getting intimate bc I want to protect her, but it's not my business and it's not like I can forbid it.
Noah- I'm...
Tim- whatever. I've heard that it's not working out
Noah- I...I don't know. We both have never done it before and it's just I have no one I could ask for advice.
Tim- tell me what's the problem?
*Tim listens as Noah opens up about his concerns and uncertainties.*
Tim- What have you done so far?
Noah- We've only gone as far as making out and some touching
Tim- that's a good start but you still have to work on that.
Noah- okay
Tim- you have hands and a mouth, get creative before you go any further. It's not about getting your little friend in and out, it's about sharing the experience and feelings with someone special.
Noah- I guess you're right.
Tim- And remember, there's no rush. Take your time, and let things unfold naturally. It's all part of the journey.
Noah- Thanks, Tim
Tim- Look, man, relationships are tricky, especially when it's new territory for both parties. It's important to communicate openly with Tamara and share your thoughts and concerns. If you're both unsure or uncomfortable about certain aspects, it's okay to take things slow and figure it out together.
Noah- Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just a bit overwhelming, you know?
Tim- Totally understandable. It's okay to feel that way. Just be honest with her about your feelings, and listen to hers as well. Communication is key in any relationship. And if you need advice, there's no shame in seeking it from someone you trust or even professionals.
Noah- I appreciate that, Tim. It's just hard because I don't want to mess things up with Tamara.
Tim- I get it, man. But remember, it's not about being perfect; it's about being honest and understanding with each other. If both of you are willing to communicate and work through challenges together, you'll likely come out stronger on the other side.
Noah- Thanks, Tim. I'll try to talk to Tamara about it and see where we stand.
Tim- That sounds like a good plan. Just be open and honest, and take things at a pace that feels comfortable for both of you. And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here.
Noah- I appreciate that, man.
Tim- Let's focus on enjoying the rest of this hike for now.
Noah- Agreed
Tim- Let's catch up with the girls before they start wondering why we're taking so long
*They quicken their pace and soon catch up with the girls*
Lucy- Finally! We were starting to think you guys went on a detour.
Noah- Nah, just enjoying the scenery a bit too much.
Tamara- Well, we're almost at the end of the trail
Tim- Perfect timing then. We're ready to conquer the last stretch.
*They made their way back to the car and decided to continue the day with a cozy evening. They ordered takeout, and everyone gathered in the living room.*

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