Part 35

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*Tim gradually awakened to the soft sensation of Lucy spooning him, her warmth enveloping him like a comforting embrace. He smiled to himself, feeling a surge of affection for her as he turned around to face her. Gently wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close, relishing the feeling of her presence next to him.
As Lucy slept peacefully, her features softened in repose, Tim couldn't help but admire her. He brushed a strand of hair from her face, marveling at the way the morning light illuminated her features, casting a gentle glow over her.
Lost in the tranquility of the moment, Tim simply watched Lucy, his heart overflowing with love and gratitude for having her in his life. He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead, silently expressing his adoration for her.
Tim gradually drifted back into a peaceful slumber. As he slept, Lucy shifted slightly, her head finding its place on his chest, her breaths soft and steady against his skin.
Some time passed, and when Tim finally stirred awake again, he found Lucy awake, nestled against him, a warm smile on her face, her head resting on his chest. He smiled sleepily, feeling a rush of warmth at the sight of her.
With a deep, groggy voice, still heavy with sleep, Tim gently nudged Lucy with a grin on his face.*
Tim- What are you doing?
*Lucy's smile widened at his sleepy inquiry, her heart fluttering at the sound of his voice in the morning.
Noticing Lucy's reaction, Tim continued, his voice soft and filled with affection. *
Tim- You know, I've missed this. Waking up next to you, feeling your warmth beside me.
*He murmured, his fingers gently tracing patterns on her back.*
Tim- And I've missed you, Lucy. More than words can express
*Tim confessed, his voice laced with sincerity.*
Tim- You're such an incredible person, you know that? Always so kind, so supportive. I don't know what I'd do without you.
*He paused, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before continuing.*
Tim- And you're beautiful, in every way. Every moment with you is a gift, and I'm grateful for each and every one of them.
*Lucy listened to Tim's words, her heart swelling with love and gratitude. She shifted slightly, snuggling even closer to him as she basked in the warmth of his affection.
Her fingers traced light patterns on his chest as she spoke softly, her voice filled with tenderness.*
Lucy- I've missed you too, more than I can put into words. Being here with you, it's everything I've longed for.
*She lifted her head slightly to meet his gaze, her eyes shining with emotion.*
Lucy- The way you love and support me, it-it means everything to me. And to hear you say those things, it's just- I don't know, I can't explain.
*A small, contented smile graced her lips as she press a gentle kiss against his chest.*
Lucy- I love you more than you'll ever know. Thank you for being you, and for loving me the way you do, ...Timothy
*Tim's heart swelled with warmth at Lucy's words. He reached up to gently cup her cheek, his thumb brushing against her soft skin as he gazed into her eyes with unwavering affection.
His voice was filled with sincerity as he spoke, his eyes reflecting the depth of his emotions for her.*
Tim- I promise to always cherish you, to support you, and to love you with every fiber of my being. You're my sunshine, Lucy, and I'm endlessly grateful to have you in my life.
Lucy- Tim, I feel the same way about you. I don't know where I'd be without you.
*Tim's heart swelled with gratitude at Lucy's words, his love for her deepening with each passing moment. He leaned in to press a gentle kiss to her forehead, a silent reassurance of his unwavering devotion.
They remained in each other's embrace, the quiet intimacy enveloping them. Lucy traced patterns on Tim's chest with her finger, a contented smile gracing her lips. Tim ran his fingers through her hair, savoring the feeling of her soft locks against his skin.
After a peaceful moment of silence, Tim broke the quietude.*
Tim- Lucy?
Lucy- Hmm?
*Tim paused for a moment.*
Tim- You know, Lucy, you're the only woman I've ever loved this much, and the only one I could imagine loving this deeply,... you know except for our future daughter.
*Lucy's eyebrows furrowed slightly in surprise at Tim's words, her curiosity piqued.*
Lucy- Daughter?
*Tim chuckled softly, his gaze warm as he met her eyes.*
Tim- Well, I mean, I don't really have a preference. I'd be over the moon with boys too. But there's just something special about the idea of having a daughter, you know?
*Lucy's expression softened as she listened to Tim's words, a thoughtful look crossing her face.*
Lucy- Tim, I understand what you mean about having a daughter. There's something about the idea of raising a strong, independent young woman that really speaks to me. I mean, I would love boys too, of course. But having a daughter... it's like a chance to give her everything I never had. To be there for her in a way my own mother wasn't for me. To support and love her unconditionally, simply because she's our daughter.
*Tim's eyes filled with understanding and tenderness as he reached out to gently caress Lucy's cheek.*
Tim- You'd be an incredible mother to a daughter. And to any child, for that matter. I admire your strength and your capacity for love.
Lucy- Thank you.
*Tim's gaze softened as he listened to Lucy, his heart heavy with the weight of their conversation.*
Tim- We don't know what the future holds for us. Maybe we'll be blessed with two beautiful girls, or a girl and a boy, or whatever combination. I've hoped for a daughter and a son, like me and my sister. But whatever happens, I know our family will be filled with love and joy.
Lucy- You're right. Our family will be exactly what it's meant to be, however it comes together. And I'm grateful to have you by my side through it all.
*Tim's smile widened, his love for Lucy shining in his eyes.*
Tim- Whenever the time is right, and as long as they're healthy, that's all that matters.
*Lucy nodded in agreement.
She took a deep breath, her eyes meeting Tim's with a mixture of nervousness and excitement.*
Lucy- Tim, there's something. I've been thinking lately... We've talked about it before, but ...
*Tim's expression softened, his attention fully on her.*
Tim- What is it?
*Lucy hesitated for a moment before continuing, her voice steady but tinged with anticipation.*
Lucy- Well, you know how we've discussed our plans for the future and starting a family... We've talked about contraceptives, and I... we have decided that I'll get a hormonal IUD after my UC-training ends. And after I reach my goal of becoming a detective, I think I might be ready to start trying...If-if you are...
*Tim's brows furrowed slightly as he processed Lucy's words, a mix of surprise and understanding crossing his features.
Tim- Lucy, I didn't realize you were thinking about this already. But if you feel ready, then I'm right there with you. Your dream of becoming a detective is important, and I want to support you in every way I can. And when the time comes, I'll be ready to embark on this journey with you.
*As Lucy's eyes widened with gratitude, Tim continued, his tone a mic between optimistic and stressed.*
Tim- And you know, the detective's exam is in just one year. With your dedication and talent, I have no doubt you'll do exceptionally well. It won't be long before you receive an offer. You'll be among the top three, if not the first place.
Lucy- Thank you, Tim, for believing in me. Your faith means everything. And you're right, we have time. We don't have to start trying right after I become a detective. We'll wait until both of us feel ready to take that step.
*Tim's features softened.*
Tim- Lucy, I trust your judgment. We'll take things one step at a time, and when the time is right, we'll know. Until then, let's focus on supporting each other and achieving our goals.
*Lucy's eyes brightened with relief and gratitude.*
Lucy- Thank you.
*Tim smiled warmly, his love for Lucy shining brightly.*
Tim- Always. I love you, and I'm excited to see where this adventure takes us.
*Tim gently brushed his fingers through her hair, enjoying the intimacy of the moment. As they lay together in bed, Lucy starts chuckling.
Tim's smile widened at Lucy's chuckle, his curiosity piqued.*
Tim- What's so funny?
*Lucy grinned mischievously, her eyes twinkling with amusement.*
Lucy- I was just thinking about all the things I was planning to do to you once you got up, but somehow we ended up having this conversation instead.
*Tim's eyebrows raised in surprise at Lucy's playful confession, a grin spreading across his face.*
Tim- Oh, really? And what exactly were you planning?
*Lucy's grin turned even more mischievous as she leaned in closer to him, her lips hovering just above his.*
Lucy- Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and find out.
*With a teasing wink, Lucy closed the gap between them, capturing Tim's lips in a kiss.
Tim's heart quickened as Lucy's lips met his, the warmth of her kiss sending a shiver down his spine. He eagerly returned the embrace, savoring the taste of her lips against his own.
As Lucy's kisses trailed down his body, igniting a fire of desire within him, Tim's breath hitched with anticipation. Each touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through him, his senses heightening with each passing moment.
When Lucy returned to his lips, the intensity of their kiss deepened.*
Tim- I like where this is going.
*With a playful smirk, Lucy deftly removed Tim's pants. Tim attempted to remove his shirt she's wearing, but Lucy gently stopped him.*
Lucy- Well, I suggest you just lie back and enjoy what I'm about to do.
Tim- Yes. Yes, ma'am
*She just grinned at him from beneath the sheet draped over the top of her head, enchanted by the way he was looking at her. Every woman should have her man look at her with such naked adoration first thing in the morning, although she supposed the fact that her tits were pressed to his thighs and her mouth was hovering over his erected cock might have something to do with that.
She leaned down to run her tongue over his length, wetting him from root to tip before wrapping her lips around the head. She loved doing this for him, loved bringing him pleasure for pleasure's sake.
Her eyes on his, she sank her mouth over him and took him as far down as she possibly could. Lucy held there and hummed for the simple pleasure of feeling the way his hands slipped into her hair and his muscles tensed in need beneath her.
She hollowed her cheeks around his cock and pressed her tongue against the vein that ran its length as she pulled off him. She went slow at first to give Tim a chance to acclimate before she really started to work him over. Lucy pulled out every trick in the book, humming and moaning and flicking her tongue against his glans to make his toes curl.
Before long he was right on edge, his hips lifting to meet her mouth and his hands clenched into the sheets next to his hips. He was making the most adorable sounds the kind that made her want to take him over the edge and then push him for more.
Lucy set about doing just that. She brought a hand between them to slip between Tim's thighs and found just the spot behind his sack that made his eyes cross. She pressed her fingertips in against him and bobbed her head a few more times before she made him fly.
Tim's back bowed off the bed with a low groan and Lucy rushed to swallow him down, her own arousal tightening and setting a fire low in her belly. She loved this moment when he was perfectly vulnerable, dependent on her, and entirely at her mercy.
She nursed him through the last of his climax, gentling her mouth on him and peppering his thighs, hips, and belly with kisses as she crawled back up his body to look him in the eye.
Tim's breath came in ragged gasps as Lucy moved up his body, her kisses leaving a trail of warmth along his skin. As she reached his lips and kissed him, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. Their bodies pressed together, the intimacy of the moment deepening their connection. Tim's hands moved to her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze, his desire to reciprocate evident in his touch.*
Tim- I want to do the same for you.
*Lucy's eyes softened, and she placed a tender kiss on his forehead before pulling back slightly to meet his gaze.*
Lucy- Tim, maybe not right now...
*Tim's brow furrowed, a hint of sadness in his eyes as he gently rubbed her back.*
Tim- Okay, you don't have to explain yourself. It's fine if you don't want to. But there's one thing I need to know. Did I do something wrong?
*Lucy shook her head, a reassuring smile on her lips.*
Lucy- No, not at all. You were amazing, as always.
Tim- Okay, thanks. I'm glad to know I didn't mess up.
Lucy- It's just... I'm feeling a little crampy.
*Tim, knowing her cycle well, glanced at the calendar on his phone, a look of realization crossing his face.*
Tim- You're not on your period, right?
*Lucy shook her head again, her expression softening.*
Lucy- No, I'm ovulating right now, and it makes me a little crampy. And maybe the fact that we had sex last night, and it's been four months since we last did it. My body is just reacting to that too.
*Tim's expression relaxed, understanding washing over him. He pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder, his fingers continuing to trace soothing patterns on her back.*
Tim- I get it. I'm sorry if I was too eager. I just wanted to make you feel as good as you made me feel.
*Lucy nuzzled into his neck, her body relaxing into his embrace.*
Lucy- Just hold me. That's all I need right now.
*Tim tightened his hold on her, their bodies fitting together perfectly. He whispered softly into her ear.*
Tim- I love you.
*They lay there in each other's arms for a while, enjoying the quiet comfort of their connection. The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over them. After a few moments, Lucy shifted slightly and looked up at Tim with a playful smile.*
Lucy- You know, as wonderful as this is, I'm starting to get really hungry.
*Tim chuckled softly, kissing the top of her head.*
Tim- Breakfast sounds like a good idea.
*Lucy nodded, her eyes sparkling with affection. They reluctantly untangled themselves from each other and got out of bed, slipping into some clothes. As they made their way to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, they moved around each other with ease, preparing breakfast together. Tim cracked eggs into a bowl while Lucy sliced fresh fruit, their conversation light and filled with laughter. The aroma of coffee and cooking food filled the air, creating a cozy atmosphere.
Once the meal was ready, they sat down at the table, enjoying their breakfast and each other's company. The love and connection they felt in that moment were palpable, a promise of many more mornings like this to come, when she graduates from UC-Academy.
As they ate, Tim found himself lost in thought, watching Lucy with a tender smile. He couldn't help but think about how incredibly lucky he was to have her in his life. She was beautiful, amazing, smart, and so much more. Being with her made him want to be the best version of himself. He couldn't wait to marry her and share a future together.*
Lucy- What?
*Tim blinked, snapping out of his reverie, and gave her a sheepish grin.*
Tim- What?
*Lucy laughed softly, leaning forward with a playful glint in her eye.*
Lucy- Why are you looking at me like that?
*Tim's smile widened.*
Tim- It's nothing, really. I was just thinking.
*Lucy tilted her head, her eyes softening as she studied his face.*
Lucy- Well, whatever it is, you have a look that makes me feel pretty special.
*His grin turns a bit shy.*
Tim- That's because you are special, Lucy.
*They shared a quiet, heartfelt moment, their love for each other filling the room. After finishing their breakfast, they cleaned up together. Just as they were finishing, the doorbell rang.*

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