Part 27

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*And from that morning on, 'Starry' becomes Tim's special nickname, whispered with affection by Lucy.*
Tim- what time is it?
*He asks as he stretches and yawns. Lucy glances at the clock*
Lucy- It's almost 8 AM.
Tim- Then we have enough time
Lucy- for what?
*Tim wraps his arms around her and nuzzles into her neck, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.*
Tim- Cuddling before brunch. And maybe a little extra.
*Lucy grins, enjoying the warmth of Tim's embrace.*
Lucy- You always know how to make mornings better.
Tim- Do you want to invite Tamara? I think she'd like to spend some more time with you before you leave
Lucy- That's a great idea. I'm sure Tamara would appreciate it. Let me give her a call.
*Lucy grabs her phone and dials Tamara's number. After a brief conversation, they finalize the plan for brunch.*
Lucy- Tamara said she'd love to join us. She's on her way over.
*As they wait for Tamara, Tim and Lucy share some light banter*
Tim- So, Sunshine, any special requests for brunch?
Lucy- Hmm, how about pancakes? You make the best pancakes.
Tim- I was thinking about going out for brunch but since you requested my pancakes, I guess we'll have a cozy homemade brunch then.
Lucy- Sounds perfect to me. I love your pancakes.
*They continue chatting and enjoying each other's company until Tamara arrives.*
Tamara- Hey, what's cooking?
Tim- Pancakes! Lucy's favorite. (They also had Scrambled eggs, Bacon, Freshly squeezed juices...)
Lucy- You're just in time. Join us!
*As they enjoy brunch, the conversation flows naturally*
Tamara- Lucy, are you excited about starting at the UC Academy?
Lucy- Nervous and excited, you know? It's a big step, but I'm ready for the challenge.
Tim- She's going to do great. UC Academy is lucky to have her.
Tamara- (smiling) I'm sure you'll shine, Lucy.
*After brunch, they decide to take a stroll in a nearby park*
Tim- How about we enjoy the fresh air and take a walk?
Lucy- Sounds perfect.
Tamara- Mind if I use your bathroom?
Tim- Of course, it's just down the hall, first door on the left.
*Tamara heads to the bathroom, and as she returns, she takes a brief glance around, taking in the ambiance of Tim's house.*
Tamara- Nice place you got here, Tim.
Tim- Thanks?
Tamara- (chuckles) I thought your house would be, I don't know, filled with leather and sports memorabilia or something. This is cozy.
Tim- why does everybody assume that?
Tamara- I don't know
*They go to the park and as they walk, Tamara and Tim share stories, making Lucy laugh. The park is filled with the sound of their laughter and the warmth of their friendship.*
Tamara- Lucy, we'll miss having you around. Promise to visit if there is any chance.
Lucy- Absolutely. And you better take care of Tim in my absence, Tam.
Tamara- I'll make sure he behaves
Tim- you know I'm the one that is supposed to check in on her right?
Tamara- (grinning mischievously) You know, Lucy, Tim has been talking about you non-stop. It's like you're his entire world.
Tim- (rolling eyes) Tamara, don't exaggerate.
Tamara- (teasing) Oh, come on, Tim. I didn't know you had such a soft side. Are you going to cry when Lucy leaves?
Tim- (playfully) Very funny, Tam. I'm a tough guy; I don't cry.
*Lucy slides her hand in Tims Back pocket of his pants and they continue walking through the park, Lucy leans into Tim, her head resting comfortably on his shoulder. Tim wraps his arm around her, pulling her closer.*
Lucy- Yeah a very tough guy
*Patting his chest. Tim chuckles, glancing down at Lucy with a soft smile. As they stroll through the park, laughter and conversation filling the air, they come across a charming mini-golf course. The colorful obstacles and the inviting challenge draw their attention.*
Lucy- (excited) How about a round of mini-golf? It's been ages since I played.
Tamara- Count me in! Let's see who the mini-golf champion is.
Tim- (playfully) Challenge accepted. But prepare to be amazed by my golf skills.
*They approach the mini-golf course, each choosing a colorful ball and a putter.*
Tamara-  I think I need to use the bathroom before we start. Be right back, guys.
Tim- Again? Everything okay?
Tamara- yeah, just drunk to much
Lucy- wait for me I'm coming too
*Lucy and Tamara hand their golf equipment to Tim before heading to the restroom. Tim chuckles as he holds their putters and golf balls.*
{on their way to the restroom}
Lucy- what's wrong?
Tamara- It happened
Lucy- what happened?
*Tamara looks at Lucy and then she realizes*
Lucy- (excited) you had...?
Tamara- yes
Lucy- (excited) you have to tell me about it
Tamara- I wanted to talk to you but the part you want to hear has to wait for now
Lucy- Okay what's wrong
Tamara- It's painful and burns like hell when I pee and my lower abdomen hurts too
Lucy- sounds like a UTI
*Lucy hands her some painkillers she always carries with her*
Lucy- here this should help for now
Tamara- Thanks
Lucy- (excited) We're having a talk later, but for now, let's finish mini-golf and then head to the pharmacy.
*Lucy and Tamara return to Tim, who is waiting with their golf equipment. They grab their putters and balls, ready to start their mini-golf game.*
Tim- Everything okay?
Lucy- yes everything is fine
*they start their game*
Lucy- (giggling) I bet I can get a hole-in-one on this one.
Tamara- We'll see about that.
Tim- (confident) Watch and learn.
*Throughout the game, there are cheers, groans, and plenty of playful banter. They navigate through the miniaturized obstacles, sharing jokes and creating lasting memories.*
Lucy- (laughing) Tim, you're not supposed to hit the ball that hard!
Tim- (grinning) I'm just adding some extra flair.
Tamara- Someone's taking this very seriously.
*As they reach the final hole, the scores are tallied, and the winner is declared.*
Lucy- Looks like I'm the mini-golf champion!
Tamara- (applauding) Well played, Lucy.
Tim- You played well. But more importantly, I was better than Tamara.
*They all share a laugh as Tim playfully boasts about his victory over Tamara.*
Tamara- (smirking) Fine, Tim. You may have won this time, but next time, I'll be the champion.
Lucy- I guess we'll have to have a rematch.
Tim- Anytime, anywhere.
*Leaving the mini-golf course behind, they head to a nearby cafe*
Tim- lets get some drinks on our way back
Tamara- sounds good
Lucy- yes
*At the cafe, they decide to grab refreshing drinks. Tim, ever the gentleman, offers to get the drink*
Tim- So, what does everyone want to drink?
Tamara- I think I'll have a green tea, please.
Tim- Sure thing. Green tea for Tam. Lucy, what about you?
Lucy- I'll go for a cold fruit smoothie. Surprise me with the flavor.
*They find a cozy corner to sit and enjoy their chosen beverages, creating a light and relaxed atmosphere in the cafe.*
Tim- Here we go, a green tea for Tam and a surprise fruit smoothie for my Sunshine.
Tamara- Thanks, Tim.
Lucy- (curious) What flavor did you pick for the smoothie?
Tim- (smirking) It's a mix of tropical fruits - a little bit of everything.
Lucy- Perfect choice. Thanks!
*They clink their glasses, and the conversation flows effortlessly as they share stories and enjoy their drinks. Tim notices Tamara twitching a little and looks concerned.*
Tim- Tam, you alright? You seem a bit uncomfortable.
Tamara- I'm fine
Tim- (noticing Tamara's earlier discomfort) Tam, seriously, if you're feeling unwell, we can wrap up and head home.
Tamara- (smiling) Tim, I appreciate your concern, but I'm genuinely okay. Let's enjoy the moment.
*They continue to enjoy their drinks, savoring the flavors and each other's company. They enjoy the moment in the cafe and as they continue to chat and enjoy the evening, the initial concern gradually fades away. The conversation takes various turns, from reminiscing about old times to discussing future plans and dreams.*
Lucy- (excitedly) I was thinking, wouldn't it be fun to plan a weekend getaway when I'm back?
Tamara- That sounds like a fantastic idea!
Tim- Agreed. A weekend away could be just what we need.
*They delve into the possibilities of their getaway, sharing preferences and ideas. The cafe becomes a hub of excitement as they plan and anticipate the adventures to come.*
Lucy- (checking the time) Well, it's getting late. How about we wrap up and head home?
Tamara- Sure, sounds like a plan.
*Back at Tim's house, the warm glow of the lights welcomes them back. As they step inside, Lucy and Tim share a glance, silently deciding to extend the evening and spend the night at Lucy's apartment. They want to cherish every moment together, especially with Lucy's impending departure.*
Lucy- How about we continue the fun at my place?
Tim- (smiling) Sounds like a plan. What do you think, Tamara?
Tamara- Yes please
Tim- All right, let's go then.
Tamara- Lucy is going with me
*He understands that they want to talk about things they don't want him to overhear. Tim, respecting their need for privacy, decides to drive place alone.*
Tim- Okay fine
*They head to Lucy's apartment*

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