Part 23

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*They go on for a little longer and then go to bed. As they get ready for bed, Lucy can't help but make fun of Tim.*
Lucy- (grinning) Tim, I hate to break it to you, but your poker face needs some serious work.
Tim- (rolling eyes) Says the person who couldn't bluff her way out of a paper bag.
Lucy- (sarcastically) Oh, excuse me, Mr. Poker Pro. Maybe you should teach me your winning strategy.
Tim- (smirking) Step one: Pretend you know what you're doing. Step two: Hope for the best.
Lucy- (laughing) Ah, the classic Tim strategy. Foolproof.
Tim- (nodding) Works every time, almost.
*As they get ready for bed, Lucy can't help but continue the teasing, grabbing a pillow and holding it like a trophy.*
Lucy- (dramatically) Behold, the Pillow of Victory! Bestowed upon the true poker champion!
Tim- (pretending to bow) I humbly accept my defeat, O Pillow of Victory. But mark my words, I shall rise again!
Lucy- (giggling) Rise, oh fallen poker warrior!
Tim- (dramatically) soon, I shall reclaim my honor at the card table!
* They lie down and chat for a while before falling asleep. The next morning, Lucy and Tim wake up to the soft glow of sunlight streaming through the curtains.*
Lucy- (yawning) Well, Pillow of Victory, it seems we've had a peaceful night.
Tim- (stretching) Yes, it seems so. But the day is young, and the cards may have a different fate in store for us tonight.
Lucy- (smirking) You're not giving up on that poker dream, huh?
Tim- (grinning) Never. A true poker champion rises with the sun and faces the day with unwavering determination.
Lucy- (laughing) Determination or delusion?
Tim- (mockingly serious) A bit of both, perhaps.
*As they get ready for work, the banter continues, with Lucy playfully reminding Tim of his poker defeat. They arrive at the station. Two hours into the shift, Lucy happily arrives at Tim's office*
Tim- Hey, what's up?
Lucy- (excitedly) Guess what!
Tim- (playfully) Let me guess... you ahhm... I don't know tell me
*They sit down on the couch in his office*
Lucy- I have been recruited for the UC-Academy
Tim- Wait, what? The UC-Academy? Congrats. I knew you would make it.
*They hug*
Lucy- The training starts next week
Tim- That's short-term
Lucy- I know. That's why I'm still considering whether to accept the offer.
Tim- you have to take it
Lucy- what about you and Tamara?
Tim- what about us?
Lucy- I can't leave her alone
Tim - she'll be fine. You have to accept the offer.
Lucy- (thoughtfully) Training is intense and I'll be away for six months. I'm not sure how Tamara would cope with me being away for a while.
Tim- (leans back) Lucy, Tamara is more capable than you give her credit for. Besides, this is a great opportunity for you.
Lucy- (sighing) I know, Tim. It's just... hard to leave her behind.
Tim- (smiling) You see, Lucy, Tamara is a strong and independent young woman. She can take care of herself, and I'm sure she'll be proud of you for taking on this challenge.
Lucy- You're right. I just need to talk to her about it. It's a big decision, and I want to be sure she's on board.
*They talk a little more and go back to work then. After work, they invite Tamara to the restaurant. They meet there*
Tim&Lucy- hey
*they hug*
Tamara- hey guys
*They go in and order food*
Lucy- (grinning) We have something exciting to share with you.
Tamara- (excitedly) Oh my gosh, are you guys pregnant?
Tim- (coughing on the water he was drinking) Whoa, slow down there! No, Tamara, it's not that. We're not expecting.
Lucy- (grinning) Tim's right. We've got the whole birth control game down pat.
Tim- (side-eyeing) And I hope you have everything under control with birth control too.
Tamara- (raising an eyebrow)
Lucy-  Okay, Tim, we don't want to interfere in her privacy right now
Tim- Just wanted to make sure she knows knows how to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Tamara- Well, thanks for the concern, birth control captain.
Lucy- Okay, okay, let's not turn this into a "who's the birth control boss" competition.
Tim- Why did I have a premonition that that would be your first thought?
Tamara- (blushing) Well, you never know with you two! So tell me the news.
Lucy- I've been recruited for the UC-Academy. The training starts next week.
Tamara-  UC-Academy? What's that?
Tim- It's the Undercover Academy. They've recognized Lucy's skills, and she's going to undergo some intensive training.
*explains more*
Lucy- That's right. I might be involved in some undercover operations for a while.
Tamara- Wow, Lucy, that's incredible! Congratulations! But, um, how long will you be away?
Lucy- It's a six-month program. I wanted to talk to you about it and get your thoughts.
Tamara- Six months is a long time, but Lucy, that sounds like a great opportunity. You should definitely take it.
Lucy- Are you sure?
Tamara- 100%. Dadford here won't let me out of his sight anyway, even if I'd do anything to be alone for a moment. (Sarcastic) I mean, he even cares if I have the protection or birth control thing under control, which is really none of his business.
Tim- (Chuckling) Duty calls, Tamara. Agent Birth Control Captain's responsibilities are not to be taken lightly.
*They finish eating and go back home. At the apartment Tim and Lucy take a seat on the couch and Tamara goes to her room to pack her bag to go over to Noahs*
Tamara- bye
Lucy- where are you going?
Tamara- I'm going to a party and I'm staying at Noahs tonight
Lucy- All right, have fun
Tamara- thanks
Tim- stay safe
Tamara- I'll be fine
*Tamara heads out and Lucy and Tim cuddle up on the couch. Lucy is on top of Tim and they both have their hands underneath the others top, stroking and massaging the others back.*
Lucy- I know you care about her, but you don't have to smother her while I'm away. Checking in now and then is enough.
Tim- Lucy, I get it. I care about both of you, and sometimes I might overdo it. I'll ease up a bit, I promise.
Lucy- It's just Tamara is used to being independent, and she needs her space too.
Tim- (grinning) Got it. No more "birth control captain" moments. I'll let her be her own boss.
Lucy- Good. I don't want you scaring Noah away with your protective dad vibes.
Tim- (laughing) I'll keep it cool. But seriously, Lucy, I'm going to miss you during these six months.
Lucy- Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it.
*They share a moment, knowing that things will be different in Lucy's absence, but confident that their bonds will remain strong.*
Tim- top chef?
Lucy- (nodding) yes
*they watch two episodes before getting ready for bed.*
Lucy- I'm going to take a shower
Tim- wait for me
*Lucy runs to the bathroom and locks the door.*
Tim- (knocking) let me in please
Lucy- Only if you allow me to do whatever I want to you
Tim- deal
*Lucy opens the door, and Tim joins her in the shower. They share a few playful moments, enjoying each other's company. After the shower, they wrap themselves in towels and head to the bedroom.*
Lucy- (grinning) Now, it's pampering time. Get ready for the ultimate skincare experience.
Tim- really? (Not that happy)
*Tim lies down on the bed, and Lucy starts their skincare routine. She pulls out various skincare products, including masks, serums, and moisturizers.*
Lucy- (smirking) We're going all out tonight.
*Tim relaxes on the bed as Lucy continues with the skincare routine. Lucy takes her time, massaging Tim's face with gentle, circular motions.*
Lucy- (whispering) Just sit back and enjoy.
Tim- (smiling) This is surprisingly relaxing.
*Lucy proceeds to apply serums and moisturizers, making sure to cover every inch of Tim's face. They share a few quiet moments, the only sounds being the occasional laughter and the hum of the city outside.*
Lucy- (grinning) You know, skincare is not just for the ladies. Everyone deserves good skin.
Tim- (closing his eyes) I'll admit, it feels nice. Maybe I've been missing out.
*As Lucy finishes the skincare routine, she places a warm towel on Tim's face, gently wiping away the excess products.*
Lucy- There you go. You're all set.
Tim- (opening his eyes) Thanks. That was unexpectedly enjoyable.
*They cuddle up under the blankets, enjoying the comfort of each other's presence*
Lucy- Goodnight
Tim- Goodnight
*They drift off to sleep. {1.50AM} Tim wakes up because he heard some noises. As Tim wakes up to the mysterious noises, he notices a soft glow coming from the living room. Curious and slightly alarmed, he quietly gets out of bed, not wanting to wake Lucy. As he approaches the living room, he sees Tamara sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone*
Tim- (Whispering) why are you still up and why aren't you at Noahs?
Tamara- It could be that we have both had a little alcoh0l.
Tim- and?
Tamara- The party was not far from here and then we just walked here because it was closer than walking to his house
Tim- Why aren't you in bed then?
Tamara- Couldn't sleep, I guess.
Tim- Tamara, I don't like the fact that you were drinking. But I'm glad you came here and knew it wasn't safe to drive.
Tamara- About the drinking, it was just a couple of drinks. No worries.
Tim - (raising an eyebrow) A couple of drinks at 1.50 AM? You sure know how to pick your timing. And by the way your legally still not allowed to drink
Tamara- (smirking) Well, the party was going strong, and time got away from us.
*she ignored the second part he said*
Tim- Just make sure you get some rest now. We can discuss the party drama in the morning. And, seriously, don't make a habit of this drinking thing.
Tamara - (nodding) Got it, Tim. I'll hit the hay now. Sleep tight.
*tamara goes into her room. Noah is already asleep and she falls asleep to. When Tim got back to his and Lucy's  room he went straight to bed again and fell asleep too. The sound of the alarm clock wakes Tim and Lucy at 5.00 AM.*
Lucy- turn it off
*Tim turns it off and Lucy cuddles into him*
Tim- we have to get up.
Lucy- I know
Tim- shower?
Lucy- I'll be right there
Tim- (laughing) you won't be. You'll fall asleep again
Lucy- nooo I won't fall asleep (with her eyes close)
Tim- common get up
Lucy- fine
*Lucy gets ready while Tim takes a shower. She does her makeup in the bathroom and when Tim finished his shower and dried off he hugged her from behind with the towel around his waist. Lucy leans back a little*
Lucy- why are you so cold?
Tim- Because I just took a cold shower
Lucy- why cold?
Tim- I need to wake up. Nothing like a cold shower to jolt you into full alertness.
Lucy- Ugh, you're crazy. I'll stick to my warm showers, thank you very much.
Tim- Suit yourself. Cold showers are invigorating. You should try it sometime.
Lucy- (raising an eyebrow) I'll pass. But you go ahead and enjoy your ice-cold wake-up call.
*They continue getting ready for the day. On their way to the Station they get some breakfast and most importantly coffee. They arrive at the station and their paths separate*
Lucy- bye
Tim- see you later
*they exchange a little hug. Lucy starts her day with paperwork and preparing for the upcoming training at the UC Academy, while Tim dives into his caseload and duties at the station. A couple of hours into their workday, Lucy happily arrives at Tim's office with a coffee cup in hand, wearing a mischievous smile.*
Lucy- (grinning) Hey, birth control captain, ready for another thrilling day?
Tim- (smirking) Always. And by the way, it's Agent Birth Control.
Lucy- (rolling eyes) Right, right. Agent Birth Control Tim. So, any exciting stuff happening?
Tim- Just the usual. Solving crimes, keeping the city safe, and of course, making sure everyone knows the importance of responsible family planning.
Lucy- (laughing) You never miss an opportunity, do you?
Tim- Duty calls, Lucy. Duty calls.
*They share a laugh, and Lucy goes back to her on the streets. The day unfolds with its routine tasks, occasional banter, and the shared camaraderie of the tight-knit team. As evening approaches, they wrap up and go home. They meet in Tims office and make their way back home. Tamara and Noah have cooked and are waiting for them. Tim and Lucy enter the apartment, greeted by the aroma of a home-cooked meal.*
Tamara- Hey, welcome back, you two. Dinner is ready.
Noah -  Hope you had a good day at work.
Lucy - (grinning) Always, especially with Agent Birth Control by my side.
Tim - (smirking) Someone's got to do it.
*They all gather around the dining table, sharing stories of their day and enjoying the meal prepared by Tamara and Noah.*
Noah- (Asking Tamara quietly) What is it with the Agent Birth Control?
Tamara- I'll tell you later
*Tim notices Tamara's hesitation and decides to bring up the topic of the previous night's events.*
Tim- So, Tamara, care to share what happened last night? I couldn't help but notice you were up late. (He wants Tamara to do it, to tell Lucy about last night)
Tamara- Fine. We were drinking at the party, and then we decided to come back here because it was closer.
Lucy- (concerned) I'm glad you decided to come here last night and not drive, but, Tamara, you're only 18 years old. You're legally not allowed to drink, especially at parties. It's just not safe. If you want to try it, do it here where it's safe. We care about you, and we want you to be responsible.
Tim- Lucy's right. We just want to make sure you're safe and making good choices.
Tamara- Yeah, I get it. It won't happen again.
Tim- I don't want you to feel bad or anything. I just don't want you to do the same thing I did. I did, let's say, not so good things when I was younger. And I just want to make sure you don't do the same.
Lucy - (curious) What kind of things, Tim?
Tim- Well, let's just say I wasn't always the responsible person you know today. But that's a story for another time.
*They continue with dinner, and the atmosphere lightens up as they share stories and enjoy each other's company. When they finished Tim and Lucy got up do do the dishes. Tamara and Noah head to the couch.*
Lucy- (smiling) Thanks for being on my side back there.
Tim- Always, Lucy. We're a team
Lucy- (laughs) Team responsible parenting.
*They finish up in the kitchen and join Tamara and Noah in the living room.*
Tim: Alright, guys, what movie are we watching tonight?
Tamara- Please, not another documentary.
Lucy. How about a classic comedy? Something to lighten the mood.
Noah- Sounds good to me.
*They settle in for a cozy night, enjoying each other's company, and sharing laughter as they watch a lighthearted movie together. The movie is over {9.00PM} Tim and Lucy decide to go to bed*
Tamara- You guys go ahead. Noah and I might stay up a bit longer.
Lucy- Alright, but don't stay up too late, you have school tomorrow
Tim- We trust you two. Goodnight
*Tim and Lucy head to their room, leaving Tamara and Noah in the living room.*
Noah- Your "dad"(didn't know hot to call it) is cool, though. I like him.
Tamara- Yeah, he's not so bad. Just a bit too protective sometimes.
Noah- Nothing wrong with that. Shows he cares.
Tamara- when you first met him, he scared you
Noah- I know but I have got to know him and he's nice.

With Lucy and Tim
Lucy- (grinning) Well, spill the beans, Sargent Bradford. What kind of trouble did you get into when you were younger?
Tim- Oh, you know, the usual teenage rebellion. Sneaking out, attending wild parties, and maybe a bit of more, let's say, daring mischief.
Lucy- Daring mischief? Now, I'm intrigued. Share the details.
Tim- (chuckling) Let's just say I had a thing for graffiti. Some buddies and I thought it would be fantastic to showcase our artistic talents on the streets. The city, however, wasn't too thrilled when they discovered our masterpiece.
Lucy - (laughing) You were a teenage graffiti artist? That's unexpected.
Tim- Guilty as charged. It was all about expressing ourselves, you know?
Lucy- Tim Bradford, the rebellious artist. Who would've thought?
Tim- Well, people change. I swapped the spray cans for a badge, and now I find myself keeping the younger generation on the straight and narrow.
Lucy- (grinning) Looks like you've had your fair share of adventures. Any other secrets hidden up your sleeve?
Tim- (leaning in) Plenty of secrets, Lucy, but those will have to remain locked away for now.
Lucy- (leaning in too) All right, Sargent Bradford.
*They kiss and make out a little before going to sleep.*

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