Part 36

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*They shared a quiet, heartfelt moment, their love for each other filling the room. After finishing their breakfast, they cleaned up together. Just as they were finishing, the doorbell rang.*
Tim- That must be Genny with Kojo.
*Lucy nodded, and Tim went to answer the door. Genny stood there with a wide grin, holding onto the leash of their energetic dog.*
Genny- Morning! Here's your furball. I hope you two had a good night.
*Tim felt his cheeks flush slightly, remembering the previous night when Genny had walked in on him and Lucy making out. He hadn't been wearing a shirt, and his sweatpants hadn't done a good job hiding his arousal. The memory made the situation feel uncomfortable.*
Tim- Uh, yeah. We did, thanks.
*Genny's grin faltered slightly as she avoided eye contact, clearly recalling the same awkward moment.*
Genny- Good to hear. Well, I'll leave you two to it. Have a great day!
*She handed the leash to Tim, gave a quick wave, and hurried back to her car. Tim closed the door and turned back to Lucy, who was trying to stifle a laugh.*
Lucy- That was...something.
Tim- Yeah, I think she's probably traumatized.
*Lucy chuckled and moved closer, giving Tim a reassuring hug.*
Lucy- It's not like it was our fault. Besides, she'll get over it.
*Lucy nodded knowingly, a playful glint in her eye as she hugged Tim.*
Lucy- Yeah, I'm sure this isn't the first time someone caught you in a compromising situation.
*Tim's cheeks flushed a bit deeper at Lucy's remark, but he couldn't help but chuckle in agreement.*
Tim- You're right. It's happened a few times.
*Lucy raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued.*
Lucy- Really? Do tell.
Tim- No, the only thing I'll tell you is that I was a 13-year-old boy driven by hormones, when my sister had to witness things for the first time.
*Lucy couldn't help but burst into laughter, covering her mouth to stifle the sound.*
Lucy- Why are you so embarrassed about last night, then? Your sister has already seen everything!
*Tim's cheeks flushed even more, and he shrugged with a shy smile.*
Tim- That was a long time ago, Lucy. Things have... changed or grown since then.
*Lucy laughed even harder, doubling over as she tried to catch her breath. When she finally calmed down, she gave Tim a mischievous look.*
Tim- Okay, enough about me. Your turn. But just to be clear, if it's about you with... someone else, I don't want to know.
Lucy- Tim, I wouldn't...
Tim- I know. Sorry, I just... I guess I don't need to know everything.
Lucy- Fair enough. Alright, here's a good one then. So, back in college...
*Tim leaned in, curious to hear Lucy's story.*
Lucy- I was in my dorm room, and my roommate was supposed to be out for a while. I took advantage of the empty room and... well, things were getting pretty heated, let's just say that.
*Tim chuckled, his cheeks flushing slightly.*
Tim- And then what happened?
Lucy- Just as I getting into it, I heard the doorknob jiggling. Turns out, she forgot her phone and decided to come back early. The door swung open, and there I was, caught red-handed.
*Tim burst out laughing, shaking his head in disbelief.*
Tim- No way! What did she say?
Lucy- She was shocked, to say the least. I scrambled to cover up and we laugh it off, but it was definitely embarrassing at the time.
*Tim grinned, pulling Lucy closer.*
Tim- That's quite a story. I can't believe you're telling me this.
Lucy- Well, you did ask.
*Tim grinned, his eyes sparkling with amusement.*
Tim- Hasn't she already seen everything before?
*Lucy chuckled, shaking her head as she recalled the awkward moment.*
Lucy- Well, changing in front of someone is one thing, but laying there with legs wide open; that was... a whole different level of exposure.
*Tim burst into laughter again, his shoulders shaking with mirth.*
Tim- That must have been quite the surprise for her.
*Lucy nodded, smiling at the memory now that enough time had passed.*
Lucy- Oh, it definitely was. We both tried to laugh it off afterward, but in the moment, it was mortifying.
*Tim leaned back, still chuckling.*
Tim- I'm glad you trust me enough to share that with me.
*Lucy grinned, feeling closer to Tim after sharing the embarrassing story.*
Lucy- Thanks for not judging me too harshly.
*Tim shook his head, his smile warm and reassuring.*
Tim- Never. We all have our moments. Besides, it just shows you were human, with... needs.
*Lucy rolled her eyes playfully, nudging him with her shoulder.*
Lucy- Oh, please.
*Tim chuckled and hugged her close. Suddenly, Kojo's excited barks interrupted their conversation, reminding them of their furry friend's needs.*
Lucy- Looks like someone needs to go potty.
Tim- Yeah, he's getting impatient. Let's take him out for a walk.
*The sun was shining, and the neighborhood was buzzing with activity as they strolled along the familiar streets. Kojo wagged his tail happily, enjoying the fresh air.*
Lucy- It's such a beautiful day.
Tim- Yeah, it really is.
*As they walked, Tim reached for Lucy's hand, intertwining their fingers as they continued their stroll.
Tim then put his arm around Lucy's waist, drawing her close as they walked. Lucy slipped her hand into the back pocket of Tim's pants, feeling the comforting warmth of his touch.
They enjoyed the peaceful moment, the sun casting a warm glow over everything. After a while, they headed back home, Kojo still energetically leading the way.
Once inside, Lucy went to fill Kojo's water bowl while Tim took put away the leash and settled on the couch.*
Lucy- There you go, buddy.
*Kojo eagerly lapped up the water, and Lucy joined Tim on the couch, sinking into the cushions with a contented sigh. As they settled back onto the couch, Lucy nestled close to Tim, wrapping her arms around him in a warm hug. She buried her face into his neck, taking a deep breath.*
Tim- What are you doing?
*Tim asked with a chuckle, looking down at her with an amused expression. Lucy didn't lift her head, instead, she nuzzled closer.*
Lucy- I've missed your scent. You smell so good. It's comforting, you know?
Tim smiled, tightening his hold on her as he rested his chin on her head.
Tim- Well, I'm glad I can be a source of comfort. I've missed this too, just being close to you.
Lucy- Me too. There's nothing like being in your arms. It feels like home.
*They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the closeness and the warmth of each other's presence. The months apart had been tough, but moments like this made it all worth it.*
Tim- I'm really proud of you. You've worked so hard.
Lucy- Thank you.
*Tim pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, feeling a sense of peace wash over him.*
Lucy- I love you, Tim.
Tim- I love you too, Sunshine.
*They lingered in their embrace for a few more moments, savoring the closeness. Finally, Lucy pulled back slightly, looking up at him with a bright smile.*
Lucy- Hey, how about we meet up with our friends for lunch? It would be nice to catch up with everyone.
*Tim sighed, a playful pout on his lips.*
Tim- Do we have to? I'd rather just stay here, holding you and do nothing.
*Lucy laughed softly, giving him a gentle nudge.*
Lucy- I know, but I really want to see everyone. Besides, we left your birthday party pretty early yesterday.
*Tim rolled his eyes good-naturedly.*
Tim- True, but that was for a good reason and totally worth it.
*Lucy grinned, leaning in to give him a quick kiss.*
Lucy- It was. But let's make up for it by spending some time with our friends today. It'll be fun, I promise.
*Tim sighed dramatically, but his eyes were full of affection.*
Tim- Alright. You've convinced me. Let's go.
*Lucy beamed, her excitement contagious. They both got up from the couch, preparing to head out to the food trucks, where they always spend their lunch break, when working.*
Smitty- There they are! The lovebirds!
*Lucy and Tim exchanged amused glances, then made their way over to the group. After exchanging hugs and greetings, they all lined up to order their food.
They all found a spot to sit together, the group settling into their usual rhythm of conversation and laughter.
John- So, how was the rest of your birthday, Tim?
*Tim shot a quick look at Lucy, a playful smile tugging at his lips.*
Tim- It was great, thanks. We had a really nice time.
Nyla- (teasingly) Tim, you're surprisingly less grumpy when Lucy's around. What's your secret?
Tim- There is no secret. She's just being herself.
Nyla- (playfully rolling her eyes) Right, right. I'll have to take notes.
Tim- You should. Maybe then you wouldn't be such a pain to be around.
Nyla- (mock gasping) Excuse me? I provide endless entertainment, thank you very much.
Tim- (chuckling) I know it's hard to tell but there is a difference. Entertaining is the act of providing amusement or enjoyment. You— You are just annoying. 
*Angela chuckled, shaking her head.*
Angela- (to Nyla) You started it.
*At the same time, Lucy nudged Tim's side, giving him a mock stern look.*
Lucy- Tim, stop being so rude.
Tim- She started it.
*Lucy gave him a look.*
Tim- Alright, alright. I'll behave.
*Aaron suddenly burst out laughing, drawing everyone's attention.*
Celina- What's so funny?
Aaron- It's just hilarious seeing bad ass, 6 foot something Tim Bradford getting scolded by his girlfriend, who's by the way almost a foot shorter than him.
Angela- I don't get what's so funny about it. I mean I scold Wesley all the time.
Aaron- I know but just imagine they were standing.
*The group erupted in laughter again, and Tim playfully rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around Lucy's shoulders.*
Tim- What can I say? She keeps me in line.
*Lucy smiled up at him, the affection between them evident.*
Lucy- Someone's gotta do it.
*She whispered to him. Tim grinned, leaning down to whisper back.*
Tim- Yeah, you're right, and I'm glad it's you
*Tim leaned down and gave Lucy a quick peck on the cheek. Lucy blushed, but her smile was wide and happy. The group continued to chat and laugh, sharing stories and enjoying each other's company.
Eventually, the time came for everyone to head back to work. They stood up, gathering their things and exchanging a few more hugs.*
John- Alright, back to the grind. See you guys later.
*The group slowly disappeared as they made their way back to their sops. Tim and Lucy lingered a bit longer.*
Lucy- Tim, before we head back, can we stop by the station really quick? I want to see Grey.
Tim- Of course. Let's go.
*Once they arrived at the station, Lucy felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. She hadn't seen Sergeant Grey in a while, and she was eager to catch up.
Inside the station, they made their way to Grey's office. Tim knocked on the door, and Grey's familiar voice called out from inside.*
Grey- Come in!
*Tim opened the door and stepped aside to let Lucy enter first.**
Grey- Chen! It's good to see you.
*Lucy smiled warmly as she walked over to Grey's desk.*
Lucy- It's good to see you too, sir. How have you been?
Grey- Busy as always, but things are going well. How about you? How's training going?
Lucy- Training has been intense but incredibly rewarding. I've learned so much and pushed myself in ways I never imagined.
Grey- That's fantastic to hear. I had no doubt you'd excel. You're a natural.
Lucy- Thank you, sir.
*They continued chatting for a bit, catching up on the latest news from the station and sharing stories from Lucy's training. And before they left Tim, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke up.*
Tim- Actually, Sir, I was wondering if I could take a week off. I want to spend some time with Lucy before she has to go back.
Grey- Hmm. I can't give you the whole day off tomorrow because we need you in, but we might be able to work something out if you can work half a day. The other six days should be fine.
Tim- That works for me. Thank you, sir.
Grey- Alright. Enjoy your time together.
*They left Grey's office. As they walked out of the station, hand in hand, Tim couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and happiness.*
Lucy- You know, you didn't have to to that.
*Tim glanced down at her, his expression softening.*
Tim- I know, but I wanted to. We don't get much time together with you being away for training. These next few days are important to me.
*Lucy squeezed his hand, a grateful smile on her face.*
Lucy- Thank you. It means a lot to me.
Tim- Anything for you, Sunshine. Now, how about we make the most of the time we have?
*Lucy nodded, her excitement evident.*
Tim- What do you have in mind?
*Lucy looked up at him, her eyes filled with sincerity.*
Lucy- Honestly, I don't want to do anything. I just want to go home and do nothing. Everything I want is, to see you, to smell you, to hold you, and to feel you. Nothing else, I just want you.
*Tim's heart swelled with emotion. He pulled her into a tight embrace, resting his chin on top of her head.*
Tim- Then that's exactly what we'll do. Let's go home.
*They headed back to Tim's place, the comfort of being together outweighing any other plans they could have made. As they laid down on the couch, Tim's hands moved to unclasp her bra and stroke her back, his touch comforting and reassuring. For a while, they simply basked in the warmth of each other's embrace. But then, Tim's movements paused, his hands resting lightly on her back.
Lucy, feeling the absence of his gentle strokes, shifted slightly in his arms, a playful glint in her eyes. With a mischievous smile, she started making small, subtle movements, almost like a gentle nudge, encouraging Tim to resume his comforting touch.
Tim, noticing Lucy's playful antics, couldn't help but chuckle softly. He understood her silent request and obliged, his hands starting to move once again, tracing soothing patterns along her back. Lucy let out a contented sigh, reveling in the sensation of his touch, feeling a sense of calm wash over her.
They lay there for a while, enjoying the peaceful intimacy. Eventually, Tim broke the silence with a soft voice, curiosity in his tone.*
Tim- So, what have you missed the most while you were away?
*Lucy looked up at him, her eyes thoughtful as she considered his question.*
Lucy- Honestly? It's the little things. Like this—just being close to you, feeling your touch. And of course, you're cooking.
*Tim chuckled, his chest vibrating against her cheek.*
Tim- My cooking, huh? I guess I better whip up something special for dinner then.
*Lucy smiled, snuggling closer.*
Lucy- I'd like that.
*Tim's hands continued their soothing patterns on her back, the room filled with a comfortable silence, the two of them savoring the moment and each other's presence.*
Lucy- I feel bad.
*he pauses his soothing strokes.*
Tim- Why? What's wrong?
Lucy- I still haven't met up with Tamara. I promised her we'd hang out when I visit.
Tim- Don't worry about it. How about this—we go over to your place tonight and have dinner together? That way, you two can catch up. And, you and Tamara can do something tomorrow while I'm at work.
*Lucy brightens up, the worry lifting from her face.*
Lucy- That sounds perfect. Thank you, Tim. I was really starting to feel guilty.
*Lucy reaches for her phone to text Tamara, but Tim gently stops her hand.*
Tim- Hold on. How about we make it a surprise? I'll text her that I need to talk to her about something important. That way, she doesn't get a heart attack when she walks in and sees us there.
Lucy- I love that idea.
Tim- I'll handle it.
*Tim takes out his phone and quickly sends a text to Tamara.*

Tim's Text: "Hey Tam, I need to talk. Can we meet at your place tonight around seven? It's important."

Lucy- You really are full of good ideas today.
Tim- What can I say? I'm on a roll. Now, let's get everything ready for tonight.

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