Part 20

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*They talk a while and fall asleep. Tim's arms provided a sense of security, and Lucy felt a profound closeness as they shared thoughts, dreams, and memories. Eventually, the weight of the day, combined with the soothing atmosphere, led them both into the arms of slumber. In morning the alarm signaling the beginning of a new day. Lucy stirred, feeling the comfort of Tim's arms still around her. She gently opened her eyes. Tim, still lost in dreams, shifted slightly, his grip on Lucy tightening instinctively.*
Tim- hhhm
Lucy- good morning
Tim- good morning babe (in his morning voice)
*Lucy immediately gets butterflies*
Lucy- we have to get up
Tim- just 10 more minutes
Lucy- I can't
Tim- pleeeeeease
Lucy- 5 minutes
*he pulls her back to bed and kisses her*
Tim- mhm (yes)
*they cuddle for a bit and then Lucy gets up. They both get ready for the day and while she's putting on her makeup Tim prepares breakfast for them. They eat and head to the station. It was a quiet day and there weren't that many calls. Lucy goes to Tim's Office and knocks*
Tim- come in
*he looks up and sees her. His bored face expression turned directly into a smile when he saw her.*
Tim- how are you?
Lucy- good. I'm going to pick up Tamara for lunch and I wanted to ask you if you'd like to join us
Tim- sure
*They drive to Tamaras school. Noah has walked her out and waited with her outside until she got picket up and when she got into the car he turned around to go back.*
Tim- Doesn't he want to come?
Tamara- I haven't asked him. I thought you wouldn'd like that.
*Tim rolls his window down*
Tim- Would you like to join us?
*Noah looks confuses*
Noah- ahh
Tim- get in
*Noah gets in the car*
Lucy- where would you like to eat
Tamara- Can we please go to the Olive Garden, I've been craving it for days.
Tim- sure
*they drive to the restaurant and order their food. They chat over lunch and talk about the last two days where they haven't seen each other. When they had finished, they stayed seated and continued talking.*
Tamara- I'll be right back (wants to go to the restroom)
Noah- okay
Lucy- wait for me
*they go to the restroom and Lucy looks at Tamara*
Tamara- what?
Lucy- how was it?
Tamara- We stuck to only making out
*Lucy started smiling a little*
Tamara- I didn't feel ready to take that step yet
Lucy- That's completely okay, Tamara. It's important to go at your own pace and only when you feel ready. Communication is key in these situations.
Tamara- Yeah, I just didn't want things to get awkward between us.
Lucy- Trust me, nothing has to be awkward. You guys have been together for almost two years now and I'm sure he'll support you, no matter what decisions you make. It's about what feels right for you.
Tamara- Thanks
Lucy - Of course. And remember, there's no rush.
{10 minutes after they left the table}
Tim- Do you know why they take so long?
Noah- I have no idea. (He knew)
*a few minutes pass by and they finally came back to the table. They paid and got into the car. They brought Tamara and Noah back to school and made their way to the station*
Tim- What took you two so long in the restroom at the restaurant?
*Lucy raised her eyebrows and looked at him.
Lucy- ahhhhh.... we- we ahmm...girls stuff
Tim- girls stuff?
Lucy- girls stuff
*Tim starts to smile. He doesn't belive she's  telling the truth and knows that he'll never find out, so he just lets it go.*
Lucy- why are you smiling?
Tim- me?
Lucy- yes you
Tim- ... I'm just thinking about last night (says it just to annoy her)
Lucy- stop it
*Lucy rolls her eyes and tries to suppress her laughter*
Tim- I didn't do anything. I was just thinking
*he grins. They arrive at the station and have to take different paths. They get out of the car and hug.*
Lucy- see you later
Tim- bye see you later
*they separate*
Tim- stay safe
Lucy- I will, stay safe too
Tim- I will
*The hours passed very quickly and before they knew it, the shift was over. Lucy went to Tim's office. (He wasn't there. He left right after the shift ended to bring Lucy some flowers and her favorite chocolate). Lucy went to the car to see if he might be there and yes, he was there. Lucy went to see him and only then noticed the gift*
Tim- hey sweetie
Lucy- hello sweetheart
*He gives her the flowers and the chocolate*
Lucy- what is this for?
Tim- Just because
Lucy- thank you
*She hugs him*
Tim- Ready to go home?
Lucy- yes
Tim- We have to make a stopover at my place because Genny dropped Kojo off today and we have to take care of him.
Lucy- I get to see my baby again (excited)
Tim- ouch
*tim starts laughing and then she laughs too. They arrive at his house and take Kojo out for a walk before feeding him. After that they take a seat on the couch and are leaned against each other.*
Tim- do you want to stay here tonight
Lucy- yes I don't want to get up anymore
*Tim orders sushi for them without Lucy knowing. He then wrapped his arm around her and they just sat there*
Lucy- can I ask you something?
Tim- sure
*she slips her hand under his shirt and strokes his belly*
Lucy- What was your first thought when we met for the first time?
Tim- In the roll call room when Grey told me I was getting the hot shot as a boot?
*he looked at her and smiled*
Lucy- Well, we met there for the first time, so yeah
Tim- When I first saw you in that roll call room, I couldn't believe my luck. I mean, Grey announcing I was getting you as a boot? That was something else. But honestly, my mind went blank for a moment when I saw you. You were confident, but there was something approachable about you.
*Lucy continues to stroke his belly, and Tim's smile widens.*
Tim- I knew right then that you were different. When we first rode together, I felt this mix of nerves and excitement. I wanted to impress you, but at the same time, I just enjoyed being around you (Forget about the Timtests). And as we spent more time together, I realized you were not just someone I wanted to impress; you were someone I wanted to be with. I wanted to share my life with you, grow old with you, and, yeah, maybe even have kids with you.
*Lucy looks up at him with a smile, and Tim continues*
Tim- So, my first thoughts were a bit of awe, a dash of nerves, and a whole lot of wanting to get to know you better. And, I must say, it turned out to be the best decision I ever made.
*They share a moment of connection, the depth of their feelings unspoken but felt. She looked up at him and smiled*
Tim- what were your thoughts?
Lucy- Well, when we first met, I remember thinking you were this confident and somewhat mysterious guy. But it was when we started working together that I realized there was so much more to you. The first time we rode together, I felt this undeniable connection, like we just clicked. And, I'll admit, I was a bit nervous too, but in a good way. I remember thinking, "This is someone I want to get to know better, someone I want in my life."
*Tim smiles, listening intently.*
Lucy- As time went on, I discovered your kindness, your sense of humor, and the way you care about people. It's those little things you do that make me fall even more in love with you every day. So, my exact thoughts? Probably a mix of curiosity, excitement, and a feeling that something special was beginning.
*Tim looks at her, his smile growing.*
Tim- I'm glad we took that journey together, Lucy. Every day with you has been special.
*Lucy pauses for a moment, her fingers tracing absent-minded patterns on Tim's belly. *
Lucy- Kids, huh?
*Tim looks at her, a mixture of anticipation and a touch of nervousness in his eyes. Lucy smiles softly.*
Lucy- You know, when you mentioned wanting to have kids with me, it made me happy. The idea of creating a family with you, Tim, it's something I've thought about too.
*She looks up at him with a tender expression*
Lucy-  I can see us being great parents together.
*Tim's face lights up with relief and joy.*
Tim- You really think so?
Lucy- Absolutely. But, let's not rush things. We have time for that. For now, I'm just grateful for every moment we have together.
*They share a warm smile, the prospect of a future together adding another layer to their already profound connection.*
{they talked for like one hour}
Lucy- can we get some food, I'm hungry
Tim- The food should be here any moment
Lucy- what food?
Tim- I have ordered sushi
Lucy- you know me so well, thank you 
*She tightened the hug. The food arrives and they sit at the table to eat. When they finished they sat down on the couch again and watched top chef.*
Lucy- I love this episode (she rested the series to watch it with Tim)
*They finish the episode and decide to watch an other episode. During that episode things got heated again they started to make out but Kojo wasn't happy about that and interrupted them.*
Tim- bedroom?
Lucy- yes
*they go to his bedroom and continue making out. They took their clothes off (wearing some matching lingerie she knows he likes and boxers) just enjoy the presence of the other person. Their hands and mouths are all over the others body and Tims hand moves to the D.O.D tattoo (Not internationally). Lucy takes his hand and moves it to her boobs not wanting him to pay any attention to it. They continued and then Tim started to go lower. He played with her boobs and kissed them. When he touched her D.O.D tattoo again Lucy grabbed his hand.*
Lucy- please stop doing that
Tim- I'm sorry
*he looked confused (he doesn't know what she means)*
Lucy- you don't know what I mean right?
Tim- no, I don't know. Tell me please
*They sit up and lean against the headboard*
Lucy- You already know the story about the D.O.D tattoo and I don't like when you touch it. I get flashbacks, feel scared and start panicking.
Tim- Lucy, I had no idea. I'm so sorry.
*He looks genuinely concerned, realizing the impact of his actions (not intentionally).*
Lucy- It's not your fault. I should have told you earlier. I thought I could handle it, but it's been harder than I thought.
Tim- We don't have to talk about it if you're not comfortable. I didn't mean to trigger anything.
Lucy- No, we should talk about it. I trust you, Tim. It's just... that tattoo is a reminder of a really dark time in my life. Every touch on it brings back memories, and my mind goes back to a place I'd rather forget.
*Tim puts his arm around Lucy, offering comfort.*
Tim- I'm here for you, Lucy. Always. If there's anything I can do to help or if you just need someone to listen, I'm here.
*Lucy leans into him, appreciating the support.*
Lucy- Thank you
Tim- do you want to tell me what happened?
Lucy- you've read the report
Tim- no I haven't. I wanted to read it but I didn't. I it's personal and I didn't want to cross that line
*Tim grabs a blanket and covers both of them (he notices Lucy is cold). Lucy appreciates him respecting her privacy and not reading the file*
Lucy- Celeb and I met at the bar for a drink. We had fun and he put something in my drink. A few moments later, whatever he had put in it started to take effect and on the way back he took my cell phone. I don't remember how he managed to take it from me. We made out a bit and he convinced me to go with him. He took me to his car and put me in the trunk. I couldn't fight back, and the next thing I remember, I was lying on the table. He had just finished tattooing me when I woke up. He tied my hands together and my legs to the table and then...then he raped me. There was a clock on the wall and I saw that he had been doing it for 3 hours. I screamed and cried in pain and he...he continued. After that he tied me to a chair and I managed to free myself but I was still dazed from the stuff he put in me so I couldn't fight properly. He made me dig the hole he buried me in and I got in the barrel. The next thing I remember is you holding me in your arms.
Tim- (softly) Lucy, I would never want to hurt you. I care about you more than words can express
Lucy- (smiling through tears) I know, Tim. And I appreciate your understanding.
Tim- (whispering) I still can't help but feel guilty.
*Lucy pulling back to look at him*
Lucy- Tim, listen. What happened wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known. And I don't blame you for anything.
*They share a quiet moment, just holding onto each other.*
Tim- Your tattoo is a symbol of your strength, Lucy. And technically it was something like our first kiss.  But now, what makes it even more special is that it's like your second birthday.
*Lucy looks up at him with gratitude, appreciating his comforting words. As Tim wipes away another tear, Lucy finds herself starting to see her tattoo in a new light.*
Lucy- You know, maybe you're right. Maybe it is a symbol of strength. I've never thought of it that way before.
*Tim smiles, relieved that his words are bringing some comfort*
Tim- You're strong, Lucy. Stronger than you give yourself credit for.
Lucy- Thank you, Tim. Sometimes, it helps just having you here, understanding and caring.
*They remain in the embrace, finding solace in each other's presence. *
Lucy- Technically you still haven't asked me if I want to be your girlfriend
Tim- okay
*he turns to her so they are facing each other (still wearing only the matching lingerie she knows he likes and his boxers) and the blanket slides down*
Tim- Lucy Chen do you want to be my girlfriend?
Lucy- I don't know
*she starts giggling and Tim looks at her, his eyes filled with love*
Lucy- yes Tim, yes I want to be your girlfriend.
*He pulls her in for a kiss*
Lucy- so impatient Timothy Bradford?
*she knows he hates being called Timothy and giggles. they both laugh. They then fall asleep and wake up again by the sound of the alarm clock*
Lucy- good morning
Tim- good morning babe
Lucy- I'm already looking forward to tonight
Tim- why, what's tonight
Lucy- nothing it's just our day off Timothy (Wants to provoke him)
*Tim acts a little angry bc she called him Timothy again but he secretly likes being called like that but only by her.*
Tim- If you don't stop calling me that I'll make you scream my name so everybody in this neighborhood knows who you're with.
Lucy- you'd never do that Timothy
*Tim just sits there staring at her*
Tim- You do realize what's in store for you, right?
*raising his eyebrows he rolls on top of Lucy and presses her into the mattress while kissing her. They fill the room with their laughter*
Lucy- Okay i'll stop calling you like that for now.
Tim- that's not good enough
Lucy- Be content with what you have.
Tim- fine
*they laugh again*
Lucy- we have to get up
Tim- I know
*they get ready and while Lucy does her makeup Tim takes care of Kojo. On their way to the Station they get coffee and breakfast.*
Lucy- bye
Tim- see you later
*they hug in front of the car before entering the station and Tim kisses her head*
Tim- stay safe out there
Lucy- only if you do so
Tim- I will
*they separate and enter the station. Throughout the day, Lucy and Tim go about their respective duties at the police station, each handling their tasks with professionalism. Despite the demands of their jobs, they exchange glances and subtle smiles whenever they find a moment together in between assignments. As the day progresses, Lucy receives a surprise delivery at the station a small bouquet of flowers from Tim. A simple note attached reads, "Just because it isn't our day off yet, doesn't mean I can't make it special." Lucy can't help but blush, and the gesture brightens her day. After work, they decide to spend their time doing something they both enjoy. They head to a nearby park for a picnic. Lucy unpacks a basket filled with their favorite snacks, and they sit on a blanket, enjoying the last rays of sunshine and each other's company.
As the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the park, Tim takes Lucy's hand.*
Tim- This has been a perfect day
Lucy - (smiling) Absolutely. Thank you for the flowers, by the way. They made my day.
Tim - Anything for you
*They share a quiet moment, appreciating the simplicity of being together. The evening sky transforms into shades of pink and orange as they pack up and head back home.
Back at Lucy's apartment, they decide to order takeout from their favorite local restaurant. The evening is filled with laughter, shared stories, and the comforting presence of each other. As the night settles in, Lucy looks at Tim with a content smile.*
Lucy- You know, I'm really glad you asked me to be your girlfriend.
Tim - (smirking) Took me long enough, didn't it?
Lucy - (playfully nudging him) Yeah, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
*They spend the rest of the night cuddled up on the couch, savoring the simple joy of being in each other's arms. The TV plays in the background, but their attention is focused on something else. They can't keep their eyes off each other*

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