Part 28

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*They browse through the movie options, finally settling on a beloved romantic comedy. As the movie starts playing, they all settle in, enjoying the comfort of each other's company and the lighthearted storyline unfolding on the screen. Halfway through the movie, Lucy notices that Tamara has fallen asleep*
Lucy- can you help me
*signing down to Tamara, sleeping leaned on her. Tim carries her to her room*
Lucy- do you want to finish the movie?
Tim- not really
Lucy- good because I don't like it
*They go to their room and lay down on the bed checking their phones to see if they got any important texts. Lucy puts her phone down and turns to Tim. She draws small patterns with her finger on his chest ant then stops. She looks up at him. He's excepting a kiss but she goes for the spot behind his ear and then continues drawing with her finger on his chest, acting like nothing happened.*
Tim- you sure know what you're doing
Lucy- I'm not doing anything
*Tim has put his phone down and they where just laying there, Lucys hand caresses his chest and slowly wanders down to his lower abd0men and plays with the waistband of his sweatpants. She moves her hands back to his v-l!n€ and up to his chest before sliding it back down and playing with the waistband of his b0xers this time. Her hand goes back to his chest and she stopped her movements. Her hand is just resting on his chest now.*
Tim- (Whispering) alright.
*He turns to her and does the same. He strokes her stomach, runs his fingers to her breasts, then to her waist and down, runs his fingers between her thighs before placing his hand on the back of her neck. As he does so, they look into each other's eyes, never once breaking eye contact.*
Lucy- You're mean
Tim- I'm not
Lucy- Then why are you making me wait this long?
Tim- I'm only doing to you what you did to me.
Lucy- I didn't do anything.
Tim- then explain to me why I'm hard
Lucy- I don't know. Maybe you can't control yourself
Tim- yeah you might be right.... And I was thinking it had something to do with the teasing
Lucy- (rolling her eyes) men
*They can't remain serious and burst out laughing*
Tim- (laughing) Yes, they always look for the fault in others.
Lucy- (smirking) Well, at least we can keep them in check.
*As their laughter subsides, Tim glances at Lucy with a sparkle in his eyes.*
Tim- I love you
Lucy- and I love you
*Tim puts his hand around her neck and pulls her in a passionate kiss. They take their clothes off and after a few minutes Lucy breaks the kiss. After breaking the kiss, Lucy looks into Tim's eyes with a thoughtful expression.*
Lucy- You know, sometimes I wonder about the future. About us.
*Tim, sensing the depth of her thoughts, nods and gives her a reassuring squeeze*
Tim- Yeah, me too. What's on your mind?
Lucy- I don't know. Everything, it's sometimes just to much
*Tim listens attentively, understanding the weight of Lucy's words. He gently strokes her hair as she continues.*
Lucy- It's not that I doubt us or our relationship. It's just... life, you know? The uncertainties, the changes. I love you, Tim, more than anything. I just sometimes get overwhelmed thinking about what lies ahead.
*Tim nods in empathy, his thumb softly tracing circles on her back (she's laying on his chest)*
Tim- I get it, Luce. Life can be daunting, especially when we think too much about the future. But, hey, we're in this together. Whatever comes our way, we'll face it together. I love you, and that's not changing.
*They share a quiet moment together before Lucy breaks the silence*
Lucy- (looking up at him) How many children do you actually want to have someday?
Tim- Me?
Lucy- Yes, you.
Tim- As many as you are willing to have
Lucy- (smiling) And what if I'm willing to give you as many as you want?
Tim- (thoughtfully) Well, if it's solely up to me, I would have said four a few years ago, but I think three would be ideal. I like the idea of our little ones sitting in the backseats, looking in the mirror, and seeing them sitting there, creating chaos and laughter. It sounds like a beautiful chaos, doesn't it?
Lucy- (smiling) It does sound beautiful. I can imagine our little ones, laughing and playing, making the backseats their kingdom of joy.
Tim- how many do you want?
Lucy- Well, I've always pictured having two. It feels like a perfect balance to me.
Tim- I can already imagine them teaming up against us, creating their own little adventures.
Lucy- Absolutely! It sounds like a joyful chaos, and I wouldn't have it any other way. But, you know, I think I'd rather not go through the whole pregnancy thing a third time. Two is just the right number for me.
Tim- If you're willing to go trough the whole pregnancy twice as you said then we both get what we want.
*Lucy looks at him with a confused look*
Tim- you know I'm not letting Tamara leave for... a while.
Lucy- you're right. (Serious tone) But you cant tell her what to do. She's 18years old and it's her life.
Tim- I know but I want her to know that she's part of our family
Lucy- our family?
Tim- yes, the beginn of our live as a little family.... I know she's..... she'll maybe move out before we even start trying for kids but it somehow began with her.
*They share a moment of quiet connection, feeling the strength of their bond and the love that surrounds them.*
Lucy- I think I have to disappoint you
Tim- you could never
Lucy- I'm sorry but I'm tired and I don't have the energy to do anything more tonight. I just want to cuddle up and sleep.
* Tim opens his arms, inviting Lucy to snuggle against him. She gladly accepts, finding comfort in the warmth of his embrace. (They're still not wearing anything bc they took of their clothes earlier)*
Tim- You shouldn't apologize for that. If you're not in the mood or whatever, you should never feel compelled to do it. And most importantly you don't need to justify yourself for not doing it. It's your choice what you want to do and what not.
Lucy- you're not mad?
Tim- No, what made you think that?
Lucy- I don't know
Tim- Look, I'm grateful for every moment I get to be with you.
*They share a smile, appreciating each other's understanding. Wrapped in each other's arms, Lucy breaks the comfortable silence.*
Lucy- So if I hadn't said anything, you would have done it?
Tim- maybe
Lucy- Why maybe?
Tim- I noticed your mood has changed and I probably would have figured you're not up for it eventually
Lucy- I'm sorry
Tim- There's no need to apologize, baby. Please don't feel pressured or obligated to do anything you don't want to. Your comfort and happiness are what matter most to me.
Lucy- (sighs) But we are already undressed and everything
Tim- Your comfort comes first, always. Whether we're fully clothed or not, I'll never want you to do anything that doesn't feel right for you.
Lucy- but I started it.
Tim- I appreciate your desire, and I love being intimate with you too. But it's crucial for both of us to be fully comfortable and enthusiastic about it. If you're not feeling up to it, it's okay. We will find other ways to connect and enjoy each other's company.
Lucy- thank you for understanding, Tim. You always know how to make me feel safe and respected.
Tim- It's my priority, Luce. I never want you to doubt that.
Lucy- (curious) Have you ever been intimate even though you didn't feel like it?
Tim- No, I haven't. If I'm not feeling it, I believe it's important to communicate that and respect both our boundaries. Being intimate should always be a mutual decision, and I wouldn't want to engage in it if either of us isn't fully into it.
Lucy- Not even with someone else?
Tim- No, never. Being intimate is something deeply personal and special to me, and I believe it should only happen when both people are fully willing and enthusiastic. I've always valued that level of connection and respect in any relationship.
Tim- Have you ever been intimate even when you didn't feel like it?
Lucy- ...
Tim- (concerned) Was it with me?
Lucy- (shaking her head) No
Tim- Do I know him?
Lucy- ...
Tim- I'm sorry. You don't ...
Lucy- Well you know about Celeb and then there was....
Tim- It's fine you don't have to tell me if you don't want to
Lucy- There also was....C-Chris... he knew I didn't want to, but he insisted....
*He tightens the hug, pulling her closer*
Tim- I'm sorry.
Lucy- It's okay. That's in the past, and I have you now.
*Tim softly kisses the top of Lucy's head, providing comfort*
Tim- May I ask when it happened?
*Lucy takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of relief and vulnerability at Tim's understanding.*
Lucy- It happened a few months ago, before I..he broke up. It's not something I like to dwell on.
Tim- I appreciate your openness, Luce. And I'm glad you feel comfortable discussing these things with me.
Lucy- (smiling) I feel comfortable discussing anything with you, Tim. You're my partner, my confidant, and my best friend.
Tim- (returning her smile) And you're mine. I'm here for you, Luce. You can always talk to me about anything. I love you.
Lucy- I love you too
*They lay in each other's arms, finding solace in the warmth and safety of their shared space, gradually drifting off to sleep.
As the morning light filters through the curtains, Tim stirs awake, his arm still wrapped protectively around Lucy. He smiles softly, feeling grateful for the peaceful moment they shared.*
Tim- Morning, beautiful.
*Lucy's eyes flutter open, greeted by Tim's warm gaze.*
Lucy- Morning, sleepyhead.
*They share a tender smile, savoring the tranquility of the morning*
Tim- What do you want to do before you leave?
Lucy- Hmm, I could go for some pancakes. How about we make breakfast together?
Tim- Sounds like a plan. I'll make the pancakes and you handle the toppings.
*They share a playful grin as they untangle themselves from each other's embrace and make their way to the kitchen. Lucy opens the door and is about to walk out when Tim grabs her arm, pulls her back and closes the door.*
Lucy- what's wrong?
*Tim throws a shirt over her head (the shirt is big enough to cover everything like a short dress)*
Tim- Nothing's wrong. I just thought you might want to put something on before going out to, where Tamara is probably siting.
Lucy- Oh, right.
*She chuckles, appreciating Tim's consideration, and adjusts the shirt before giving him a quick peck on the cheek while he's putting on some pants*
Lucy- Let's go make breakfast before Tamara decides to raid the kitchen without us.
*They share a laugh, heading into the kitchen together to start their day*
Lucy- good morning
Tim- good morning Tam
Tamara- good morning guys
*As they gather in the kitchen, Tim starts preparing the pancake batter while Lucy lays out an assortment of toppings on the counter. Tamara joins them.*
Tamara- So, what's cooking?
Tim- Pancakes! You want to help?
Tamara- I'll grab some plates and utensils.
*They enjoy the breakfast and then Noah knocks on the door.*
Lucy- I'll get it
*Opens the door*
Lucy- hey
Noah- Morning, everyone!
Tamara- Hey, Noah!
Tim- Hello
Noah- Ready to leave?
Tamara- Yeah, just let me grab my bag. Thanks for breakfast, guys.
Noah- Let's not be late, then.
*They exchange quick goodbyes, and Tamara and Noah head out, leaving Tim and Lucy in the kitchen. Tamara then turns around and gives Lucy a big hug*
Tamara- I'll miss you
Lucy- I'll miss you too
*They stay in the hug for a little longer*
Tamara- You'll be great.
Lucy- Thanks, Tam.
*With one final squeeze, Tamara releases Lucy and heads out with Noah. Lucy watches them go with a fond smile before turning back to Tim*
Lucy- promise me to watch out for her while I'm gone
*Tim walks over to Lucy and cups her face, gently guiding her gaze to meet his.*
Tim- I promise I'll watch out for her, Lucy. You can count on me.
*Lucy's eyes soften with gratitude as she nods, reassured by his sincerity*
Lucy- Thank you, Tim. That means a lot to me.
*He pulls her into a quick hug, enveloping her in a comforting embrace.*
Tim- It's fine, baby.
*They share a tender moment before getting to work cleaning up the kitchen. Tim takes charge of the dishes while Lucy wipes down the counters and tidies up. When she finished she walked over to him and hugged him from behind, planting little kisses on his back. Her hands startet wandering up and down his torso. Lucy's affectionate gestures bring a smile to Tim's face as he feels her kisses on his back. Sensing her desire for intimacy, he pauses his task and turns around to face her, meeting her gaze with warmth and affection.*
Tim- This can wait.
*He leans down to meet her eye level, his hands gently caressing her arms.*
Tim- I'll do them later.
*Lucy's eyes sparkle with gratitude as her fingers slip into the waistband of Tim's sweatpants, pulling him closer, he feels a surge of desire mingled with affection. He deepens the kiss, savoring the connection between them as they lose themselves in the moment. Their embrace becomes more passionate, their bodies pressing closer together, igniting a fire of longing and love between them.
After a blissful moment, Tim reluctantly breaks the kiss, his eyes locking with Lucy's as they share a breathless moment of understanding and adoration.*
Tim- I love you, Lucy.
*Lucy's heart swells with affection as she gazes back at Tim, her voice barely above a whisper.*
Lucy- I love you too, Tim.
*Their shared moment of passion leaves them both breathless, their hearts beating in sync as they revel in the intensity of their connection. Tim's declaration of love fills Lucy with a sense of warmth and security, knowing that she is cherished and adored by the man she loves.
As they gaze into each other's eyes, their love for one another radiates between them, filling the room with an undeniable energy. In that moment, they are completely lost in each other, their souls intertwined in a bond that transcends words.
With a soft smile, Tim gently brushes a stray lock of hair from Lucy's face, his touch tender and affectionate. They stand together, lost in the depth of their emotions, knowing that no matter what challenges they may face, their love will always guide them through.*
Tim- Do you want to take this further?
Lucy- mhmm
*Their passion intensifies as Tim gently lifts Lucy off the counter and carries her to the bedroom. With each step, their desire for each other grows stronger, fueled by the deep love and connection they share. As they enter the bedroom, Tim lays Lucy down on the bed, their bodies entwined in a passionate embrace.*
Tim- Are you sure about this?
Lucy- Yes, Tim. I want this.
Tim- alright when do you have to leave?
Lucy- 11.30 AM, why?
{It's 7.00AM}
Tim- that's enough time
Lucy- that's more than 4 hours
Tim- yes and it's just enough time for this
*Tim and Lucy are deeply engaged in a moment of intimacy, their bodies intertwined as they explore each other with passion and tenderness. They share heated kisses, their lips moving fervently against each other's, conveying their desire and affection. Tim's hands roam over Lucy's body, tracing every curve and eliciting soft moans of pleasure from her. Lucy reciprocates with equal fervor, her fingers tangling in Tim's hair as she pulls him closer. As their passion continues to escalate, Tim's mind flickers with a thought. He gently pulls away from Lucy, his eyes locking with hers*

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